Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Another Night Out

After work yesterday, I walked over to Camden Town to go to another concert with Colin at the Roundhouse. This is what my walk looked like. It sure is pretty out there at this time of year.

I fed the picture into Waterlogue to see what it could do with it. A bit vague, but I like it!

Last night's show featured Guy Garvey, the lead singer of the band Elbow, and some fellow musicians he's featured on his weekly radio show on BBC Radio 6. I've never heard this show, and in fact I've barely heard Elbow, but when Colin approached me with this ticket I figured, "Why not?" (Same way I wound up at Rodrigo & Gabriela the night before.)

For example, we heard from a singer named Jesca Hoop, and I was struck by her unusual songs. Here's a video she made with Garvey more than ten years ago, but you don't even need to watch it -- just listen to the song. She performed that one last night, as well as this one.

Another singer, Katherine Priddy, also made quite an impact. And there were many more, all accomplished and skilled, with Garvey as the common thread in many of the performances.

Here's Garvey, in black in the middle, with a group of young musicians called the Roundhouse Collective.

Anyway, it was another good night out, but I hope I can hold it together to get through my workday. Two concerts in a row has cut into my sleep!


  1. I watched the Jesca Hoop/Guy Garvey video. Beautiful. I am sure I would have loved the second Roundhouse concert. It's good that Colin is around to raise your cultural horizons. I wonder what he has got planned for you next. It's like water in a desert.

  2. Waterlogue seems to change what you focus on within the image.

  3. The waterlogue one hurt my eyes.

  4. You’ve become a real gadabout. Beautiful music. Thanks for the introduction.

  5. I love the beautiful street scene. Makes me wish I was there.
    Jesca Hoop reminded me of Kate Bush when she first started singing. Sounds like a great concert, especially for a week night.
    Last night I finished the Netflix series "The Diplomat". Have you seen it. I loved all the London scenes. They used the outside of the real American Embassy building but they use a different place for Winfield House. The last episode left us hanging so hopefully they will do another season.

  6. that Waterlouge app seems like it didn't quite know what to do with all that white. it looks unfinished to me.

    interesting music though not something I would ordinarily listen to.

  7. I prefer the actual photo ... what a beautiful picture of that street!
    I "tried" to listen to the 2 videos, but I have a difficult time with the English accent ... I have a hard time understanding what the heck they are saying! LOL

  8. Reminds me of the hours we used to keep when I was in college - out every night with friends! I could never do that now!

  9. Lovely music. You are so bold to go out two nights in a row!
    I think I like the water color app far more than the AI artist one.

  10. the young group in your last photos! What a tremendous amount of effort it must take to put a group like that together.

  11. That street scene is lovely. The Waterlogue app doesn't really capture the beauty, and yes it is a bit vague.
    Lovely music.

  12. That's new music to me! I love what the app did with the photo - kind of dreamlike.

  13. Double concerts in a week! Sounds exhausting and lots of fun. I do like the waterlogue look at your walk -- but I like the photo best! I want to be there.

  14. You are livin' the life but it becomes tough on the body when at a certain age and while still working. I did very little in the evenings during the weekdays before I retired.

  15. Such a lovely street! Your spring season really is good.

  16. The composition of your photo holds up well in the watercolor thing that you do. It's pretty damned good! Two concerts, what a generous friend! These days i would choose sleep over just about anything fun. Sleeping is my drug of choice, hope work went well.

  17. Hoop's music is soothing to the ear, but it bugs me that I can't make out one word!

  18. That would have been an amazing concert just based on those clips. Stunning voices.
