Thursday, April 20, 2023

Cotton Candy Cloud

I passed this amazing pink cloud of a tree on my walk to work yesterday. Isn't that great? It felt good to get out and walk briskly beneath those springtime colors.

Yesterday was a catch-up day for me. I experimented with some of the stuff I learned at my librarian training, and also did a ton of re-shelving and processed about two weeks' worth of magazines. (Which doesn't sound like a lot, but when you get 35 different magazines they pile up!)

Then I came home and changed the sheets on our bed and made a run to the laundromat to drop them off, and did a load of our own laundry here at home, and restocked the bird feeder. The parakeets were appreciative, as they showed by screeching at me.

I'm having that kind of racy feeling that's whispering in my ear "YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO DO!" I think that will dissipate some today, when hopefully I'll also have a chance to do some blog reading and get back to answering comments.

These are our two surviving tulips in the garden -- the ones the squirrels haven't demolished. (There were originally four.) I love those feathery petals. We also had a nice, bright yellow tulip of a different variety growing at the side of the house, but I saw yesterday that it now looks like Marie Antoinette post-guillotine. Squirrels = garden rats!


  1. The cotton candy is breathtaking. So glad those tulips survived the squirrels. Glorious.

  2. I'll swap you a possum for a squirrel. At least squirrels are cute. Possums sound like all the demons from hell in the middle of the night. And they thump across the roof wearing football boots. And the get into your ceiling and piddle down the inside of the walls.
    Your tulips are lovely as are the grape hyacinths. Love the colours together.

  3. Tulips seem to be having a very good many lovely ones to see when I walk locally with the dog!

  4. You can understand why the flowering is followed in Japan.

    Tree rats!! Quite different from the native reds...

  5. Prunus blooms. I can't remember if they are cherry or plum.
    That racy feeling of things to do can be overwhelming but also quite pointless. It still happens even when retired.

    I think we call the blue flowers in the last photo grape hyacinth or muscari. We used to grow them.

  6. The flowers are lovely. Our tulips are far from blooming yet.
    Funny about the so much to do feeling. The Vienna trip was one mad rush, so I guess you're still in rushing mode. Sounds as if you got a lot done.

  7. For the first thirty years in this house we never saw a single squirrel in our garden but over the past four years we have seen them quite often. I am thinking of buying a humane squirrel trap. I know there are rules and regulations about this but I don't care. After trapping them I will release them in a nearby park where there is a large population of the bloody things.

  8. Isn't it funny how we humans feel we always need to catch-up? I mean, what does it matter in the end? We catch-up and then before we can blink an eye, it all needs doing again.
    I guess we are trying to prevent going into complete chaos.

  9. Love that pink cloud of a blooming tree there. That's such a lovely description of those flowers against the blue sky. Spring is full of so much wonderful color.

  10. I know you're glad to be back in your routine - which is one of the best things about going away!

  11. At the Desert Botanical Garden, there are many plants surrounded by chicken wire. I'm guessing the reason is squirrels. They do love to nibble on plants.
    That tree is pretty spectacular. It's a treat to see.

  12. Any Spring blooms are welcome here! I am always happy to see the colors popping up when I am out for my walks. You will catch up - you always do! "Don't worry; be happy!"

  13. By the way, I need to thank you for the BEEF recommendation. I started watching that a couple days ago and I'm already down to the last episode. It sort or tickles the same entertainment spot in me that Breaking Bad did.

  14. I don't ever remember reading magazines in the school library, so now I'm curious. What are some of the magazines y'all have?

  15. I love that feeling of walking on a truly beautiful spring day. It doesn't happen often, because the temperature is either too cold or too hot in spring, but once in a while it's just right and things are greening and blooming and it's pure magic.

  16. I love the flowering trees too! My parrot tulips only lasted a year then never came back up. :(

  17. Re-entry is hard. I do love that flowering tree, too. It's a stunner. So, too, are you wonderful shaggy tulips. Spring. Love it!

  18. I don't know what the pink is on the tree, but it reminds me of cherry blossoms. Nothing prettier.


  19. Professional development is great but it's hard to come back and get caught up in your work.

  20. Those squirrels! Nasty little devils but fun to watch. I don't know.
