Friday, July 7, 2023

A Fly Monitors Our Return

As great as the beach was -- and it was great -- I am so happy to be home! I just had the best night's sleep I've had in several days. The dog didn't get me up at 4:20 a.m. (unlike yesterday) and our bed here is much, much bigger than the ones at the cottage. I think our drapes are better, too. All I know is I slept like a rock from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. and it felt like a miracle.

Our trip yesterday was smooth but long. We got home about 2 p.m. Olga was well-behaved on the trains but you could tell she was exhausted:

I think she's happy to be back in a familiar environment, too.

(I'm pretty sure that woman sitting across from us was taking Olga's picture. We heard her phone's "shutter" go off several times, with the phone pointed downward. I suppose she could have been making screenshots or something but I suspect Olga is now on someone's Instagram feed: "Look at this adorable but decrepit dog on my train!")

We got a late-breaking surprise last night when my old friend Dan, from New York, came through town with his partner Jimmy. They're traveling in Europe and got in touch with us to have dinner. Dave was too tired but I haven't seen Dan in 12 years, so I jumped at the chance. They came up to West Hampstead (bless them) and we had drinks in our garden. Minus Dave, we then moved on to a local pub, The Alliance, which I've photographed but had never visited. We had a great time and it was wonderful to see them both. I can't believe it's been so long.

Speaking of the garden, it has continued to prosper during our brief absence. So much is blooming! Pictures to come!

(Top photo: A preview of garden blossoms -- our Alstroemeria, or Peruvian lilies. Can you see the fly?)


  1. It sounds like you strengthened your alliance with Dan and Jimmy in "The Alliance". Shame that Dave did not feel up to it but I guess that is how it goes with Crohn's sometimes. It seems that the Pevensey trip was a great success and the weather played ball too.

  2. Yes, I see the fly (in the ointment?) among the gorgeous flowers.

  3. Glad you had a safe return. I sometimes find myself wanting to snap pictures of dogs too as I love them so much.

  4. A good trip but glad to be back..and just in time to see friends, can't fault that.

  5. Welcome home! Olga is now (even more) famous. Probably going viral now.

  6. I got a new mattress a couple years ago, one of those ordered unfelt from online descriptions. It is okay but I've slept on better ones over the years. But after getting home from 14+ days on the road, sleeping in a wide variety of places, it felt like it was meant for a queen that first night back. Nothing feels better than sleeping in your own bed, regardless of what you might rate the mattress.

  7. Sounds like a wonderful sleep! I've been having trouble sleeping and am so envious of you!

  8. Olga looks perfectly relaxed after her holiday!

  9. You're home! I'm so glad.
    Perhaps Olga will become viral!
    Those flowers are ridiculously beautiful. And yes, I can see the fly.

  10. no matter how good a time you have away, it's always good to be back home. I have a native version of alstroemeria. I've probably told you this before.

  11. No, she would never describe Olga as decrepit. She would have said, I have the pleasure of sitting across from this beautiful, sweet photogenic dog. I can see her dads love her and they're all happy to be going home.


  12. I would totally have been taking Olga's picture too - she's just got that something extra special.

  13. It always feels so good to be home after a journey. Olga looks adorable on the train. She is so photogenic. I see the fly, and thank you for reminding of the name of the name of the flowers blooming in our garden... Alstromeria!

  14. It's always good to get back home to peace and quiet.

  15. Olga might agree that she rests better when her pink blanket is on familiar ground. I bet it had to go through the washer when you got home.

    I see the fly and the flowers are gorgeous!

  16. The one good thing I can say about the AirBnBs we had this past winter, is that the beds did not suck. So that was good. The second place we stayed had skylights in both bedrooms, which was novel. Home is always better, but the beach sounded night. Welcome home!

  17. I see those flowers in many bouquets. Now I know what they are called (not that I'll remember).
    Sounds like the trip home was uneventful except for some covert photo taking. It is a joy to get away and a joy to return home again.

  18. Olga would be ashamed of you, Stephen, for even suggesting that anyone could find her to be decrepit! Watch your tongue, young man. And it's always nice to touch base with old friends.

  19. Olga looks anything but decrepit!
    How wonderful to catch up with Dan and Jimmy. I hope Dave is feeling brighter.

  20. It's always good to get home no matter how excellent the holiday accommodations are.

  21. Welcome home. I LOVE that your drapes are better!

  22. I love traveling but I also love my own bed and the familiarity of my place. I have a black out blind which makes for a nice, dark room. (required!) How nice to see an old friend and spend time together, especially since you now live so far away from where you grew up.

  23. YP: Yeah, Dave is about to get his next infusion of drugs and he always runs low on energy right before that.

    Mitchell: It always adds an element of interest to have a little insect in a flower picture -- even if it's a housefly!

    Michael: I've found that dog owners often LIKE people to take pictures of their critters! I'm always happy for people to take pictures of Olga.

    GZ: Yeah, the timing worked out really well!

    Boud: I'm sure if I'd set up an Instagram account for her back in the day, she'd be a star.

    Ed: It's true. It's amazing how accustomed our bodies get to very specific comforts.

    Ellen D: I have trouble at this time of year, when daylight comes so early and leaves so late, so it was a nice change!

    Bob: She's happy to be home, no question!

    Ms Moon: They really are amazing, and they bloom like crazy. They're super-prolific.

    Ellen: I think you have, but I can't remember what it looks like!

    Janie: Well, hopefully. :)

    Bug: She does have "star" quality, I agree. She's such a character.

    Robin: Yes, or "Peruvian lily," or "lily of the Andes" or "lily of the Incas."

    Red: It literally is the best part of going on vacation.

    Kelly: Oh yes, it definitely went through the washer! Immediately!

    Allison: Skylights make a big difference, don't they? But in bedrooms they might be a problem, especially in northern latitudes when it gets light so early in summer.

    Sharon: Yeah, florists love alstroemeria.

    Catalyst: There are words that Olga knows -- food, treat, sit, lie down. Fortunately she does not know "decrepit." :)

    Caro: Dave is happy to be home and ready for some relaxation in his recliner!

    River: It's true. We all like our familiarity.

    Jeanie: What's funny is, our drapes are actually TERRIBLE. (They belong to the landlord.) But they're still more effective than the blinds at the cottage!

    Margaret: Yeah, I always try to seize the moment and visit with friends when they come through town.
