Tuesday, November 8, 2022

'Revolver' at Abbey Road

After I picked up Dave's prescriptions in St. John's Wood on Saturday, I walked home past Abbey Road Studios. The walls along the street were decorated with images from the Beatles' "Revolver" album, which of course (like many Beatles albums) was recorded there.

At first I couldn't figure out why -- "Revolver" is 56 years old, so it's not like this year is a big anniversary. But apparently a boxed set of the album just came out, featuring some new mixes and demo tracks and other stuff.

This area is often thronged with Beatles fans taking pictures of the studios (where it's considered acceptable to scrawl graffiti on the external walls) and the crosswalk made famous by the "Abbey Road" album cover.

I always thought the "Revolver" cover art was a little creepy. Those eyes!

It's a very good album -- in fact, "Eleanor Rigby" was one of the first singles I ever bought -- but I don't think I need a boxed set.

By the way, there's a live webcam of the Abbey Road crosswalk that you can check out any time, in case you're curious what's going on there. On sunny days you'll see people holding up traffic by re-creating the famous album cover. (If you're a motorist or a city bus driver you need the patience of a saint to get through this area.)

The webcam is mounted outside the recording studio -- you can barely see it in the photo above, on a pole to the right of the tree and above the hands of the woman in the red coat.

There's also a gift shop, which (surprisingly) I have never been in. Like the rest of the studio walls, its sign is considered fair game for graffiti. (And stickers, apparently!)


  1. In my film class we often watch the live webcam during our break which our tutor puts up on the screen for 15 minutes. . It is fun to watch people on the crossing, how they approach it and then the photos, all of which has to be quick because of the traffic. I enjoyed looking at your photos and the post.

  2. I saw the Beatles in the mid 60s in Leicester. I say saw, because I couldn't hear them through all the stupid screaming of the so called fans!
    Also, my then boyfriend had queued all night for the tickets, and subsequently dumped me for a girl he had met in the queue that night!

  3. Thanks for the live cam link. My first view was an idiot drivers NOT giving way for a pedestrian. I can’t wait to spot the tourists holding up traffic.

  4. I could watch the zebra crossing on Abbey Road for hours. There was some weird stuff happening there this very morning. It's surprising that you didn't add some graffiti of your own - e'g. "Librarians are hideous creatures of unimaginable power. And even if you could imagine their power, it would be illegal. It is absolutely illegal to even try to picture what such a being would be like. —Joseph Fink"

  5. What a fun post about a band I have no memory of (liar). The stand out red coat makes the photos look like black and white. I will certainly take a look at the webcam.

  6. PS, I think Australian band Zoot's rendition of Eleanor Rigby is better. Take a listen and what do you think?

  7. My Beatles education continues. I love Eleanor Rigby, and didn't know it was from an album.

  8. As a kid, I loved the Beatles. Eleanor Rigby was one of my favorites of theirs.

  9. There is something about live web cams that is incredibly intriguing to me.
    Steve- did you ever think as a young'un, listening to Abbey Road and perhaps looking at the album cover that one day you would live in a place where you could walk past that very spot on your way home from the pharmacy?

  10. I loved the Beatles and remember one of my older sisters buying Revolver when it came out. I still love the Beatles but don't feel I need a boxed set of anything. I confess I'd like to re-enact the road crossing if I ever make it to London.


  11. Saw The Beatles in 1965. Like Frances mentions above...saw them, barely heard them over the screaming fans.

    Eleanor Rigby is such a great, sad song. When I was at university (in the 60s), for an assignment, I juxtaposed various stanzas of ER's lyrics with stanzas from the poem, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Eliot, along with some interspersed art work. Funny how the work/lyrics of the Beatles has thread through my life. Know all the words to certain albums, like Rubber Soul--which I still have--grooves well worn. And, when I turned sixty-four, I used the tune from 'When I'm 64' as my ring tone on my cell/mobile for the entire year. Had some very funny reactions when people heard it. But that was quite a while ago... :)

  12. I apologize to Mary and Frances as I was a screamer for the Beatles back in the day. Tho, I never saw them live, I did scream at the movie screen when I saw their films! I would scream "George" because he was my favorite. I don't know why I screamed - we were just so excited and happy to watch them!

