Saturday, July 16, 2022

Going Electric

It's a cool and comfortable 57º F as I sit here with the back door open, Olga sprawled on the couch next to me. I'm trying to appreciate every minute of these temperatures because all we've been hearing for several days is warnings about how apocalyptically hot it's going to get. Monday may turn out to be the hottest recorded day in England EVER, with temperatures up to 104º F (40º C).

We canceled Olga's dog walks for Monday and Tuesday. I figure she doesn't need to be out riding around in a van at those temperatures.

Her ear pillow, by the way, has returned. Drat! I guess we'll just wait and see whether it goes away on its own. If not, or if it worsens, she may need surgery. Argh!

I went to the dentist on Thursday for a cleaning. When our Covid lockdowns ended last summer and I went for my first post-pandemic dental cleaning, I remember thinking that it wasn't very thorough -- perfunctory, I called it at the time. Well, I have since changed dentists, and this time I got a hygienist who knew what she was doing. She was very thorough, explaining each step to me, and she said I did have some plaque and tartar buildup -- which isn't surprising, because I really hadn't had a decent cleaning since before Covid.

She also talked me into making some changes in my dental routine. For quite a while now I've had dentists and hygienists telling me to get an electric toothbrush and I've resisted the idea -- it seemed like a ridiculous extravagance when a hand-held brush worked just as well. But this woman finally convinced me that the hand-held brush is, in fact, inferior, so I went out and plunked down the money for an electric Oral-B. I'm also going to use those interdental brushes to clean between teeth. I am GOING TO DO THIS, I swear.

She wants me to come back for another cleaning in about a month just to see how I'm getting on. I feel like I have neglected my teeth over the past several years, Covid and all, so I'm cool with the increased attention.

I am also girding my loins to apply for British citizenship. Dave and I have been meaning to do it for ages and we've been dragging our feet for no good reason. The hard part -- passing the Life in the UK test -- is already done, so really all we need to do is pay a chunk of change and fill out some forms. Once again, I am GOING TO DO THIS. 

(Photos: A shopfront and old sticker on Finchley Road, on Thursday.)


  1. I toy with the idea of an electric toothbrush. Glad you found a good hygienist. Are you able to have dual citizenship? We’re not here in Spain, although we do think about it anyway.

  2. I once mentioned an electric toothbrush to a dentist and he said it wouldn't clean my teeth any better than I'm doing with the regular one. I guess my cleaning routine is good enough. Or it was at the time. I have those interdental brushes too.

  3. I bought an Oral-B electric toothbrush about a month ago. I love it and can recommend it thoroughly. Does take a little longer to clean, but then, manual cleaning is notorious for being about 30 seconds for most people when you are supposed to do it for 2 minutes! My teeth have never felt cleaner (except after a cleaning from the dentist). I use it twice a day, but I still do a manual brush once a day. Not sure why. Electric toothbrush is a bit messier (probably because of the high speed). Get one that tells you when to change quadrant every 30 seconds and lets you know when your 2 minutes is up. Just a few tips - use way less toothpaste than usual, and don't wet the brush first! And lean over the basin! And congrats on being eligible for a British passport. I wish I had done so when I lived in the UK for ten years.

  4. 2022 and you don't use an electric toothbrush. Do you remember putting your tongue over your teeth after a dental clean and feeling how smooth and clean they felt? You get that everyday with an electric brush. I've been using one of some form or the other since early 2000s. They do a really good job.

    Stay cool man. Your heat is unbelievable.

  5. I cannot imagine the coming heatwave. You are just not set up (as a nation) for those temperature extremes. Good luck. That is so odd about Olga's ear.

  6. Ps...Oral B here as well...with the timer. I also use a water pic.

  7. I also wondered if you will have dual citizenship. I think you vote the way I vote so I want you to be able to keep voting in the USA!
    Stay cool!

  8. I tried an electric toothbrush, but didn't like it. I may go back to it and try again. Roger uses it everyday. We each have our own brush to plug into it. I do use those little interdental brushes too, plus a water pik. Still, I get my teeth cleaned every four months by a very detailed oriented hygienist.
    I hope the temps don't go as high as they are predicting. That's way too hot. And I hope Olga's ear issue will get better soon.
    Take care there.

  9. You remind me about my dentist. I think he's forgotten about me as he hasn't reminded me that I should come and see him.

  10. So sorry about Olga's puffy ear, does not diminish her beauty but is worrisome. "Girding Loins" sounds like "battle" when actually it is the best most wonderful opportunity , right there, in your lap of loins.
    We have electric brushes of course, be sure to replace the brush part frequently enough , we buy bulk at Cost co! and of course - flossing, which I rarely do because it annoys me! My teeth are western teeth, wide open spaces, so I don't think that flossing is a big deal. I lie to myself frequently when convenient. Anyway, good on you! Becoming knighted!Do so before the Queen leaves us!!

  11. I hope Olga's ear clears up, pesky thing. Sometimes the vet installs a kind of button to join the surfaces so it doesn't keep happening.

    I've had my oral B for about12 years, and I floss and pick daily. It's good -- no dental work needed for years. I recommend it highly. Saves a lot of woe.

  12. Good for you for taking good care of those teeth. And, congrats on the decision to apply for British citizenship. About 4 years ago, I read some blog posts from someone who did exactly that. She talked about the whole process and although it involves a lot of paperwork, it didn't sound that difficult.

  13. I switched to an electric toothbrush about a year ago. They are so much better! Good luck on the UK citizenship. Can you still keep your American citizenship? I wish I could get a Canadian or a UK citizenship as I am not thrilled how the USA is doing right now!

