Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Boom Box Mystery

Here's another look at those blocks of flats that are due to be demolished at the corner of Abbey Road and Belsize Road. (The ones that are home to the now-closed Lillie Langtry pub, which you can see on the corner with sheet metal over its windows.)

There are two buildings of flats here, called Emminster and Hinstock, and beyond that a low building containing a community center. There's a doctor's office in there somewhere too. All of it's going to be torn down and replaced with more modern housing. I don't lament the loss of the buildings, which are not all that attractive, but I wonder how the people who live there feel.

Of the shops on the Abbey Road side, only Oscar's Den, a party and costume store, is still open. I believe at least some of the flats are still occupied because I see lights on, so I'm not sure of the timetable for the demolition, but I think it's sooner rather than later.

The weirdest thing happened yesterday at work. When I got to the office there was a box on my desk containing a brand-new portable stereo, shipped from an electronics supplier here in the UK. And the shipping label had my name on it! Who would buy me a boom box?! My co-workers assumed I ordered it, but when I said I didn't, they speculated that a "Secret Santa" had sent it. We do have a Secret Santa activity at work, where people sign up to give each other little anonymous gifts, but I didn't participate and besides, that's a pretty expensive purchase for a Secret Santa.

Another teacher, coincidentally visiting the library during this conversation, said the music department was missing a boom box. Sure enough, this was their replacement. We think whoever ordered it put my name on it by mistake because the guy in charge of purchase orders at school is also named Steve -- they simply put the wrong Steve's name on the order. As long as they didn't charge me!

Last night we met Mary, the dog-sitter who's going to stay in our flat and take care of Olga during our Florida trip. She came by and we showed her around and explained some of the quirks of the apartment. Although she lives in Basildon in Essex, she has family living in West Hampstead just on the other side of the tube station, so I'm glad she won't be spending the holidays with just a borrowed mongrel. Olga seemed to take to her but I think she was mainly interested in a cookie that Mary had in her bag. The nose always knows!


  1. Yes, regardless of the building's appearance it is people's homes being taken from them, some perhaps very long time tenants.

    No doubt you will check you weren't charged for the boom box.

  2. Glad the boom box mystery was so quickly solved. We're very lucky our housekeeper is happy to stay with the cats when we travel, but she’s not a cat whisperer (never really knew casts until these two), so the only way they’ve connected is through feeding and treats. They’re no dummies.

  3. It was probably ten years ago, I decided I want to have some music for my garage so went to the local store and was wandering the aisles looking for a boombox when a young lady who worked there asked if she could help me find something. I told her I was looking for a boombox. She looked confused and asked what that was. I said, you know, a ghetto blaster that plays music. I got another look like I was just some old racist but she said that I could find radios a couple aisles over. I went to where she told me but all there were were clock radios or stereos. I assumed at that time that the days of the boombox were over.

  4. Sad about the demolition because it will displace a lot of people who probably cannot afford to live in the new building.
    Progress? Not so much.

  5. I'm wondering where the people from those buildings will go, too. And funny about the wandering boombox.

  6. Well, hopefully the people who will be "displaced" by the demolition are being offered help in relocating.
    Glad the boom box mystery was solved.

  7. I pictured you strutting down the street with your boombox on your shoulder listening to your tunes! Like John Travolta walking to the beat! :)

  8. It's sad to think of all the people displaced by the loss of that building. One of the bad things about renting is that ownership can change and we tenants have no say in it.
    Glad to hear that your dog sitter will have family near by. That works out well.

  9. The buildings look fairly recent. I do not like to see good buildings torn down.

  10. I wonder why the buildings are being torn down and what's going to replace them.
    I'm glad you found a nice dog sitter who will care for Olga while you and Dave are in Florida.
    I had to google "Boom Box" to see what they look like. I had forgotten about those things.

  11. I still occasionally use an old boom box for playing CDs. Even those (CDs) are becoming obsolete! I still have a turntable so I can play vinyl LPs when I get the urge.

    I'm glad that mystery was quickly solved!

