Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Things Fall Apart

We're supposed to be leaving today for Florida, right?

Well, you're not going to believe this, but we've had to cancel the trip. The whole shebang.

Two days ago I developed a little tickle in my chest. It wasn't much but it was making me cough, and as time wore on I began to feel worse and worse. Yesterday it really began to catch up with me, with a sore throat and a stuffy nose, and I developed a very low fever (about 99.8º F) in the afternoon. I was testing Covid negative but I remembered when I did have Covid, back in February, that the test took a couple of days to turn positive even after my symptoms developed -- and those symptoms were very similar. Dave and I had several co-workers who came down with Covid in the last week so it seemed entirely possible that's what it was.

We had a serious "what if" discussion. We agreed that getting on a plane with a fever was irresponsible, even with a mask. We also agreed that it would be the worst possible outcome if we got to Florida and tested positive there, especially if we'd already met up with members of my family. And if Dave tested positive after me, we'd potentially have to isolate the entire time we were on vacation. And we have no health insurance in the United States. (We have travel insurance for emergencies but it's a fairly limited policy.)

We called Travelocity to try to bump our tickets forward by two days, so we could see how my illness played out. But doing that would have cost us an additional $5,000!

So we looked at our airline tickets and there was no penalty for cancelling them. There was no penalty for cancelling the hotels. We'd have to pay the billion-pound dog-sitter a fraction of her agreed-upon wage, but that seemed doable. We reasoned that we'd seen Dave's family over the summer and I saw my mom and brother in October, and we could reschedule the trip for February break. (With the added benefit that we wouldn't be traveling during the madness of Christmas.)

So we pulled the plug, which was surprisingly easy to do -- essentially just a matter of clicking buttons on the Internet. I felt the worst about cancelling on the dog-sitter, who now loses a lucrative holiday gig, but she was very understanding and said she felt so bad for us.

I unpacked my suitcase and went to bed, and woke up in the night shivering beneath my sheet and two blankets, with my temperature at 100º F. I croaked to Dave, "I think we made the right decision."

Now, this morning, I'm not so sure. My Covid test is still negative. I think I just have a cold.


If I'd had just one more day to wait before making a decision, I might have decided differently. In fact, if we'd waited until this morning, I might have decided differently. Then again, who knows what I'll feel like later today.

What's done is done. Looks like it's Christmas in London.

Olga is happy, at least.

(Photos: We put the suet feeder back up in the garden, and the parakeets have discovered it once again. The bright blobs are Christmas lights on our avocado tree, which was in the foreground of my shot.)


  1. That's not great in so many ways. However, I think you've probably made the right decision, especially if there isn't much of a financial impact.

  2. A sad situation, but better safe than sorry. You'd feel awful if you travelled and infected everyone else on the plane. People are being hit hard with colds and flu now after being masked and safe from covid for three years.

  3. Oh no...what a shame! It is the right decision though. Hope that you feel better soon and can enjoy Xmas in England. Having recently heard what a friend went through to get to Japan....late flights, therefore missed next flights, long stop overs in foreign places without luggage, etc, you are probably best staying at home and relaxing!

  4. So sorry to read this but following your instincts here was probably the right thing to do. We've had a couple of covid cases in the family with consistently negative rapid antigen test results but positive PCR. I also heard the rumor that new covid strains are not properly picked up by older rapid tests. Not sure if London at xmas and in winter with the strike situation is the best place to go for PCR testing but you can always get an antibody test done once you're better. After a fresh covid infection this should show up a real antibody spike.
    Whatever, Steve, get better soon, hope you can stay comfortable somehow.

  5. So sorry you’re not feeling well and had to change your plans. But Olga is happy, so nothing else matters.

  6. Oh dear! I don't know what to say except that I was looking forward to your sunny Florida blogposts. It seems odd but in a way I am now hoping that you do have COVID! That would make the cancellation seem wise after all.

  7. How annoying, but you've done the sensible thing and Olga will be so happy!
    Hope you're soon feeling better.

  8. What a bummer but at least it happened ahead of time and you didn't get the symptoms on your flight over.

    Right now, the neighbors across the street have Covid. I ran one of our test kits over on Sunday. I know a few others with it right now too so it is definitely in the community again. Fortunately, our last public engagement was this past Sunday and we are staying home for Christmas so I'm hoping to lay low as it passes over.