  14. Good choice on the Oral-B. I also use a Water Pik and my dentist says the combination of the two has helped my dental situation a lot. Envious of you being able to apply for British citizenship.

  15. I, too, can attest to the goodness of an electric toothbrush. I resisted it, but eventually gave in. It's better! Two minutes out of your life each day. Anyway, cleanings are much shorter than before which is good.
    Good for you and Dave for applying for citizenship. If we were younger, we'd be leaving tomorrow.

  16. Three cheers on applying for Brit citizenship. Things are getting worse and worse here, as you know. I know -- not without its challenges there -- but you live there and this will give you a voice. I'm sorry about Olga's ear pillow returning. Sigh.

    My dad used to call his hygenist "The Murderer." But a good one is great. They've been trying to talk me into an electric toothbrush too. I'm getting closer to it...

  17. I believe you said you had some erosion of the enamel at the gumline (hence the small filling earlier) and an electric toothbrush can be helpful in avoiding more erosion on the rest of your teeth, especially if you get the kind that stops if you apply more than the recommended pressure. I don't have one of those but I do have just a regular Oral B electric one, and I buy the soft (or gentle? I forget) heads. They've increased in price dramatically over the last few years but I do find the electric brush is easier on my sensitive teeth and receding gums. On occasion I use my manual toothbrush (if I forget to charge the electric) and can feel the difference.

    Poor Olga! It's probably just the same stuff the vet drained out, filling it up again. I wonder if it will re-absorb over time. Maybe all you need is a followup telephone call (at no charge, I hope). That's what our vet does.

  18. i began using a Sonicare toothbrush when they first came out (80s or 90s) at the urging of my dentist. I also use a "sulcabrush" and floss.

    Poor Olga. I hate that it's come back and trust you'll keep us posted on the situation. Stay hydrated in the heat, but being a Florida guy, you know that...

  19. Poor Olga. I hope she doesn't need surgery. Good hygienists are worth their weight in gold. I have finally found a good dentist and the people who work for him are wonderful. I started using a Pursonic several years ago and I love it. I get my teeth so much cleaner, in part because I brush longer. It turns itself off after two minutes, so I start with one section of my mouth and then turn it back on and move to the next section.


  20. I assume Britain is like the US in that citizenship means you can vote. Definitely worth the while!

  21. Too funny, as of last week, after 22 years of living on a green card in the US, I'm now (also) an American Citizen!I could keep my original (Dutch) citizenship as well, can you keep your yours?

  22. Is there a benefit for taking UK citizenship? Oral B here, too. I found my receding gums stopped receding when I switched. Apparently I am an enthusiastic brusher!

  23. I should probably go the electric toothbrush route too. That's horribly hot! Yuck. I dislike that kind of weather, even with a heat pump. Good for you two for finishing the path toward citizenship.

  24. Mitchell: Yes, we would be dual citizens. The main advantage would be that we could then vote in British elections as well as American ones.

    River: Oh, that's interesting! I've been told over and over that it does a better job with less damage to gums. Maybe you're a better brusher than me.

    David: Thanks for the tips! I do find the electric brush a bit messy, and don't I lose some of the benefit of toothpaste by using less? (Fluoride, for example.) I'm sure I'll get used to it overall.

    Andrew: Yeah, somehow I just never got on the automatic toothbrush wagon.

    Debby: I need to find out if mine has a timer. I don't even know!!

    Ellen D: Yes, we would be dual citizens, voting in both places.

    Robin: I'm not crazy about it so far but I think I just have to get used to it. When I go back for a cleaning in a few weeks I guess I'll find out if I'm doing it right!

    Red: I think a lot of dental practices got derailed by Covid. You may want to give him a call so he can get you back on the schedule!

    Linda Sue: I don't think the ear is a big deal, honestly, it's just something we need to keep an eye on. It doesn't seem to bother her at all. You're right -- citizenship is a positive opportunity, not a negative one!

    Boud: OK, good to know! I don't know why I'm so skeptical about electric toothbrushes. To me they just seem a needless extravagance.

    Michael: Yes, we would be citizens of both countries. The USA does seem to be headed down the wrong path, so it will be good to have a fallback! (Although what happens in the USA tends to affect the rest of the world too.)

    Jim Davis: Maybe one of these days I'll look at a Water Pic as well. Baby steps! LOL

    Allison: It's not the time I object to -- more the device itself. I have always believed a manual brush is "good enough" and my tendency is to stick with the simple over the complex. But this hygienist finally convinced me the electric is better. All of your testimonials seem to say the same!

    Jenny-O: Yeah, that's what the hygienist said. The electric is easier on the gums. The vet said to just keep an eye on Olga's ear swelling for a while and see if it goes away by itself.

    Kelly: I had to look up "Sulcabrush"! I hadn't heard of those! At least in Florida we have air conditioning...

    Janie: Yes, a good dentist is a valuable thing! I am so happy I found this practice.

    Ed: Yes! That's my main motivation for doing it. I'd really like to be able to participate in the democracy!

    James and Brigitta: Yes! I remember reading that post! We will also be dual citizens.

    Sparklingmerlot: The main benefit is being able to vote. But it will also add an extra element of security to our lives here, I think. (Even though we already can remain indefinitely.) I am also an over-enthusiastic brusher, apparently!

    Margaret: I'll let everyone know how the electric brush turns out!

  25. We bought a Phillips Sonicare years ago. I like it fine except that the replacement brushes are ridiculously expensive. Though it did take some getting used to.

  26. I've used an Oral B for years along with flossing. Works fine for me.
    I'm so sorry about Olga's ear- as I recall, Pearl's ear did the same, refilling with fluid regularly.
    Interesting that you and Dave will be citizens of both the US and UK.
