Saturday, June 17, 2023

Gin & Tonics in Church

We begin this post with a completely gratuitous picture of Olga, taken on our walk yesterday morning. That's for no real reason except to celebrate summer vacation, which has now, finally, FINALLY, officially begun. Hopefully there will be a lot of Olga in my summer.

Yesterday was actually quite busy in the library, with lots of last-minute tidying up and shelving and dismantling displays and recycling newspapers and that kind of thing. (Perhaps you've noticed that I haven't been answering blog comments in recent days. I have just been too slammed. I'll do better, I promise.)

At noon we had our big school-wide celebratory luncheon in the gym, where we bid adieu to the people who are leaving with speeches and a slideshow. One of those people is my boss and her husband, who are moving back to the states -- though as I may have written before, my boss has taken a last-minute temporary job as one of our colleagues' maternity replacements, so she'll be back for six months during the next school year.

After the luncheon, she was headed to Selfridge's to run an errand and I needed to find a birthday present for Dave, so I tagged along.

It's always interesting to go to Selfridge's and wander among the rather eccentric fashions. These oversized Gucci sweatshirts with Patrick Nagel designs were eye-catching, but that shirt costs £2,200, so needless to say I won't be buying one. Remember Nagel's cover for Duran Duran's "Rio" album? We all had that record in the '80s.

After making our purchases (I got some fun socks for Dave, which weren't too ridiculously expensive) we went to the rooftop bar. I had an Aperol spritz as we gazed out over the rooftops. Fortunately my boss had an extra pair of sunglasses because it was freakin' bright up there. I looked like Jackie O on a bad day but my eyes were comfortable.

Afterwards we weren't quite ready to go home, so we went... a shopping and restaurant complex housed in a former church in Mayfair. We got a couple of gin-and-tonics and took in the atmosphere.

Dave, who was out with his own co-workers, was home by this time, so I joined him and Olga for dinner and an episode of the new season of "Black Mirror" on Netflix (which we love). And now, for two months, I am free, free, free!


  1. A very good reason to go to church. Gin. So glad you finally made it to your first day of summer break. I don't get those sweatshirts for £2,200. Do they look good on anyone? Oh, never mind. They're Nagel-Gucci. How they look doesn't matter. And a bargain at that.

  2. May I assure that back in the 80's I certainly did NOT own "Rio" by Duran Duran and have never owned any records or promotional items connected with that unappealing singing combo. I wonder what The Lord thinks about one of his houses being turned into a commercial emporium.

  3. I did not have the album but I thought Duran Duran were rather luscious.
    Your boss must like you to keep company with you for so long. It's a nice view from the rooftop bar.
    Your headline was excellent click bait.

  4. Well you certainly know how to kick the holidays off with style!

  5. Happy Summer! What a great feeling it is! And gin and tonics in a church!

  6. My kinda church.
    And love that rooftop view.

  7. I fell in love with Selfridge's Food Hall and Confectionary Department.

  8. My church only offered wine with a side of these tiny, tasteless cookies.

  9. That former church is a beautiful building. Good to see it being used, appreciated and cared for.

    Enjoy your holidays!

  10. That is such a beautiful church to have a gin and tonic, a great way to start your summer vacation. Enjoy your summer of delightful freedom!

  11. Wouldn't it be funny if we were to find out that god hates stained glass? Seriously though- what a gorgeous building and can you imagine the years of work and craftsmanship that went into it?
    I liked what Debby said.
    Never did like those Nagel graphics. At all. Gucci won't be selling them to me. They look like something I'd see at Goodwill marked three dollars and I'd be thinking, "Who in hell would buy that?"
    I do wish I could have seen you in those sunglasses.
    Happy Freedom, Steve!

  12. the last day of school was always a joy. £2,200 for a sweatshirt? might as well just stick a sign on your back that says "I'm rich".

  13. The end of year celebrations are bitter sweet. You are saying good bye to many kids and staff, but it is the end of the year so it's like a release from jail!

  14. P.S. Just saw a picture of you on FB with the glasses! You look good in those things!

  15. So gin in church is the holy spirit, I guess. Sounds good. I think they wouldn't have lost their attendance if they'd thought of this. A restaurant with the sermon printed in one paragraph on the menu.

