Friday, April 14, 2023

Going Up the Chimney

Yesterday Dave and I went down to the Battersea Power Station to go up in the scenic elevator, called Lift 109. The elevator is a fairly spacious glass capsule that rises through the northwest chimney of the power station and protrudes from the top, giving riders amazing views all around. There's also an interactive display that allows visitors to learn about the power station and its past.

Above you'll see what the chimney looks like from the inside as the car begins to rise to the top. It was intermittently sprinkling rain yesterday, which is why there are water droplets on the glass roof.

And here's the view! Not too shabby, huh? This is looking east toward the city...

...and this is looking west toward Chelsea and Hammersmith, with the rail bridge to Victoria Station and the cabled Chelsea Bridge in the foreground.

Here's the view to the south. You can see the green roof of the power station in the foreground, with the huge skylight, as well as all the construction that's occurred right around it. It's madness down there in terms of apartments. Dave and I fantasized about moving to such a place and living a more urban existence -- and maybe we will someday -- but for now the dog and I are enjoying the garden too much.

Here's a shot showing the interior of the lift itself.

We weren't up there for long. Maybe ten minutes? Fate threw me a curveball because right after I took the top photo with my big Canon camera, the camera stopped working. I tried to take shots of the scenery and kept getting error messages. The contact points between the lens and the camera body weren't communicating for some reason. Thank goodness I had my phone as a backup!

Anyway, it was a fun visit and well worth it, I thought. We also wandered around the shops in the power station, had lunch and a coffee, and (of course) I bought a t-shirt. Then we took the river taxi downstream to Westminster to board the tube, and that was a scenic and peaceful ride along the same stretch of river I walked just a few days ago.

Otherwise, yesterday was pretty uneventful -- we walked the dog, I read, Dave focused on choosing music for his band students, and in the evening we watched our new favorite Netflix show, "Beef." Have you seen this show? We just finished the series last night. It was full of surprises and does not disappoint!


  1. Oh look! It's Willy Wonka's glass elevator!

  2. Looks brilliant. I bet the apartments are expensive.

  3. I would love this... and a big city apartment.

  4. You picked a crystal clear day to go up in the lift. Marvellous views. I must tell Ian and Sarah about it.

  5. I'm guessing a,pricy place to live. Great views, thank you. How clean the air looks.

  6. Those views are amazing, Steve. Thanks for the Netflix advice!

  7. I don't see you enjoying living in a box stacked among thousands of boxes. Fantastic view and a nice day all around.

  8. Wow! What a cool thing! And I'm sorry your Cannon decided to throw a little tantrum but your iPhone did a lovely job in my opinion.
    I have no real eye though.
    I'll put "Beef" on my list.

  9. Fantastic views. That one looking down on the railroad tracks reminded me of the time I stayed at a house in Balham. When I took the overground line in to the city we passed over those tracks. Battersea was an empty hulk back then.
    The amount of apartments around there is mind boggling.
    A friend texted me last night and said to watch "Beef". I will after I've finished "Night Agent".

  10. I love that the power station has a scenic elevator like this. Such beautiful views from up there. I'm so glad you and Dave took this ride.

  11. Now, that IS a view. I've wondered about adding this to our itinerary when we come in October (I hope). Is it all worth it?

  12. WOW! That does give me a thrill! What a gorgeous city, thanks for paying and lifting and snapping those fabulous shots. Maybe I will find time to go up when I am there, who knows- four months goes by so quickly. Your phone shots are splendid! You have a better camera than mine! So glad you do! What a great thing to do on a drizzly day!

  13. What a fun outing! I love the views - and it was certainly a gorgeous day for it.

  14. Stellar Captures Before The End Of A Camera Era - Keep On Keeping On


  15. The place to visit, or stay in - there is a hotel too. At least it proves that really all you need is your phone for photos, they are great.

  16. Glass elevators going up shafts with no roof... sounds like right out of Charlies and the Chocolate Factory. You're lucky the elevator didn't keep on ascending up into the sky!

  17. What a beautiful day to capture those great views! Your phone did a good job! I'll keep those apartments in mind as a second home when I win the lottery someday. 😉

  18. With my fear of heights just thinking of a glass elevator makes me slightly nauseous but I usually talk myself onto them nevertheless since I hate to miss out on the views! Will this be the end of your 'big camera' days you think?

  19. Beautiful photos. London is so dense!

  20. Thanks for the recommendation on "Beef". I saw it when I turned on Netflix the other day and wondered if it was any good. Great photos!

  21. That's an amazing repurposing of an old building! I love that!

  22. I think I saw it here first, the views that is. I think they may be better than what we saw from 'The Eye'.

  23. Stunning views.
    Youngest son recommended Beef so now I have two - I'll start tonight

  24. River: We should have been singing "Pure Imagination"!

    Tasker: Yeah, no doubt. I suspect Dave and I would not be able to live in this immediate neighborhood!

    Mitchell: It would be fun, wouldn't it? I've always wanted to live in a high-rise, at least for a little while.

    YP: Yes, it's well worth the money, as long as the weather cooperates!

    Boud: Yeah, definitely pricey, especially the apartments within the power station itself.

    Ellen D: We got lucky with light and shadow, too, which added interest to the views.

    Ellen: Oh, I don't know. I lived in a studio apartment in Manhattan and was happy with that! I'm very adaptable.

    Ms Moon: Yeah, thank goodness the phone came through! You DO have an eye for photos.

    Sharon: What's "Night Agent"? Maybe I need to check that out?

    Robin: It's a great view from up there!

    Jeanie: Depends on how much time you have, and what other attractions you're trying to visit, but I'd say absolutely! Check it out!

    Red: It was!

    Linda Sue: YES! You should go! I think it's especially meaningful for people like us who remember the old Battersea of the Pink Floyd "Animals" era.

    Bug: We chose Thursday specifically because that was supposed to be the best day of the week weather-wise.

    Padre: Yeah, I think my camera may be toast. I'm not sure I mind.

    Rachel: Yeah, I wonder what the hotel is like?! Thanks re. the photos. Good job, phone!

    Ed: We did make jokes about Willy Wonka's glass elevator. :)

    Kelly: Ha! Yeah, I can't imagine how much they cost.

    James and Brigitta: I'll probably still use the big camera in the garden with the zoom and macro lenses, assuming the contact points still work for them. (Haven't tried them yet!) But otherwise, I may switch to phone.

    Allison: See, to me it seems spread-out, relative to NYC!

    Michael: Definitely worth watching!

    Debby: They really did do an amazing job. I hope the businesses do well.

    Andrew: It's similar to the Eye in some ways. The Eye's advantage is that it overlooks Parliament, which you can't really see from Battersea.

    Caro: I hope you like it!