  12. You remind me that I need to get rid of my late husband's several boom boxes. I'll never use them, plus they're huge!! Glad that Olga took to the carer...or the cookie. :)

  13. Hi Steve, Dave and Olga. Excuse any bad language, mispelled words or just down right not understanble but I am having a problem with low blood pressure, bad eyesight and whatever else old folks are getting and not realizing it. I read my comment from yesterday and oh my it wasn't too good. They are trying to take several low rent housing units here to redo interstate 45. Everytime you go on the other side of town it is different from what was once there. They don't care about people not having anywhere to live.
    By the way, they are still finding classified documents in Donald Trump possession. I am just wondering what is his problems and why he want those documents. I think he want to sell them to either Korea or Russia. He probably has already sent them across the waters. They need to leave him alone, lock his crooked ass up and throw away the keys to his cell.

  14. I miss boom boxes and CDs. They were discrete objects that were easily used. Being the Luddite that I am, I don't download music, don't have a bluetooth speaker, and I appear to be firmly stuck in the past. I'm ok with that.
    It's nice that Olga will have a live-in so she doesn't get lonely.

  15. I just looked it up on-line and there are several stories about small, independent traders who are having to move from their little shops and feel hard done by. Sadly this is always what happens in areas of big redevelopment. Camden Council will be replacing it all with council flats and retail space and incoming traders will be big supermarkets and expensive restaurants. The small inddependent trader will probably never be back.

  16. The block of flats in the first picture looks a bit like a boom box. I thought that was the mystery at first!
    Glad it was solved but how cool to have a secret admirer sending you a boom box of all things!

  17. Those apartments look too modern to be torn down.

  18. I wonder about the people too, have they enough time given them to find new homes and do they have the option of moving back in when the new buildings are complete? If I loved the area enough, I might want to do that, but obviously the rents would be higher, or the buying price. I hope the new buildings look nicer.

  19. What seems to be have been happening over the past ten years at least, is that people have been moved out of
    London...or whatever city it happens anywhere many miles away.
    It is cruel and speeds up the process of families losing contact with members and communities...generally poor...being split.

  20. Andrew: I don't appear to have been charged. Just some name confusion!

    Mitchell: Well, let's be honest -- that's fundamentally how ALL our animals connect with us! (Though they like affection too!)

    Ed: They're still out there, believe it or not! I am surprised that I still see the term "ghetto blaster" online, but I do. No one says "ghetto" anymore, do they?!

    Bob: Supposedly the new buildings also contain "affordable" apartments, but I have no idea how many relative to the old ones or whether existing tenants get priority to live there.

    Boud: I'm sure the council is working with them but it must be disruptive, especially to those who have lived there a long time.

    Ms Moon: The local council has a role in helping people find housing, so I'm sure they're getting assistance. Who knows what they're being offered or where, though.

    Ellen D: Was that in "Saturday Night Fever"? Now there's a movie I haven't seen in ages!

    Sharon: It's true. Tenants are ultimately at the mercy of the landlords. (In this case, the local council.) Though in some cities like New York and London they do have legal protection.

    Red: I'm guessing they're 50 years old or so.

    Robin: The link I posted shows something of the new plans, I believe. It's basically new, bigger apartment blocks with a mixture of market-rate and affordable housing.

    Kelly: I got rid of almost all my CDs and all my vinyl. I'm a streamer now!

    Margaret: You should put them on eBay! I bet someone will want them.

    Angelicastar: Don't worry about your comments -- I understand them just fine! Sorry about your medical issues. I've heard that theory about Trump wanting to sell the documents or make them available to other countries. Who knows what he's up to, but he definitely is profit-driven so I wouldn't be surprised. I think he's mostly just egotistical and sloppy, though.

    Allison: I was talking to a friend about this the other day. When you get older you reach a point when you realize you just don't have to keep up. That's sort of where I am, too. :)

    Rachel: I'm sure it's a hardship for them, and some of the shops are very specialized and probably can't clear a lot of overhead.

    Merlot: Ha! It DOES look like a boom box! I didn't even see the connection there. :)

    Catalyst: Well, it depends on what you consider modern. They're as old as I am, I imagine! (50+ years)

    River: Yeah, I have no idea what specific deals they're being offered. This project has been grinding along for a while, though, so I think there's plenty of time to make changes.

    GZ: Yeah, I've heard that too -- people being moved to less expensive cities far away. I hope that's not the case here, but who knows.

  21. I've not heard the term recently and knew as soon as it left my mouth back then that it hadn't been appropriate even though as a kid, I had used the term freely without any thought to the meaning or how it might be seen derogatory by others.

  22. Glad you found the boom box owner. Yes, that would be an over the top Secret Santa gift!
