Saturday, March 4, 2023

Joining the (Noisy) Modern World

Here it is -- my first picture from my new iPhone. I took it just after setting everything up and transferring all my data. Olga was snoozing on the couch next to me, and I'd heard the phone was good for photos in low-light situations, so I whispered her name and got this surprised look.

And it's true -- I didn't need to do any editing or brightening on this photo. This is it, right out of the camera.

Olga was not amused, especially when she realized no treat was involved.

Setting up the phone was so easy. Apple has worked it out so that you basically just start it up and set it next to your existing phone, and all the data automatically transfers wirelessly. You have to answer some prompts and enter some passwords, but the whole operation is a piece of cake. So different from my previous phone, which I remember requiring a much more complex process. Dave's ringtone alone took me about a half an hour to set up on my old phone!

Afterwards, Olga and I indulged in a Friday night double-feature of "The Graduate" and "Midnight Cowboy," two of my favorite movies. Hard to believe that Dustin Hoffman is 85 now, and Katharine Ross is 83. And Jon Voight is crazy. Time can be cruel.

Our "Drop Everything and Read" promotion yesterday at work did not turn out to be the relaxing experience I'd hoped. I'd envisioned a wonderful quiet time of uninterrupted immersion in my book. But I guess I should have realized that if we ask everyone in the building to read, lots of them are going to come to the library for books -- at the very last minute. So the library was a mob scene, and I still had groups of kids coming to check things out about 15 minutes into the reading period. And then, afterwards, it all came back, so I spent an extra half an hour at work getting everything back on the shelves.

We also had two classes doing research projects in the library, and they decided NOT to Drop Everything and Read, and it's amazing how noisy two classes of allegedly researching teenagers can be.

I guess I must have had some reading time, because a school photographer happened to catch me at my desk:

But don't I look annoyed?


  1. I love that side eye!

    “Hard to believe that Dustin Hoffman is 85 now, and Katharine Ross is 83. And Jon Voight is crazy.” You said it!

  2. No - you don't look annoyed - you look relaxed and engrossed - doing one of your favourite things. That is a great picture of you Steve. People who are addicted to taking photographs tend to get photographed very little themselves. By the way, great start with the new phone - and Olga's paw on your leg is so sweet.

  3. Yes, replacing laptops and phones and the necessary transfer of content, be they Apple or anything else, is now an almost totally stress free operation, they just sit next to each other and it happens. The photos will be good and gradually the heavy camera will gather dust in the drawer.

  4. So it is an iPhone then. I never thought your photos were lacking but gosh, the photos today are just so sharp. I look forward to seeing more. Six or was it eight years in phone camera time was long, it seems.

  5. I had that easy transfer experience with my current phone, too, a low level Moto. As long as the old phone hasn't died, the info leaves one, shows up on the other. It beats having to pay techies to do it at the shop.
    Great pic in our future, I can see!

  6. I told you you would love that phone. What a great picture of Olga!
    But why did all the books come back? Wouldn't the point be to get the kids interested in a book they might want to finish?

  7. I don't think you look annoyed, I think you are deep into your book!
    Gosh, those first photos from your new phone are really sharp! What fun you are going to have with it!

  8. The new iPhone photos look great. Olga is so adorable especially when she realizes you have taken her photo and there was no treat involved.
    I love seeing the photo of you reading that book at the library.

  9. I'm real happy with my new phone too, especially the camera. though not all my data migrated, like like my phone and message log. or my pictures which is no big deal as they were all already on my computer but the albums of my work also did not migrate. I'd like to have those so I need to figure out how to get them back.

  10. Some times our plans encounter unexpected challenges. It works better if it's a regular routine. We had sustained silent reading every morning so the kids knew when they needed a book.

  11. I love that picture of you! Too bad you didn't get to have a relaxing time with your book. I actually thought about you and your school doing the DEAR thing when I got to work yesterday morning...although you might have been done by then given the time difference! :)

  12. Oh, and Olga is SO SWEET. I just love her! Every post should have an Olga photo.

  13. That's a fantastic photo of Olga and well done with your new camera. I wonder if that transfer only works Apple to Apple or if it would work Android to Apple. I'm not quite ready for a new phone but leaning Apple when I do. Ease is everything -- and the camera is great.