  9. So sorry about your trip! Feel better and rest. Christmas in London has a certain ring to it though. Covid is beginning to spike here a bit, so I think you made the right decision. Knock on wood...I haven't had it yet! I am leaving this morning for South Carolina to see my mom and hoping that I stay well! Merry Christmas!

  10. Same here. I was to spend Christmas with my brother's family. Then both he and his wife had bad colds which, when tested, tuned out to be Covid. So it will be a quiet time at home and we will reschedule for some time later.
    Cheers Peter

  11. So sorry for your disappointment. But imagine the misery of flying in that situation, and risking infecting other people, including your aged mom.

    Enjoy what you are up for in London anyway. Given that you can probably make the trip in February, it's only a postponement.

  12. Oh well, decision made, that's that. Now it's Christmas at home and something nice to eat on Christmas Day. Not a lot else to say really.

  13. So sorry this happened, but these days I always feel it's better to be safe than sorry.
    And traveling when you're sick is the worst.

  14. I think you probably made the absolutely correct decision. Even if it is "just a cold" you'd be miserable. And if you wait until February, maybe we won't be having an arctic front.
    Rest up and get well.

  15. Hope you are feeling better soon and enjoy your quiet Christmas at home with Dave and Olga. Sounds more relaxing then the busy trip to chilly Florida right now! You made the right decision.

  16. You made all the right decisions, while I will miss seeing you both I just hope you feel better. Traveling alone would be hard and so much better to be in your own bed. Take care ❤️

  17. You did the right thing. Getting others sick at Christmas time is not cool. I think people are much more understanding, since the pandemic, about canceling things when we get sick. Hope you feel better soon. I've managed to get what Jack had, without the ear infection. I feel fine now but still lots of green mucous:)

  18. I'm so sorry, but it was clearly the right thing to do under the circumstances. I hope you feel better soon. It's (relatively)cold in Florida right now. February will be glorious.

  19. I'm sorry about the trip, but you did the right thing. You don't know how you'll feel during the next few days. A temperature, even if it comes and goes, is a definite sign that you shouldn't be on an airplane.


  20. I'm so sorry! Those symptoms sound exactly like how my own bout with COVID started, so you were right to be cautious. Also? Even if it's a cold, do you really want to be traveling when you don't feel well? In any case, I hope you get well soon!

  21. Oh Steve, I'm so sorry you had to cancel. I'm sure that was a very tough decision but the right one. Being sick on a trip is no fun. I know, it happened to me once.
    I've noticed more and more people wearing masks in public lately. I think I might do the same. I don't want to have COVID again. Once was way more than enough.

  22. The horrendous flu that has taken off here some say is WORSE than covid - it expresses itself similarly but tests neg for covid. You may have that- Erik had it and he did say it was the worst he has ever endured and LONNNG , about eleven days. Anyway weather in florida is not great. I am so glad that you cancelled.

  23. Tough decision. There's not much worse than traveling when you're really sick.

  24. Oh, Steve. I'm so sorry. But you made the right decision, and you know it. Even if you don't have Covid, if you're running a fever you're probably contagious with SOMETHING. I don't think ordinary colds lead to fevers very often.

    You must be so disappointed, though. I hope you have a happy Christmas in London. As you said, Olga will be happy!

  25. Ain't that always the way. Make a difficult decision and then the next day it seems unnecessary. Still, you don't want to infect people even with a cold. Or more likely the flu. I've had plenty of colds but never fever and shivering and they don't start with a cough. You did the right thing. Hope you feel better soon.

  26. Dang! What a bummer! I know about those thoughts of 'if only' but my guess is that you really wouldn't want to have to deal with the high energy of family Christmas celebrations when feeling miserable. Those days are taxing enough when healthy! Take care!

  27. Holidaze With Olga Girl Sounds Terrific She Says - Bummer For Sure But A Win For The Girl

    Stay Strong Brother

  28. You did the right thing. Traveling could have stressed you out, made you sicker and put you in Florida for two weeks sick as the proverbial dog. You're fortunate that you could cancel hotels without penalty. Olga will be happy, so there's that.

  29. blogger not allowing me to comment on your blog...

  30. Oh, that worked , ok then! I forgot what my comment was other than right move!

  31. What a shame! But as you noted, you've both seen family recently, you can now travel during a better time to be flying (which should be less expensive), and you'll be home with Olga for the holiday. Even if it's just a cold, it's miserable to fly with one and still can spread to others. I hope you're feeling better soon!

