Sunday, April 16, 2023

Off to the Land of Mozart and Freud

I'm cheating a little bit with my blogging today -- I'm writing this post late on Saturday and scheduling it to publish Sunday morning. That's because on Sunday, when I'd usually be writing, I will instead be winging my way to Vienna for librarian training. Or, more accurately, on my way to the airport to get that winging underway.

I'm excited to go, even though the trip is going to be ridiculously short. I'll be back on Tuesday evening. I hope to blog from Vienna but I'm only taking my work computer so this is going to be an experiment.

The picture above shows a new restaurant opening in West Hampstead. I'm not sure how I feel about "filthy rich food," but I like a good burger as much as the next person and the place is practically around the corner from our flat, so I'm sure we'll try it.

This happened yesterday, completely out of the blue. Thames Water closed the street right in front of our flat and jackhammered a big hole in the pavement. Something about a leaky pipe. Above you can see the yellow jackhammer thing (I have no idea what it's called, but it's like a bulldozer with a jackhammer attachment), and behind that a big red truck that sucked up the jackhammered pavement, dirt and debris like a gigantic Electrolux. The center of the road is closed and there's still a big hole, but now that the heavy equipment is gone I've seen some cars inch their way around the sides.

Dave's not thrilled about this -- "These things always happen when you go out of town," he said, harkening back to the time they shut off the utilities for a few days for a water main break while I was in Florida.

But there was good news yesterday as well -- MY BANK CARD ARRIVED! And it does work. I tried it at Waitrose to be sure. What a relief, that I can travel to Vienna and not be penniless. (I have a credit card and a bank card linked to my American savings account, so I would never have truly starved -- but I'd rather spend my British money.)

Dave and I took Olga to the cemetery for an afternoon walk. We found the cowslip blooming in the butterfly garden.

And someone had left not one but FOURTEEN portraits on the grave of English singer Marie Lloyd, who was quite famous in her day and apparently has fans even now.

Anyway, forgive me if I am not around blogland as much in the next few days, but I will continue to post daily. I promise.


  1. Oh what an exciting life you lead. Hampstead today, Vienna tomorrow. The perks of living in a country that isn't a million miles from anywhere!
    My heart skipped a beat when I saw the cowslip. I thought "cowslip" before I read what you had written and I haven't seen one of those in over 50 years. There are certain plants that always say England to me.
    Safe travels and I am sure you will blog every day. You have a reputation and award to live up to!

  2. I hope that you get a chance to see something of Vienna. Safe journey.

  3. I hope that the librarian training in Vienna has a session called "How to tackle boys who cluster in the library to gossip and secretly eat snacks". It would be interesting to see what tactics have been effective in other parts of Europe - such as the threat of a firing squad... or castration.

  4. The city of palaces, smartly dressed older women, strudel and vanilla sauce (as they call custard), trams and trains to everywhere and the oldest cafe in the world.

  5. Oh wow Vienna, how exciting. I hope your trip has a bit of time to.see some interesting sights.
    I’m not sure how I feel about the name of that new food spot. It doesn’t conjure up any hunger pangs.
    Enjoy your adventure!

  6. I don't consider it cheating and sometimes write posts a couple weeks ahead. I call it pre-planning and removing the pressure of trying to write something about nothing. I only worry when my last post publishes and I have nothing saved for a future date.

  7. How very odd to be going to Vienna for what- two nights? to get librarian training. But, whatever. I hope you get a chance to see something of the city.
    Was there ever only one photo of Marie Lloyd?
    "Filthy Rich Food." Really? Neither of those two adjectives make food sound especially good.
    Safe journeys!

  8. wow. quick trip to Vienna. you can't get library training in the UK? and really, how much training does it take to be a librarian? and filthy rich food? rich as in guaranteed to give you gout?

  9. Have a nice trip, Steve. Hope you get to have some fun while you are in Vienna! Safe travels!

  10. Sounds (literally) like you're leaving at an ideal time, with jackhammers rat-tat-tating away. Poor Dave, though.
    And so that's what cowslips look like - are you old enough to remember that there was once a folksy rock group by that name?
    Have fun in Vienna - have some pastry for the rest of us.

  11. Have a save and good journey to Vienna, Steve. I'm looking forward to some views there.

  12. Enjoy your training workshop!

    I'm not sure I really get why people put photographs on graves.

  13. Have a wonderful time in Vienna! I've been to Austria but not to that particular city.

  14. When I think Vienna, it's not Mozart, nor Freud. It's my late friend Arda, who missed the coffee and cakes, served with ceremony and beautiful serving dishes, of her childhood there. Eat a rich pastry in her honor between training!

  15. Have fun and tell us all about librarian training as well as the food you eat!

  16. I'm so grateful you got your new (and working) bank card. Timing is everything. Vienna sounds great -- I've been interested in it ever since I read the Hare with Amber Eyes (highly recommended). Enjoy -- hope you have time to play a bit too!

  17. If your training happens to be at the Austrian National Library at the Hofburg in the city center you'll be in for a treat since it's absolutely gorgeous! Have fun!

  18. Have coffee and Sacher torte while you are there. Hope it's fun.

  19. Have a great trip!

    Filthy rich food??? What kind of advertising is that?
