Sunday, December 25, 2022

Leaks Present and Christmases Past

Yesterday I added an ornament to our Christmas avocado -- a festive alligator-in-drag that I bought several years ago in Soho. This ornament always amuses me so it felt good to dig it out and put it on display.

In the process, though, I discovered another water leak that has caused damage in our flat. It's above the storage cabinets in the dining room (which is where we keep the Christmas decorations) and this time it's definitely from upstairs. I took pictures of the unsightly brown patch and alerted the Russians, who located the source -- an old radiator pipe that had once been sealed off but had somehow begun dripping again. Mr. Russia put a small basin beneath the pipe to catch any drips and told me he'd have his plumber seal it off. He also offered to paint the affected area in the dining room.

So now we have two leaks -- one in the hall of uncertain origin, and another in the dining room from upstairs.

Dave and I have sent all this info to our landlords, with photos. I think they're going to go back to the Russians to talk about how to handle the situation. I'm glad we don't have to wrangle with any of that, though of course we'll have to live through whatever remediation is needed.

Dave is thinking more and more that we should simply move when our lease is up next summer. This flat does need some fairly substantial work, especially in the bathroom and kitchen, and I think he'd like to start fresh. I'm concerned about trading one set of problems for another, though -- at least here we know what we're dealing with. And I'd hate to leave our garden.

Anyway, none of that is very Christmasy so we'll leave that debate for another time.

Since I'm thinking about my family at this time of year, here are a couple of my favorite old Christmas photos. First, my stepmother with our bulldog Meatball, back in 1979 or so. Meatball was a character -- such a ham. This is at my dad's house in Florida, where my stepmother still lives.

And here are me (R) and my brother, in Maryland in 1977. We're visiting my grandmother's next-door neighbor, a nice old lady named Mrs. Daniels. She had a Polaroid instant camera and took this photo after giving us those boxes, which turned out to contain toy trucks from Hess oil. We loved those Hess trucks, which as I recall had headlights that lit up. Mrs. Daniels was always super-nice to us and we visited her whenever we went to see our grandmother, a couple of times a year. Unlike Grandmother, who was rather austere, Mrs. Daniels was very crafty and at Christmas her house was full of handmade or sewn or embroidered or crocheted Santa Clauses and other holiday paraphernalia. 

Incidentally, we called that shirt I'm wearing the "chocolate milk shirt."

Merry Christmas, everybody!


  1. No surprise the alligator came from Soho.

    Your step mother looks very young. I missed the (R) but correctly guessed which was you.

  2. That middle picture is so unmistakably 70's. I'm not sure any other decade in home décor is as distinguishable.

    Merry Christmas Steve!

  3. The photos are heartwarming and, oh, that 1979 living room! SG could use a chocolate milk shirt. It hides a multitude of sins... or maybe it's just one big sin.

  4. LOVE the alligator ornament and the photos! Yah, moving to get away from problems is tricky. My bestie rents a place she loves, and the pipes froze and then burst. Her place is old, and kinda Jimmy-rigged as an apartment above some garages - very little insulation. But she wants to go back after it is fixed! I can see why you're reticent to find another place, and yes, you'd lost your lovely garden! :( Have a Happy (or Merry) Christmas!

  5. Amazing how you look the very same as you have always looked.
    Living below other people has been unpleasant for me- Gravity! Foot falls, noise. But you are right about the garden, that would be missed too much. Have you thought of ...murder? Too extreme?
    Your alligator-ress is quite the lovely thing! I reckon they only eat glitter.

  6. How are you feeling? Other than annoyed as hell (I would imagine) about the leaks. And noise. And mess.
    I bet it's as cold here right now as it is in London. I could be wrong. But it is damn cold.
    As has been pointed out, your stepmother looks like a child. Meatball looks like a hoot. That living room looks like a museum of Bad Decorating Ideas Popular in the Seventies. What were people thinking?
    I'm glad you had a nice old woman in your childhood who was super-nice to you and your brother. I love that picture of you and him. It reminds me of August and Levon.
    Merry Christmas, Steve. Love...Mary

  7. If I had that alligator ornament it would probably be hanging out all year long.

    Bummer about the leaks but I'm with you on moving. How can you leave the garden?! You'd probably never find another flat with one.

    Merry Christmas to you and Dave.

  8. Merry Christmas, Steve, Dave, & Olga!
    I'm glad you're better for the holidays. The antique photos are a hoot, but charming too. I love the 70s decor--a set designer couldn't do it better.

  9. Love seeing these old Christmas photos. Your step-mom looks so young. You and your brother are adorable.
    Merry Christmas to you, Dave and Olga!

