Thursday, September 8, 2022

Fast Food Graffiti and More

Time once again for a roundup of random photos. First, some darkly amusing graffiti I found on Finchley Road yesterday. It does feel that way sometimes, doesn't it? I read an upsetting New York Times story yesterday about how Europe, in a quest to find alternative energy sources, is cutting old-growth forests to burn the wood. This is touted as an environmentally friendly solution, even though burning wood not only destroys valuable ecological habitat but may create more greenhouse gases than burning coal. Argh! One step forward, two steps back.

So, yeah, that graffiti resonated with me.

A neighbor set out this little basin full of stones at the edge of their front garden near the street. I wondered what it was for, but then on the BBC show "Gardener's World," the host suggested putting out water for wildlife during dry spells and recommended just this -- a bowl filled with stones and water. So I guess this is for the foxes and any other critters that wander by.

A bulletin board at school has been covered in this fabric, which caught my eye. It looks vaguely Eastern European, I think.

On our recent walk at the cemetery Olga and I found this little toy hedgehog propped up on a gravestone. At first I thought a child dropped it, but then I wondered if it's actually a dog toy. It looks a bit gnawed.

I saw this guy's ad on my walk home a few days ago. I love the pictures. I'm tempted to hire him -- "London's funkiest" pet sitter!

These were set out on a garden wall for someone to take. Someone was making lace, it looks like? They might even be antique.

Another household threw away several bags of dishes. I was amused by the "Shabbat: Just Do It" mug.

This cat lives up the street from us. A couple of weeks ago we got a note through our letter box saying that Walter, a Siamese from that address, had gone missing. I'm pretty sure this is Walter, so I was glad to see him yesterday afternoon, sitting in front of his house as usual. I guess he just went for a wander. He's quite friendly unless Olga is with me.

Finally, to bookend the dire graffiti at the top, here's more art from Finchley Road -- someone's fast-food meal. I can't imagine what prompted them to draw it on a wall!


  1. Yep, that first graffiti is exactly how it looks some days. Then there’s the happy meal (but maybe that says the same thing). I wonder what Gardener's World has to say about removing standing water to avoid creating breeding grounds for mosquitoes. I’d hire London’s funkiest pet sitter.

  2. Always interesting to see what you come across when out walking. I wonder if less wealthy areas would give as much blog content. You had a dog walker once? What happened to him?

  3. I'd hire that funky pet sitter! Haha. That first graffiti seems to sum up the state of the world quite well at the moment.

  4. The dishes with stones in them enable butterflies and small birds to drink, and possibly there may be hedgehogs. The stones give safe foot holds and the water depth means it won't evaporate too soon. It's a good idea.

  5. Stones in a bowl of water is also good for crows , shallow water.
    The first graffiti is accurate- demise of human species is not as sentimental as the demise of dinosaur- de-evolution is a sad way to end such a promising species, but there we go. I love your random shots always! The toy looks like a baby toy teether.
    Just do it- is hilarious!

  6. I like the idea of the bowl of stones and water for the wildlife.

  7. Another fun collection of random shots, Steve! I think the hedgehog is a baby toy as babies can gnaw like crazy! I have chew marks all over my house from my kids and grandkids - on toys, furniture, window sills...

  8. Son Of A Witch With A Capital B - Just Scanned Through The Incisors Post - Poor Olga Girl And Poor Pocket Book - Also, Why Two Trips To Florida - Obviously Your Mom And All But I Missed The Reason Behind The Second Trip - Anyway , Sending Positive Vibes Your Way Brother


  9. Well, at the moment I can relate to the top picture more than any of the rest. I do like the kitty though. She is giving you a tiny blessing.
    I see that the queen is in poor health. I guess she's going to ride this title out to the end, eh? She's been a good queen, I think.

  10. Excellent eye for the random stuff as usual!

  11. The "lace" is actually a doily, the middle piece could be a crocheted collar, and the end piece could also be a doily or used to trim something!
    MSNBC has been reporting on the Queen ... the family is quickly gathering so who knows how long she will hang on!

  12. I love the interesting things you find on your walks. That message is dire but unfortunately true. I'm so Glad Walter is okay.

  13. The heatwave in southern California is so bad my sister has been putting out bowls of water for squirrels and keeping her birdbath full. Lots of critters are having a very hard time. Yes, everything's fucked.

  14. We put out a shallow container with stones & water for BEES. We heard about it somewhere and thought it seemed like a good idea. The birds like it too.

  15. It's surprising you didn't pick up one of those lace collars. It would look lovely stitched on to the neck of your favourite Floridian T-shirt.

  16. I'm inclined to think the toy is for a child rather than a dog because of the clear plastic part. Kids gnaw, too.

    I imagine there are plenty of folks in the world who would agree with that first thought.

  17. Sweet kitty. Everything is f*cked indeed. It sure does feel that way.

  18. I love that custom of setting things out on the wall for others to take. It is a small sweet thing.

  19. I didn't get a comment written for yesterday until you'd already done your replies, but it's there now. Just commiserating with Olga girl.

    Another interesting group of shots today. Walter has unusual colouring; very handsome, in my opinion. I'm glad he found home again.

  20. I like the lacy bits. I think the hedgehog is a baby/toddler toy, there are the bits in the tummy that rattle and the chewable bits for teething.