    Love the reading photo. But sorry you couldn't be a little more productive! Oh, wait. You WERE productive -- just not reading!

  14. Glad to hear the new phone is on line. You will have some fun with it, I'm sure. That look on Olga's face is priceless.
    The reading story is hilarious. I should have realized that some kids would wait until the last minute to get a book. Love that studious photo of you too!

  15. I actually love that photo of you. You don't look annoyed to my eye, just absorbed. But you know how you were feeling! And I never use my big camera anymore. I just use my phone for everything. Olga is so adorable.

  16. Nice photos of course you would love the new phone's talent! So easy to tote, but distance may be a challenge , no proper zoom. Mine tends to get too pixelated.
    I am in more agreement with you - I would not disturb that man reading- he looks like he might tell me to fuck off.

  17. Olga was the perfect subject for trying out the new phone camera. I'm glad it was such an easy transfer! My slow internet has always made it a major production, so I'm in no hurry to upgrade. Olga's not the only photogenic one here. That's a great photo of you, too!

  18. My 12 Pro does a great job with low light and the newer phone would probably be even better. At least you got a little reading in!

  19. Gotta love the look on Olga's face in that 1st photo. Voight is a lunatic. Annoyed? Nah, you look very studious. :)

  20. This slayed me:
    "Hard to believe that Dustin Hoffman is 85 now, and Katharine Ross is 83. And Jon Voight is crazy."
    Funny, cuz it's true.

  21. I LOVE that first photo! Of course, Olga is either very photogenic or you never take (or post?) a bad picture of her :)

    The thing that strikes me most about the photo of you reading is how you manage to hold that heavy book in one hand! I've had to come to the realization that I can no longer buy hardcover books because they are too heavy to hold at the right angle!

  22. I love Olga's photo - such a hoot. You should have gotten up & given her a treat (not really- you both looked too settled in place).

    It's wild to think of having to check a book out of the library so I could participate in a reading time. My problem would have been deciding which of the books I'm already reading should get my attention that hour!

  23. You through me for a loop with the comment about Jon Voight being crazy. I was thinking literally and then realized you were probably meaning figuratively due to his political views (which I guess I hadn't known about until googling his name). But when talking about those sorts of beliefs, figuratively and literally may be one and the same.

  24. Best Subject Ever For A First Photo - You Go Olga Girl - Looking Forward To Future Random iPhone Postings

    Welcome To 2023,

    P.S. Let's Hide Some Just Because Treats Under That Pink Blanket

  25. The new phone is really good in low light! I love that picture of you with the book, you sort of look like you're giving someone stink eye.

  26. They certainly make it easy to transfer data these days. I remember having to go through and enter every number manually. Granted this was back in the 90's when a phone was just a phone!
    It is probably your glasses but you do look as if you are giving the photographer the stink eye!

  27. Jeanie - I changed from an Android phone to an iPhone last year. The switch was almost as simple as Steve describes for his iPhone to iPhone upgrade. I (a Luddite) couldn't believe it! The iPhone told me exactly what I needed to do, I followed a few simple instructions, and voila!

    Steve - all four photos are great. I can't pick a favorite. That's a great photo of Librarian At Work. And then - Olga!

    Chris from Boise

  28. What am I reading? Just finished The 57 Bus. You mentioned it a bit ago and it sounded interesting. I found it very good, bringing up a number of issues. Thanks for the recomendation.
    Cheers Peter

  29. And Kelly - belated thanks for recommending the book "I Never Thought of It That Way" by Mónica Guzmán. I just requested it from our library.

    Chris from Boise

  30. I love Olga's surprised look, and it seems only fitting that the first picture you took should be of her!

  31. The Olga photos are terrific! My old phone is a cheap android and when I get a new one it will be another cheap android so whoever sells it to me will have the pleasure of transferring data from the old SIM to the new one.
    I'm surprised the kids weren't told beforehand they would be needing a book for the DEAR program, they should have got them the day before and why not keep them for the next day? Unless there won't be a DEAR every day?
    I can't hold heavy books in one hand anymore either. Nor even large paperbacks.
