Friday, November 4, 2022


The plectranthus is blooming again, as it does in the fall. You might remember I wrestled last year with whether to overwinter it or let it expire outside, and I wound up bringing it in. I did the same this year, but it's already dropped so many leaves that I put it back outside again. I may let it go. We'll see. It's a pretty warm-weather plant but it's treated here as an annual and it doesn't like British winters, even indoors.

I forgot to tell you about my birthday evening -- not that there's much to tell. I came home from work on Wednesday and made a big ol' martini, and Dave and I watched "Midnight Cowboy," one of my all-time favorite movies. (Despite the presence of Jon Voight, who has become a politically odious person in his later years.) Dave also bought me an allegedly squirrel-proof bird feeder for the garden, so we'll see how well that works out. I've missed our feeders since we took them down because of rodent activity and I really want to be able to watch the birds again. (I hope squirrel-proof also means rat-proof, though I suppose almost nothing is truly rat-proof.)

Dave continued not feeling great yesterday and wound up going home early from work, and sure enough, he's sick. He had a 101.5º F fever (38.6º C) last night. My boss is also sick with something similar, so I suppose it's only a matter of time before I get it, as I am surrounded on all sides! It doesn't appear to be Covid. Dave took a test and it was negative.

Graffiti on Billy Fury Way

Unfortunately, this means we had to cancel my birthday dinner outing for tomorrow night, but that's no big deal. We can do it anytime.

I tossed the found chrysanthemums this morning -- but hey, we got a whole week out of them!


  1. The squirrel proof bird feeder we have in the back garden is definitely not rat proof! Some years ago I looked out and saw a rat inside the outer part, scoffing away. 2 dogs were on the lawn underneath, oblivious to the rat above their heads. A schnauzer and a Yorkie, both bred as rat catchers !! I went out and the rat dropped out almost on their heads and neither of them caught it!

  2. PS. I hope that Dave will feel better soon, and you don't catch it!

  3. The plectranthus is beautiful...delicate.
    Where is is native to?

    Birthday greetings...and remember although you may only have one birthday per year, you have 364 un-birthdays to celebrate!!

  4. We had several bird feeders when we lived in Connecticut and they were all successfully squirrel-proof or adapted by us to be so. Our problems were the smart, acrobatic, and dextrous raccoons. The problem with the rats is they arrive to scavenge what falls on the ground. You could always get a cat. So sorry about Dave and hope he recovers quickly. Maybe you'll be lucky and miss this one.

  5. I'm sorry Dave is sick. Our school is full of strep, flu, and, to a lesser extent, Covid. I've even heard that RSV is making the rounds, although I used to think only infants got that. Apparently not.

    Anyway, I hope you manage to avoid whatever Dave has, and I hope he feels better soon.

  6. It is sad that the timely birthday dinner won't happen, but whenever it does, I am sure it will be great.
    Midnight Cowboy. There is a memory that won't come back into my brain. Bad that Voight took a wrong path. The film was quite ground breaking, as I remember, as was Brokeback Mountain. Again only a vague memory of the film Taxi Driver.

  7. Well I hope that Dave feels better soon.

    As for the graffiti on Billy Fury Way, I would be tempted to add "I SAW SAWS" and "I SAW EYE SORES" - though I am not sure how I would illustrate the second one.

  8. We've had squirrel proof success with our Brome Bird Care feeders (out of Canada--they have an online store). They back up their product, too. When one part failed (after many years), they replaced it at no cost. The minute a squirrel (or any animal beyond bird weight) jumps on the feeder, it shuts down access to the food.

    Sorry to hear about Dave's illness. A lot of flu, RSV and other viral illnesses going around over here. Hope that he feels better soon and that you can make new plans for a birthday celebration when you are both in good health.

  9. Sending all good get well issues to Dave -- and hope you keep healthy, though it's a challenge in the same space. And let me know if the squirrel-free bird feeder works. I'm always on the look-out!