  10. That alligator is simply awesome, and I love the photos from your childhood.

    Merry Christmas, Steve and Dave ... and Olga, of course :)

  11. Merry Christmas!
    Sorry to hear about the leak. Having just dealt with something similar, I understand your pain.
    I can't get over how much that photo of your stepmother reminds me of growing up in Illinois. The Christmas tree looks like one we had and it too, had piles of presents underneath. The paneled walls remind me of home. And, there was a bulldog too. We had a bulldog named Christine (Chrissy for short) and she was white with one brindle ear. She was a sweetheart and a true member of the family.
    I love the gater in drag! It's priceless.

  12. What would you do without the garden? I can't imagine you without plants to whisper to. Merry Christmas - I love the old photos.

  13. Merry Xmas! The alligator is great; I love it! Since I worked in a pickle plant during summers in college, I have a pickle ornament. Brings back some great and not-so-great memories. I hate moving so I would be hesitant to do so. I understand Dave's position though.

  14. Merry Christmas! I hope you, Dave, and Olga are having a festive day (and feeling better!). The alligator in drag is really cute. Couldn't it hang around on the banana tree year round?

    As your lease renewal nears, just have a look around and see what's available. Who knows, you might find something with even more potential for your gardening skills!

  15. Funny how something will come to you out of the blue. I'm back to say it suddenly dawned on me its your avocado tree, not banana tree, that's decorated. (I think!)

  16. Merry Christmas! Love the old photos - definitely reminds me of my own Christmases past.

  17. The Chocolate Milk Shirt... and Alligator in Drag Ornaments... definitely worth Today's visit to your Blog. *LOL* Nostalgic Images are so very Sentimental and bring back fond Memories of Yesteryear. Sorry about the leaky flat, but I agree, sometimes Moving is intimidating since you just never know what problems a new place might bring? If you have a good Landlord there who is willing to make repairs and remediate problems, that is a good thing even if the Unit is rife with them. Merry Christmas.

  18. Merry Christmas to you and Dave.
    Aren't old Christmas photos wonderful? I love the ease of digital but it's not the same.
    Hopefully your leaking issues will be resolved with ease.

  19. Moving! Ugh. I hate it. But I have to say that those continual renovations would have me casting an eye around.

  20. Andrew: She would have been about 35, I think. My dad was seven years older.

    Ed: It's that groovy painting, isn't it?!

    Mitchell: Ha! As a kid I had a tendency to drop stuff on my shirts so in my case, it probably WAS a good thing.

    Karla: Better the devil you know, as another commenter said farther down! In your bestie's case I should think she'd want some better insulation, though. Pipes should not freeze indoors. :/

    Linda Sue: Murder might be a step too far. :)

    Ms Moon: It reminds ME of August and Levon too. Or perhaps I should say they remind me of me and my brother. I'm feeling better, though still coughing.

    Ellen: I think Dave and I have both been feeling like we'd like to scale back our gardening ambitions! I'm not sure I want to give it up entirely, though.

    Fresca: It really is quite a time capsule!

    Robin: She was in her mid-30s in that photo. She always looked younger than she was. I remember she once fooled one of those "guess-your-age" people at the county fair and won a prize for it.

    Ellen D: Merry Christmas, Ellen!

    Jenny-O: Glad you like our gator. Hope you had a good holiday. :)

    Sharon: I suppose there is a sameness to Christmas photos from certain eras, where the decor and fashions call to mind our own photos from that time.

    Allison: We would always have plants, I'm sure. Whether we'd have quite so many is another question!

    John: You too!

    Margaret: Pickle ornaments sound pretty amusing! Our ornaments should always tell a story about us.

    Kelly: Yes, it is the avocado. :) The poor banana is outside and it is currently in no condition to be decorated!

    Bug: I always get a kick out of showing old photos and seeing others'!

    Rachel: That is exactly true. Although we have some problems at the moment I really think that in the grand scheme of things this is still a good flat.

    Bohemian: Yeah, I agree. Here at least we have a landlord/tenant relationship and it would take years to re-establish that somewhere else.

    Caro: Digital IS wonderful, though. It's so liberating. I do not miss negatives even a little bit.

    Debby: I just keep thinking at some point they'll end but they NEVER DO!

  21. I loved those trucks. My best friend had a little boy and I got him one of those trucks for his birthday one year. I don't think that was the name of the truck, it could have been, but the headlights did light up and the horn worked if you pressed a button. His mom and I could have done without the horn lol.

    I love the Alligator! It is very festive. I am sorry about the damage from the water. It is really awful and please I am not saying this to make you feel worse, but someone should cut out a bit of that damage and check for black mold. You have no idea how long that water has been there! It could be what is making you feel sick. (Now I hope I didn't scare you!)

    I hope that you had a very merry Christmas!

  22. Your face hasn't changed. I'd know you anywhere. Merry Christmas.

  23. The leak sounds awful. Good luck with that. Love the old photos. They're so charming!
