Friday, November 18, 2022

Siri Makes a Video

I forgot to mention yesterday that I ironed out our Brighton problem. I extended our hotel reservation one more night so that we come home on Sunday the 27th, the day after the rail strike. It's a somewhat pricey solution because staying Saturday night costs more than Thursday and Friday, but oh well. It can't be helped. We couldn't take a bus easily (if at all) with Olga, and hiring a car would probably cost just as much as that extra night.

The hotel is even keeping us in the same room, which is convenient. I hope there's something to do in Brighton in November!

Now watch -- the rail strike will probably be canceled.

My phone has lately been sending me little video compilations of some of the photos stored in its memory. It's kind of weird that this happens by itself, and I'm not sure when it started -- it definitely hasn't been all the six years I've had the phone. It must be a feature that came with a more recent update.

Anyway, it compiled the little video above of "Pet Friends Over the Years." Of course I've had only one pet friend during my phone's lifetime, so it's really just a video of Olga. I thought it was cute. I tweaked it a little in iMovie because some of the photos were sideways and it used one I didn't like, so the version you see above is lightly edited. Not bad, Siri!

(Top photo: A rose petal on the sidewalk.)


  1. I am sure there is always something happening in Brighton. Lots of nice Olga photos in the compilation.

  2. Such charming images, especially of the two sleeping beauties. I wouldn't mind being obligated to spend an extra night in Brighton any time of year.

  3. In Brighton you could meet up with Briony and Tom or just Briony. Then there's Cro Magnon and Billy too. If you could get in touch I bet Briony would be thrilled to meet you. By the way, I loved the little video. Olga has enjoyed a great life with you and Dave - so cherished.

  4. I'm surprised Apple didn't add digital snowflakes to it while they were at it.

  5. I'm sure you'll find something to do that extra day!! Enjoy it.

  6. Olga,one of the all time best dogs.

  7. I love the Olga video. She's the best. Brighton might turn out to be the most fun ever.


  8. I guess an extra day in Brighton isn't the worst thing! All I know of it is the Pavilion and the antique car run, from an old movie.

  9. Olga is the happiest dog in the world, I think, and also the luckiest. And now she gets to go on vacation!

  10. That Was A Triple Watch - Best Video On YT For Sure - Olga Girl Is A True Character - That Expressive Face On The Seat Cracked Me Up To No End - You All Created Amazing Memories With That Precious Girl - Good On You Both

    P.S. I Expect An Olga Girl Video Every Friday

  11. I love the video compilation. Olga is the perfect movie star for this.
    I'm looking forward to your trip to Brighton. I'm going to check google maps to see where that is!

  12. My phone does that sometimes, but I don't think I've ever actually watched one of the videos. Of course, Olga makes the perfect subject.

  13. Good morning Lady and gentlemen. Olga is always the star. I enjoy seeing the love you all give her. Our fur babies are like our children, Same tender love and care for them. My babies use to go every where with me until I got sicker because I never know when I need to go to emergency care and I will go crazy knowing they are just dropped off on the street very lost from the reality they are living. They keep me going strong, up at 5am to let them out to potty, 8am is breaksfast, 10am is another potty break, 4pm another potty break, 5pm is dinner time and 7pm another potty break before bed time. After the last potty break I will tell them to go to bed and they will go to bed.(laughing hard) They make my day a lot happier taking care of them than if I had nothing else to do. Happy vacation to all 3 of you

  14. I love the little video. I've been getting suggested "memories" every now and then but I've never seen one dedicated to pets. It was November when I went to Brighton. It was chilly but I enjoyed wandering around and touring the pavilion. However, there was a huge tent structure in front of the place so I couldn't get any good pictures of it. I did enjoy the tour though.

  15. Love the Siri video, especially the co-sleeping pics!

  16. I know other people whose phones send them 'reminder' pictures. Mine doesn't. Too old I guess and I can't update it anymore because it says I don't have enough memory.

    Another night in Brighton seems like the best solution.

  17. My phone did that to my photos from England. It broke it down day by day. It's nicely done, but I wish that it hadn't messed with things.

  18. That video was a real treat to watch!! I'm not sure that's a new feature since I've gotten them periodically for years. Maybe your phone was just waiting until it had the right number of perfect Olga photos before creating it for you. ;)

  19. My iPhone does that--is it Siri? I'm not the most knowledgeable cell phone person. I love watching them although I do have to change out the music sometimes.

  20. It's sweet and creepy that Siri went through all your photos and found pics of Olga. More creepy now that I think about it.

    Glad Brighton got sorted out. Have a good trip.

  21. It's creepy when the phone comments on photos or edits them. I've never gotten such a nice video as you did there. This morning, the phone wanted to show me photos on the phone that are similar. Thanks phone!

  22. I always think what a great name Olga is.

  23. Apart from the fact that it's creepy that Google is messing with the photos, it's just a delightful video. But then, it's Olga!

    Smart plan on Brighton. Hopefully you'll have a great time -- and if nothing else, really chill!

  24. That video will be nice to have in years ahead. Olga can now rightfully be called A Movie Star!

  25. The photo of Olga on her back with her tennis ball in her mouth has to be one of the happiest dog photos I have ever seen.
    Rug up and walk around Brighton and enjoy the lack of summer tourists.

  26. Andrew: I hope so. I would think if there's a slow season, this is it!

    River: She is a diva.

    Mitchell: Yeah, I love those two pictures. :)

    YP: I thought of getting in touch with Briony, but I'm wary of bringing Covid to them!

    Ed: They did that to one of my photos that I blogged years ago. I kind of liked it, actually!

    Marty: Indeed!

    Bob: I'm sure we will. I just hope the weather's not TOO terrible.

    Colette: She certainly thinks so!

    Janie: Well, I don't know about EVER, but I like a windy, wintry beach.

    Boud: You're a step ahead of me because all I know is the pavilion!

    Ms Moon: She's of two minds about leaving home (or she would be if she were aware). She's excited to go anywhere but she also loves familiarity.

    Padre: I don't know about EVERY Friday but you'll definitely get them regularly. I love that side-eye photo too. :)

    Robin: VERY close to London, less than an hour south on the coast.

    Bug: I haven't watched them before now but maybe I should!

    Angelicastar: Yes, our pets keep us grounded and give us a routine, don't they?

    Sharon: I don't mind chilly or even slightly rainy. I just want to be able to get out and about.

    37P: Aren't those a hoot?!

    Ellen: Mine just started, maybe even with the last update. Mine is a 6 so it's pretty old.

    Debby: It IS a little weird that it does it without asking. You'd think it would say, "Would you like to create a video?" or something like that.

    Kelly: Well, that's possible! I think I've gotten them for maybe a year or so...?

    Margaret: I'm not sure it's ACTUALLY Siri. I'm just using that name as an identifier for the phone. :)

    Pixie: It is bizarre. I suppose if I'd had photos of other dogs they'd be included too. It seemed to favor mostly recent photos.

    Allison: I'd like to have been in the meeting at Apple where all this was discussed. Why do the Apple people think we want our phone to push these creations? Then again, I did use this one!

    Rachel: It took us a couple of days to come up with a name, but when we landed on Olga we knew we'd scored.

    Jeanie: Chill or chilly, or possibly both!

    Catalyst: It was a nice creation. Maybe I should make a longer one? I have something like 1500 pictures of Olga! LOL! It could be a feature-length film.

    Merlot: Yes, we will be rugged, for sure! I love the tennis ball photo too!