  13. Perhaps I'm just odd but the Beatles never excited me. Their songs were okay and I can sing along to many of them but none of them I would consider a favorite. I think I have one of their greatest hits albums in my collection but couldn't tell you the last time I listened to a song off of it. I certainly won't be buying anymore.

  14. It's good to see these photos from this point of view. I only see the view of the crosswalk when I look at the webcam. The gift shop must be new or I just didn't know it was there. It's always fun to watch the people blocking traffic to get their photos. They seem to do it at all hours. I'm surprised there aren't more accidents there. American drivers would never have that much patience.

  15. I love that you walked there on Abbey Road! That's as close as I'm ever going to get... a blogging friend was there. Thank you. Great photos!

  16. Hard to believe that Eleonor Rigby was done 56 years ago.

  17. Dig Those Webcams From Around The World

    P.S. Olga Girl Would Love Her Own Sleepy Time Webcam

  18. Revolver, Rubber Soul, The White Album, Sargeant Pepper...I can't decide which album is my favorite.

  19. I love live cams, they're soothing.

  20. I'll have to check out the webcam just for sport. I do love Eleanor Rigby but yeah, I'll pass on the box set. Great pix!

  21. My favorite Beatles album is Abbey Road. I was quite the fan in my youth, but have no desire for newer mixes, demo takes, or the like. I'll stick with the original recordings.

    I always liked Ringo. Did you know he played Mr. Conductor (as did George Carlin!) on Thomas the Tank Engine's Shining Time Station?

    Thanks for the webcam link. It seems to be a busy place, even in the evening.

  22. I am not sure why I find that webcam so interesting.

  23. I remember when the entire Beatles library was put out on CD in a boxed set for $400. I bought it and before I even listened to it, my husband "borrowed" it to listen at work. It was several months before I demanded he bring it home again. Fast forward many years and I gifted the set to my youngest son who likes all types of music.

  24. Rachel: I've spent time watching it since writing this post and it IS funny to see how people pose in the crosswalk.

    Frances: Oh no! What a horrible association with what should have been a fun event! But at least you got to see them -- that's pretty major.

    Mitchell: Part of the problem is, the tourists don't know how to handle a zebra crossing.

    YP: Maybe "Mean Mr. Mustard" was a librarian?

    Andrew: Yeah, the red coat really pops, doesn't it? It was a rather colorless day. I'll catch up with Zoot!

    Boud: Yes! One of the standout tracks on "Revolver," which contains several hit songs.

    Michael: It's interesting how that song resonates with so many people, especially young people. Maybe young people are particularly attuned to feelings of loneliness.

    Ms Moon: Never! It's a source of continual wonder that I am so close to a landmark associated with one of my all-time favorite bands.

    Janie: Yeah, even though I consider myself a huge Beatles fan, I don't need that boxed set either. I just don't need to go that deep.

    Mary: That sounds like an interesting project! Do you still have the paper/artwork?

    Ellen D: It's funny how screaming was just the thing to do. I think it was partly because the world was so full of youthful energy from the Boomer generation.

    Ed: I have loved the Beatles for years and I have all of their albums from "Rubber Soul" onward. I think their later stuff was quite brilliant. The early songs are catchy but relatively simplistic.

    Sharon: I'm surprised there's not more road rage! I guess the English drivers are aware that they're sending a message about their country when they engage with international tourists, so they try to be patient. I don't know when that gift shop opened but I think it IS relatively recently.

    Robin: Well, now you can visit via webcam whenever you want!

    Red: That song came out the year I was born, and believe me, I'm surprised by the fact that I'm 56!

    Padre: She is snoring beside me as I type!

    Wilma: Glad you liked it!

    Margaret: If I had to choose just one it would be "Sergeant Pepper," though I've always liked "Abbey Road" too.

    Allison: They are! I tried to find some interesting webcams of Tampa (my hometown) but didn't really have any luck.

    Jeanie: For most of us, the album is probably enough!

    Kelly: I agree about "Abbey Road" -- a contender for my favorite Beatles album. I like Ringo too! He was adorable in his youth.

    Debby: Ha! It's just a never-ending parade of human silliness. :)

    River: Wow! That's quite a purchase! I had the Beatles' first US album on vinyl ("Meet the Beatles") when I was young, but since then I've only ever owned their later ones, from "Rubber Soul" onward.
