Sunday, July 31, 2022

Brown Grass

All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go, to quote John Denver. I'm not standing outside anyone's door, though. I'm sitting on the couch with Olga snoring next to me. I thought she might get apprehensive when we got out the suitcases but she doesn't seem bothered in the least.

I took her to the cemetery yesterday. It was pretty warm and she wasn't exactly a bundle of energy but we had a leisurely walk through the parched landscape.

Look how dry that grass is!

I gave Olga a drink from one of the spigots. She seemed more excited about lying in the water than drinking it.

Otherwise, it's just been a matter of getting the house ready for someone to stay here. There are lots of little tasks -- washing Olga's pink blanket, for example. I didn't want Warren to have to live with that thing in its typically doggy condition! We also scrubbed the bathroom and the kitchen. I still have to change the bedsheets, but we did at least give the Russians' plants a good drink. (And of course all of ours, too.)

Next stop: Michigan!


  1. Olga has the smilingest face!

    I’m so glad our housekeeper is the one who housesits. I don’t have to clean or do laundry in advance.

    Wishing you a great trip.

  2. "Michigan seems like a dream to me now" Bon voyage!

  3. We're headed there too, albeit in a week from now so I may have to hear about your trip in a couple weeks when I return. Have fun.

  4. You must be on your way now as I read this.
    Back to American soil. Be safe.

  5. Safe travel and a happy trip.

  6. The grass is all brown here too. Safe travels.

  7. Here's hoping you have had an uneventful flight and a safe landing! Looking forward to reading all about your visit!
    Stay cool and mask up when necessary!

  8. Have a wonderful journey. I'm looking forward to blog posts from Michigan!

  9. I bet you are winging your way to Michigan as I'm writing this. Safe Travels.

  10. Olga is so smiley! Hope you have a great and easy trip!

  11. Oh, Olga! That big grin! I love it :)

    Safe travels. I'll wave randomly at the sky today. Be back tomorrow if I don't get arrested. lol

  12. STOP!! Wrong direction! GO BACK!!!

  13. That last photo of Olga is my dose of "happy" for today. 😊 I'm looking forward to visiting Michigan with you (through your posts).

  14. Have a good safe journey, and may everything go smoothly! Travel these days has become much more difficult (I think) and not just because I can't hike down one concourse to another or sleep in a chair for delayed flights, nor travel by car (as driver) for more than 6 hours. I can't wait to see what your visit is like.

  15. I love that last photo of Olga - she's such a happy girl. Hope you have (had) a safe journey!

  16. You probably already in Michigan now closer but still so far from me in Illinois. Hope you have a wonderful time. We are sending some nice weather your way as it as been a bit cooler and sunny lately. Safe travels, Steve!

  17. Bon voyage and have some fun.

  18. Have a good trip to Michigan.

  19. Olga looks happy to have a cool belly. Safe travels.

  20. YP: We're not going to Saginaw, though. :(

    Ed: I'll be interested to hear about yours so we can compare notes!

    GZ: Thank you!

    Bob: Yeah, believe me, if she knew we were leaving she wouldn't be looking like that.

    Ms Moon: Thanks! We are indeed back on the ground and all is well.

    Boud: Thank you!

    Ellen: It's just so strange to see such dry conditions in England.

    Marcia: Thanks! It looks like people are just not doing the masking thing anymore. Very few people on our flight were masked, except for the flight crew.

    Robin: I shall try not to disappoint! :)

    Sharon: Thank you!

    Margaret: She loves water on her belly on a hot day.

    Jenny-O: I hope I don't have to come and break you out of the hoosegow!

    Linda Sue: Never fear! It's not permanent!

    Kelly: Glad you liked the Olga pix. Hopefully Michigan will provide me with equally uplifting blog fodder. :)

    Barbara: Yeah, the travel industry is still definitely struggling with getting back to normal post-Covid.

    Catalyst: Merci!

    Bug: Thank you!

    Andrew: We will try!

    Red: Thanks!

  21. I guess even just by the name, you wouldn't expect a lot of healthy food to be on offer, but it does sound like fun.

  22. I just love Olga's smile! Safe travels!