  16. Happy Freedom Steve!!!

    I really hope that there are many more pictures of Olga and you both celebrating the summer and Freedom together!

    The church is stunning and so Beautiful. However, I could never have a gin and tonic in a church ever! The churches I grew up in we could not even wear pants, Xexcept for the men of course and to wear a pair of shorts!!!! Oh My... Sacrilege and sacrilegious for sure. I cannot even bring myself to wear a nice pair of pants to a church now. I know that the Lord could care less in what I am wearing, but... some things are just engrained in my soul I guess.
    But I am sure that you enjoyed your gin and tonic and visit with your boss. Nice to have a friend to hang out with.

    Early Birthday to Dave! May his birthday be a day of celebrations and happiness.

    Last of all... I didn't own any of Duran Duran albums. If it wasn't Old Country it was not allowed to be played in my house unless my dad was out of town and I could get away with Elton John.
    My dad was super duper Strict... But I do miss him!

    Have a great weekend!

  17. I love how they've repurposed that church and I think I saw it featured on another blog awhile back. And just for the record, my church (which is still a church) serves Mimosas on Sunday mornings (on special occasions) and wine and beer at other times. I don't understand why everyone thinks God would disapprove.

  18. I bet rent for a shop in that church is quite steep. I imagine the utility bills are quite high, maybe as high as the roofline!

  19. A lovely impromptu shopping trip and one of my favorite London stores. I won't be getting any 2,000 pound sweatshirts though. That is just crazy. However, gin and tonic in a church is another thing altogether. That I would gladly participate in.

  20. P.S. that was a king snake in my friend's yard. They are pretty and harmless.

  21. In the county of the most churches in the UK we are quite used to churches being put to other uses and God is ok with it. It is win win.

  22. Congratulations on making it to summer vacation! Yeah! Soak it all up and enjoy yourself. Gin and tonics are a nice way to start.

  23. Yay for freedom and a lovely day out! There's a cool place in Seattle (Capitol Hill area) called the Pine Box; it used to be a mortuary. Fun bar/restaurant with an interesting ambiance.

  24. Frances: Oh, I will!

    Mitchell: I don't get ANY article of clothing at that price.

    YP: Wow! Why such opprobrium for Duran Duran? I said the same thing to my boss -- wonder what the founders of that church would say if they saw us all sitting there quaffing gin?

    Andrew: They were luscious! Definitely the hottest thing around when I was in high school.

    Caro: Why not end the year with a bang?!

    Michael: I might be able to sit through a sermon if I had a gin & tonic.

    Bob: It was a great view all up and down Oxford Street.

    Dov: I love Selfridge's. It's very much like Bloomingdales, which was my favorite store when I lived in NYC.

    Debby: HA! Mine didn't even offer wine -- just grape juice!

    GZ: I agree. I think community or commercial uses for old churches is the way to go, rather than tearing down such great buildings.

    Robin: I am looking forward to it!

    Ms Moon: Glad you caught the sunglasses pic on Facebook. :) I'm not that into Nagel either, but it may be partly because we've seen so many cheap imitations in the years since.

    Ellen: Or "I'm gullible."

    Red: More sweet than bitter, I must say. :)

    Boud: Seriously, why don't they serve drinks in church? People would be more inclined to stay and listen, and they sure would be less fidgety.

    Beth: Well, Elton John was pretty subversive in his day! I doubt this is an active church anymore -- it's been deconsecrated, I assume.

    Kelly: I don't either! Like everything, it's only a problem in excess.

    Ed: Yeah, I saw some little shops that seemed like they might be hanging on by a thread. I wonder what they're paying.

    Sharon: Yeah, I could not believe that price!! Glad you ID'd the snake and he was able to go on his way.

    Rachel: Well, sure, it raises money for the churches and (assuming they're still active) allows them to sustain themselves. A church SHOULD be a center of community life.

    Jennifer: Whew! FINALLY!

    Margaret: What a great idea! I guess anything can be repurposed as a bar, really.
