Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A Blue Suit and Other Miscellany

As I was waiting for the bus the other day, this guy came up and sat down next to me. He's one of our neighborhood characters and often wears unusual suits. I've photographed him before in a yellow one, and I've seen him in a maroon one too.

Thus his blue suit kicks off another post of assorted random photos from my iPhone.

I wonder how this person got home, without their jeans and belt?

Last August, during the height of our drought, I posted a photo of this neighborhood patio with all the plants looking completely dead. I think most of them are dead, to be honest, but the pots have now been colonized by weeds, so there's at least the appearance of greenery.

Two mushrooms in love? Let's go with that.

Autumn is even adding color to the tires of parked cars.

This row of shops puts up Christmas lights every year, and I noticed some guys with a ladder were out recently doing just that. They hang those big wire balls and then garlands of lights between them. Not the best photo because I was shooting into the sun.

Here's another picture of dubious quality. You can't quite tell what's going on here, but that's the St. John's Wood tube station. The other day when I came out of work the station doors were closed and there was a light over the door declaring an emergency, and an audio warning not to enter. I was amazed that all these people were lingering outside. I took a picture and got out of there. Evidently whatever was going on wasn't too serious -- I never saw anything in the news -- but still, I didn't want to take any chances.

Finally, some graffiti on Finchley Road. This guy (it's almost certainly a guy) paints characters wearing a Covid mask and scrubs. I thought it was funny that he branded himself the PPE Crew. Sometimes he goes by Dr. Hokes.


  1. There’s no denying that suit is most definitely blue. The jeans and belt do make one wonder.

  2. The discarded jeans and belt have me intrigued. I like the car tyre covered in autumn leaves.

  3. The contrast between the summer patio and now is amazing and the pots have not moved an inch. I would like to know the story behind those discarded jeans - hopefully it did not involve some sort of an assault.

  4. I wondered about the single shoe you sometimes see in the road. An emt friend told me this kind of thing is often the detritus from emergency treatment. I'm guessing the owner of the jeans left in an ambulance.

  5. That suit is something else.

    I wonder how drunk pants-less person must have been!

  6. I like the graffiti and the suit. I would wear that shade of blue. I often see socks and shoes in the road, but don't believe I've ever encountered trousers.


  7. Oh gosh. Boyd's comment on the single shoe phenomena has me seeing the world in a different way.
    Of course it is possible that someone was carrying a bundle with clothes in it and the pair of jeans slipped out.
    I do like Mr. Blue Suit. That color is worthy of a peacock.

  8. I do like that blue suit. I bet that guy would be interesting to get to know. The pants is the street are worrying. I love the way the leaves are covering the tires on that car.

  9. I always love your random photos. I wonder what Mr. Blue Suit is like? What his house looks like -- it is as colorful as he is? And that shot of the tires with the autumn leaves stuck to it -- that's really a wonderful view, not one everyone would see. The mask artist is fun, too! Good finds!

  10. That blue suit is very, very blue.
    Love seeing these random photos. That tire with fallen autumn leaves is so cool.

  11. I like the blue suit..brightens up everyone's day. Including his own
    The "weeds" could turn out quite attractive....!

  12. I learned from my brother to never touch discarded clothes, especially those found out in the wilderness. They are often discarded because the individual wearing them had a uncontrollable bowel movement and they are now "soiled" if you catch my drift.

    My sister-in-law, who also works for the Forest Service, tells a very amusing story of a co-worker who came back from a day in the timber with no shirt sleeves and the lower half of his t-shirt gone. I still laugh uncontrollably thinking about that image.

  13. I love that suit! It's a color of blue I should wear more often, but I don't have many things that bright. What a shame!

  14. I love the random stories and the way that they kick start a blog convo. That blue is one of my favorite colors. I would always get compliments when I wore something of that shade (hue?).

  15. I love posting AND seeing other posts of random photos. My favorite of your group here is the one with the leaves on the tire!

    Regarding Ed's comment... I had a SIL once who occasionally went missing a sock when he'd been out in the woods.

  16. How you always manage to find such a variety of sights to photograph really impresses me! -Kate

  17. I think I've mentioned that my dad was a big fan of colorful suits. He had royal blue, canary yellow, emerald green, and burnt orange suits, but no matching vests though.

  18. Mitchell: It's a striking color, isn't it?!

    River: I love the way the leaves were so evenly distributed on the tire.

    YP: I think it's more likely someone partied a little too much.

    Boud: I didn't even think of that! I still suspect drunken carousing. Wouldn't an ambulance crew have cut them off? And they don't appear cut.

    Bob: My thoughts exactly!

    Janie: Especially with the belt still in them! Yeah, I love that blue color too.

    Ms Moon: It IS a sort of peacock blue, isn't it? Or would that be greener?

    Sharon: Hmmmm...I'm not sure about getting to know him. I have an urban suspicion of everyone. :)

    Jeanie: I suspect his house is a mess. His suits, though colorful, are often none too clean.

    Robin: Glad you like them, as always. :)

    GZ: They might! I'll have to keep an eye on them.

    Ed: Yeah, that's a good point. I think I'd be instinctively cautious about touching pants. (As in, I wouldn't do it at all.)

    Colette: Glad you liked them!

    Bug: It's definitely not the color for me, but it works on him!

    Margaret: They're like short-story prompts! LOL

    Kelly: How does that happen? LOL

    Blondi: Living in an urban area with a high density of people helps!

    Ellen: I hope you have pictures!