  10. Hope Dave feels better soon and you manage to avoid catching the germs.

  11. The fever/not covid thing swept through our area several weeks ago. Seemed like it mostly last a day or two at tops and then was gone with no other symptoms other than the fever. It made me wonder how much we really know about viruses.

    I have watched Mark Rober (on YouTube) and his three squirrel testing videos. I'm convinced after watching them, that given enough time, nothing is squirrel proof.


  12. Sorry Dave isn't feeling well. I hope you miss out on it, but you're right - it's probably inevitable.

  13. I hope Dave feels better soon and that you two get to go out and celebrate your birthday.
    I'm looking forward to future posts about that new squirrel-proof bird feeder.
    I like that graffiti.

  14. Happy birthday. Have a great dinner when you are able to get out.

  15. Happy Birthday! I'm sorry Dave is ill and hope he feels better soon. I also hope you don't catch it. Here's to your birthday dinner in the future. I can tolerate the younger Jon in movies because I didn't yet know what a jerk he was when I first saw his films.


  16. Sorry to hear that Dave is not well. This has been quite a fall for 'stuff giong around'.

    For your entertainment:

  17. I hope Dave gets well soon, and that you escape whatever it is. It's the season for viruses.

    I don't think anything is squirrel proof. I've had squirrels hang down from above, stealing seed without putting any pressure on the squirrel proof feeder! They're great engineers and persistent.

  18. Happy Birthday Brother Reed - Will Be Reading Days And Days Of Post Today - Playing Catch Up Can Be Fun As It Is Currently 25F After Snow Flakes Fell All Night - Winter Wonderland Out Here And I Love It


  19. "midnight cowboy' has my favorite line, ad libbed by dustin hoffman as he bangs his fist on the taxi "we're walking here" (or maybe i'm walking here) anyway- great line. hope you manage to stay well and dave recovers quickly.

  20. Sorry to hear that you've been exposed to another nasty bug. I hope it gives you a pass.
    I can't wait to hear if the new bird feeder works the way its advertised. Those squirrels are a resourceful bunch.

  21. Seems there is something going around here as well, Not covid but another highly contagious flu-ish cold-ish virus. Still wearing mask when out and about for that very reason. So sorry Dave caught the bug, get well and stay well. Working with stacks of people without wearing a mask might not be wise in the future. Illness could certainly change your Christmas plans...and save you a bunch of cash! Silver lining!

  22. Hi Steve, Dave and Olga. I am still around reading your blog on a daily basis. You know I have to see how Olga is getting along. Sorry about her swollen snout. I am glad she is better now. I hope Dave recover soon. I am still wearing my mask every where I go. The store employees aren't wearing mask anymore. Most likely I will be wearing my mask forever. (lol)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU MY LOVE AND HOPE DAVE GET BETTER SO YOU TWO CAN CELEBRATE. I call my birthday anniversaries now. (lol) I will have one on January 12. Enjoy your happy day and keep growing you are going to catch upwith me after awhile.(lol) I tell my son that too. He is 51. Enjoy my love.

  23. Sorry about Dave's illness. Here's hoping it's short and not brutal.

  24. I hope Dave feels better soon and that you don't get it, too. You can just make your birthday into a birth month. I think it's fun to celebrate as long as possible!

    Keep us posted on the feeder. Our dogs have always been the best solution for squirrels.

  25. I love the opening with Everybody's Talkin' ... . I used to play the VCR tape when I was a student not that many years ago over and over to hear that intro. I hope that virus soon goes away.

  26. I would have thought a "plectranthus" would only have been found in Jurassic Park.

    Too bad Mr. Voight wasn't there. He might have been eaten by a dino long ago. Maybe HIS name should be Ratso.

    Your birthday sounds just about perfect, especially the huge martini.

    Sorry Dave is sick and hope you don't catch whatever it is.

  27. Happy birthday Steve! Sorry Dave is feeling under the weather and that you had to cancel your birthday outing. But that's the thing about living with your favorite person. Even when you can't go out, you can still be with them. I hope you don't get sick.

  28. The Mark Rober vids are great. Sorry about the cancellation but like you, the date doesn't matter as long as I get to (eventually) go out to eat.
