Saturday, June 18, 2022


Well, we got there. We limped across the finish line of yet another school year. I really did feel like a lame racehorse at the end of it all, though. This year seemed especially long and onerous, and I am ready to put it behind me.

Remember that kid with overdue books from January who simply would not respond to my requests to resolve his account or even come and talk to me? He finally did send me an e-mail of apology, though I suspect it wasn't entirely of his own free will, and then did he turn in or pay for his books? NO! Nor did the girl whose book was due in March, or several of the others. By the time we closed I still had 12 students and 6 faculty members with overdue or lost stuff. Some of that will undoubtedly come back in the fall. In any case, those kids are cut off until they take care of the problem.

Yesterday we had a luncheon recognizing departing staff and faculty in the moderately air conditioned gym, and it wasn't as hot and miserable as I feared it would be. (I did indeed wear a t-shirt -- my Joni Mitchell "Hissing of Summer Lawns" album cover shirt, which seemed appropriate, even though that record is more about suburban alienation than the joys of summer.) Afterwards, Dave and I went to a pub and had a couple of drinks with some of his co-workers, and then we came home, and by golly I am steering clear of schoolwork for the next eight weeks or so. 

Hopefully I'll be better able to stay on top of blogging. I know I've slipped in answering my comments and keeping up with blog-reading. I do usually get to comments but sometimes it's a couple days later and by then people have moved on, so maybe now I can be more prompt without that pesky thing called work hanging over me.

Remember the hollyhocks at the tube station? They're really going strong now. This is the plant that I collected and planted seeds from, so if mine survive they should look something like this.

The garden was unfazed by yesterday's heat wave and now it feels pretty pleasant out there -- 68ยบ F (20ยบ C). We're even supposed to get a little rain this afternoon, which would be a nice change. I'm going to sit around and do absolutely nothing.


  1. Wouldn’t it be nice if those teachers could be cut off from the library, as well? The hollyhocks at the station are something else. Wow! Happy summer holiday!

  2. Relief!!

    It will be good to see what the seeds produce.

  3. Eight glorious weeks! I love that you wrote "unfazed" instead of 'unphased' which I see online far too often.
    The hollyhocks are beautiful. Around here they are being cut down, ready to grow again in spring.

  4. I doubt that you are capable of sitting around doing nothing! You will be reading some fairly demanding tome or contemplating the American Civil War or planning a trip to Wales or tickling Olga's tummy or photographing garden stuff like flowers and woodlice. "Summertime and the living is easy..."

  5. I'm more surprised that teachers are among the delinquent library users. Enjoy your summer break. The teachers I know tend to put everything off to the summer -- home maintenance, gardening, then the summer's not long enough to catch up!

  6. Enjoy your summer. It is always fun to go out with colleagues after the last day of school. I know what you mean about checking and writing your blog when you are working. It is not always easy to carve out the time!

  7. Enjoy the eight weeks with Dave and Olga and walks and pints and flowers and such.

  8. I cannot imagine acknowledging an overdue library book, yet not returning it (and paying the fine) or paying for it (if lost). I guess that's just me...

    Enjoy your coming weeks of FREEDOM!! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐ŸŽ‰

  9. Your hollyhock seeds have something to aspire to! Those are beauties. Good companions for your Ghost Foxglove.

  10. Did you silently sing "School's out, school's out, the teachers let the monkeys out" to yourself?
    Relax and enjoy now!

  11. How nice it will be to have all the time to work in the garden, take Olga for walks and explore new places all summer. I'm already looking forward to seeing what you see. Love those hollyhocks.

  12. Enjoy your weeks off. They can fly by so quickly but I realize that you and Dave already know that! Hope you have planned some fun adventures along with some relaxing moments too!

  13. Hooray for your summer break! Enjoy, Steve. You've earned it!

  14. Sit Around And Do Nothing? " I Don't Think So!" Says Olga Girl

    Welcome To Freedom,

  15. We always had a traditional school dinner on school closing. I was one of those who went back in 6 weeks to get ready for the next year.

  16. Waiting for people to return things would drive me batty. Glad you'll have time to relax and do nothing. In retirement I've perfected that to an art form.

  17. Those hollyhocks are gorgeous!!
    I hope you have a great summer.

  18. "Sit around and do nothing", sounds heavenly. Those hollyhocks look great.

  19. I’ve never been a teacher but I imagine it feels pretty sweet to face summer with no students or faculty to deal with.

  20. Some thoughtful bird? planted hollyhock seeds for me years ago. I've always been grateful to who or what did it.Enjoy your summer. You have a beautiful garden to lounge the days away.

  21. Mitchell: We are ridiculously lenient to teachers. Not too long ago I had one turn in a book that was almost two years overdue!

    GZ: Well, they have sprouted, so at least I know they're going to grow. Yes, we'll see what happens!

    River: It's surreal for me to think you're in autumn now!

    YP: Yeah, it's true that there is always something that needs doing!

    Boud: Not only teachers, but some of my fellow librarians!

    Michael: Sometimes during the year I have down time at my desk and I can read blogs and comment from there. But the last month or two of school is just too busy.

    Bob: When you put it like that it sounds fabulous!

    Kelly: This particular student is a piece of work, believe me.

    Wilma: I think they have an ideal environment on the tube platform -- sunny and warm and relatively (but not too) dry.

    Ms Moon: I've been singing the chorus to the Alice Cooper song, actually!

    Robin: I hope I can get out and about a bit, rather than just hanging around the house, but for the moment I'm content to lay low!

    Ellen D: Yes, we do have some adventures planned! Stay tuned!

    Jennifer: It's the best thing about being a school employee, isn't it?!

    Padre: Well, you're right -- Olga has her expectations! (Although she's more in favor now of taking it easy than she used to be!)

    Red: I do go back before the other teachers, actually. My break might not quite be a full eight weeks. (I haven't actually counted!)

    Margaret: But there really is always SOMETHING to do, isn't there?

    Susan: Thank you! Yeah, I don't have as much luck with hollyhocks in our garden, so I'm interested to see whether we get such impressive plants.

    Sharon: Doesn't it? Unfortunately that's not usually what actually happens. LOL

    Ed: It does seem pretty amazing. I think back on my previous working life and how I only had two or three weeks' vacation and it seems hard to imagine.

    Sandra: Apparently hollyhocks are known for re-seeding themselves but we haven't had that experience in our garden! (Not yet, anyway.)

  22. too bad you can't throw the offenders into detention! I'm glad school is over--have a great time relaxing!
