Friday, July 14, 2023

Pigeon Man and Clitterhouse

I mentioned a few days ago that I intended to FaceTime with my mom and brother on the 12th -- my Mom's birthday. Well, as it turned out, the gods of technology did not smile upon us. Whether my brother's signal was weak within my mom's retirement center, or mine was weak where I was (and more on that in a second), we were unable to connect. He sent me photos, though, and I did FaceTime with him later to catch up on things.

I thought I'd be home when I arranged to talk to him, but some of Dave's friends from the states were passing through London and we wound up going to Rules for dinner with them. That's why I suspect my phone signal may have been part of the problem -- Rules is in Covent Garden and that area is always heaving with people in the evenings. Too many phones, not enough connectivity?

It's blackberry season in our garden again! Here's my first harvest. I eat most of them on my cereal but occasionally Dave will put some in a pie and we always leave the highest, least accessible berries for the birds.

I took two walks yesterday. The first, with the dog, barely counts for exercise purposes because these days she moves so slowly that my heart rate doesn't even go up. We did see Pigeon Man, though:

Pigeon Man is an older guy who wanders around the neighborhood surreptitiously dumping bags of crushed-up McVitie's biscuits on the sidewalk for the birds. He does it without even stopping. It seems harmless enough, but the authorities really don't want people feeding pigeons, which are considered pest birds. In fact, in the video above, there's a sign on the fence to that effect -- right above where he dumps the biscuits. Cheeky!

Anyway, I took a much longer walk in the afternoon -- about five miles -- up and around the Clitterhouse Playing Fields via Childs Hill Park. I used to walk Olga up that way but she can't go that far anymore, and I hadn't been up there myself in a couple of years. Someone's really improved the appearance of the little shop on the corner across from the playing fields -- it used to look terrible, and now (top photo) it's amazing! That little parade of school children in their orange hats was perfectly timed.


  1. That mural is very nice, so colourful. I did wonder where all the schoolkids were going.
    I don't feed pigeons and have stopped feeding the sulphur crested cockatoos as well, it isn't good for them to rely on people and it was getting far too expensive for me.

  2. The building is very cheery and artsy. Blackberry season is about a month away here, depending on how much sun we get. It's now blueberry season. (my favorite)

  3. I guess the local dogs enjoy those biscuits too! He could get done for littering though!
    Your blackberries look sumptious. My parents had cultivated ones in their garden and Mum used to make apple and blackberry pie.

  4. Just actually watched the video...there wouldn't be anything left for the dogs after 2 seconds!! Those birds certainly recognise him.

  5. I love blackberries. Yours look beautiful. As for Pigeon Man, I didn't see anything, did you see anything) That top photo is perfection.

  6. The nickname Pigeon Man makes me wonder what it might be like if we all had similar nicknames. You would be Book Man, Joe Biden would be Stumble Man and I would be Procrastinator Man.

  7. I love that mural in your first picture. And those blackberries look so good!

  8. Oh wow, what a difference at the corner shop.

    Pigeon feeders should be shot on sight and if not, gaoled or put into a home for the bewildered. They pigeons and pigeon feeders are a problem here too. I don't like pigeons or horses.

  9. I wonder if biscuits are even good for the pigeons? I know we're told to not feed bread to birds...

  10. I'm glad they have fixed up that corner. How nice to see!
    One day the flock of pigeons will grab a hold of the pigeon man and fly him away to feast on... now that's a gross thought for me to have!

  11. That building does look so good with the mural. Art makes such a difference.
    We're not quite a blackberry season yet, but soon... I hope. That does look yummy.
    I like Ellen D's comment about the pigeons grabbing the pigeon man and flying him away to feast on him. Yes!

  12. Don't you love it when a photo just works? That one sure does.

  13. We have one guy who feeds pigeons in the same spot. It's a mess.

  14. Earlier this year, my daughter went to Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy. When she hadn't sent me any pictures and was already in Venice, I requested some and the first one she sent me was of a pigeon. Since that time, she has been quite taken with those birds.

  15. I've never cared for blackberries. I don't like the seeds. I've learned the birds (and critters) are always going to get their fair (or unfair) share!

  16. Oh gosh, Rules for dinner! You are the lucky one. It's been a very long time since I ate there with my dad.
    As much as I love watching birds, I still wouldn't want a flock of pigeons following my down the street.
    That little shop has had quite a makeover.

  17. I love that mural; it's a splash of joy.
    We've been buying blackberries at our Farmer's Market for the last month or so and they are so delicious. I keep wanting to do a cobbler but then we eat them all in fruit bowls or with yogurt. Perhaps I need three baskets?

  18. Great mural and it really fixed up that property.

  19. Blackberries are a pest here and we can't pick them because they have most likely been sprayed. You can buy them in the supermarket but I prefer raspberries.
    I am with Andrew on people feeding rats of the sky.

  20. River: Yeah, I feel that way about the parakeets at our feeder. I only put food out a couple of times a week so they have to find their own on other days.

    Margaret: It's funny how different it is in various parts of the world. In Florida, blackberries come in the spring.

    Frances: He's quite defiant about it. I've seen people confront him and he basically tells them to bugger off.

    Mitchell: The action happens very quickly -- he dumps a bag of crumbs while walking past the corner of the fence. (Or are you saying that sarcastically?)

    YP: Pigeon Man is a better nickname than any of those, I think!

    Michael: The mural certainly brightens things up.

    Andrew: Ha! How do you REALLY feel? The thing is, he's probably feeding rats too -- and not just rats of the air.

    Bug: I'm sure they're not!

    Ellen D: It is a little freaky how they all swoop down on him. They really DO know him and can tell him apart from other people.

    Robin: I'm sure he means well but while the birds like the attention, all his neighbors do not!

    Ms Moon: It was perfect timing! So much of photography really is luck.

    Red: This guy feeds them in several locations, and they're ALL a mess.

    Ed: Ha! Did you say, "This is not the photo I had in mind"?

    Kelly: The seeds, to me, are a necessary evil -- but I know what you mean because they DO get caught in my teeth.

    Sharon: Rules is one of our favorite restaurants! We hadn't been there since the pandemic so it was good to go back.

    Bob: I bet if you have three baskets, you'll eat three baskets! (I would.)

    Catalyst: The difference is amazing, isn't it?!

    Caro: They're a pest all over the world, I think. I sometimes pick a few when I'm out and about and god only knows what I'm ingesting, but I mostly just eat the ones from our garden.

  21. He's very casual about it, but, yeah, I did notice.

  22. I'm feeling smug because I finally upped my walking distance to 1.6 miles (and hurting when I'm done) and here you are -- five miles! And the Thames walks. I'm impressed! Pigeon Man IS cheeky. So sorry the photo convo didn't work out with you three. I hope you can re-do it.