  32. Hi Steve, this is NewRobin13 commenting from Roger's computer. We had a big earthquake last night and since then we are without power and my computer is not recognizing me. Not sure why, but that's the way it is.
    I am so sorry that you had to cancel your trip after all this planning and readiness to leave. It really was the right choice, even if it was a simple cold or virus. You would have been vulnerable on the plane and may also spread whatever you have. I hope you have a good holiday at home. I know Olga will be so happy.

  33. I'm with you.....Dammit!! Take care and Happy Christmas to you both!!

  34. I’m so sorry
    Look after that chest there’s a nasty pneumonia ariund

  35. It doesn't help, but I think you made the right decision. It's not just the "ifs," it's also the misery of traveling that far when you're sick. With so many unknowns, home is best. I would try to plan some special outings for the "staycation" once you're feeling better. Take care!

  36. Andrew: Time has definitely proven us right on this one.

    River: It does seem there's a lot going around. I know of three co-workers who all got Covid in the last week, and others who came down with other stuff.

    Frances: We were ambivalent about traveling at Christmas anyway, and to be honest, we might not ever do it again. It's just too insane.

    Sabine: That is VERY interesting! I suppose it doesn't really matter whether it's Covid or not, since we're staying home and isolating anyway. It's more just a matter of satisfying my own curiosity.

    Mitchell: That is true! The standard by which we measure everything is Olga's happiness. :)

    YP: I felt the same way! Part of me was disappointed that I'm NOT testing positive.

    Coppas: It IS annoying, and I feel so bad for Dave's mom. I know she was looking forward to seeing us.

    Ed: It's crazy how it just keeps flaring up. The new normal, I suppose.

    Michael: We've spent Christmas here before and enjoyed it. It will be better once I'm able to get out and about!

    Peter: Such a drag, isn't it? What's that saying about "the best laid plans"?

    Boud: Yeah, we definitely could not have seen my mom at all! Even if I began feeling better I'd be nervous.

    Rachel: That's exactly right. What's done is done.

    Bob: I cannot imagine being on a plane feeling the way I do now.

    Ms Moon: Well, it's true -- avoiding this crazy weather is an added bonus!

    Ellen D: Now that the decision is made, I'm looking forward to the quiet time.

    Suzanne: I'm so sorry to miss you all, but believe me, you would NOT want me at your dinner tonight!

    Pixie: Yes, the hotels and airlines are very flexible. I mean, they don't want us around when we're sick, either, so there's no advantage to being inflexible.

    Colette: Yeah, I don't feel bad about missing this arctic blast!

    Janie: Yeah, and my temperature is pretty consistently elevated. More so in the afternoons, which I guess is normal for a fever.

    Bug: This is VERY similar to Covid, except I think I actually felt better when I had Covid!

    Sharon: I got sick once on a trip to Washington D.C. and I felt terrible. I will never forget standing in line at the Air & Space Museum thinking I was going to pass out.

    Linda Sue: Oh, Lord, I hope this doesn't last THAT long! Usually the flu hits hard and fast, and this was a slow ramp-up.

    Red: It was the hardest decision we've had to make in a while.

    Jennifer: Yeah, you're right. I suspect it's a virus of some type. Maybe not Covid, but it behaves similarly.

    Ellen: Well, as it turned out, it was absolutely the right decision!

    James and Brigitta: Yeah, it was a good call. My family wouldn't have wanted me around feeling like this.

    Padre: It IS a win for Olga. She's the only one who comes out ahead in this whole mess!

    Allison: I booked the hotels through hotels.com, and although I sometimes choose to pay the non-refundable rate (which is cheaper), by sheer luck I chose refundable rates or to pay at the desk on all of our reservations this time around.

    Linda Sue: You commented above! It worked fine!

    Kelly: As I said above, we had misgivings about going now anyway, given the crowds and insanity. I think we may never travel at Christmas ever again! (Never say never.)

    Robin/Roger: I heard about your earthquake! I hope you didn't have too much damage! Thanks for checking in even with all that going on.

    Peace Thyme: Sometimes that's the only word that fits! Happy Christmas to you too.

    John: Will do! Another reason to stay home.

    Margaret: Yeah, I hope we can do that, but there are also lots of train strikes so I'm not sure we'll be able to get anywhere! Madness!

  37. You definitely made the right decision. Honestly, test or no test, it might be covid, a new variant that is elusive to test for, at least that's what some reports are saying here.

  38. I hope your cold (or whatever) doesn't spoil your Christmas in London. And I think you were wise to cancel your trip.
