Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Pink Party With Clones of My Mother

Olga and I came across these balloons on our morning walk a few days ago. I guess someone had a party! Aren't the colors in this picture great? I love that pink and how it picks up the rosy tones in the brick walls.

I had the strangest dream last night:
I was having dinner at a restaurant in Florida with some of my family. My mom was supposed to come and meet us there. I saw her approaching the entrance so I ran to meet her and we sat in the lobby for a quick talk before going to the table. As we talked I suddenly realized there were TWO of her, one sitting right next to her on the couch!

And then two MORE of her showed up, but these were younger versions, as she would have looked in her 20's. They were wearing yellow dresses and looked very 1950s.

"Mom, WHAT IS GOING ON?" I said.

"Shhhh..." she said, gesturing to her same-aged identical companion. "She's very sensitive about some things."

I was so stunned that there were multiple apparent clones of my mother that I went back to the table by myself. But then I realized she was supposed to come with me, so I ran out to the parking lot to try to find her. I thought I saw her in the distance so I ran after her into the Florida night. The shell marl parking lot was dark. A car drove by, with "Careless Whisper" by Wham! emanating from its windows. I didn't see mom.

I became aware that a man was following me. He looked a bit thuggish, wearing a blue polo shirt. He was smoking. I asked what he was doing.

"So you don't skip on your bill, innit," he said in a British accent.
And then I woke up.

Very strange. It's probably no coincidence that today is my mother's 86th birthday. My brother and I are supposed to FaceTime later today when he visits her, so I can wish her happy birthday, even though I'm sure she has no idea what day it is. I hope there's only one of her, and there's no Cockney bouncer in evidence!

Speaking of Florida, I got my monthly Florida Memory postcard yesterday, mailed by a still-anonymous (but probably related to me) person.

Bruce Mozert, the photographer, was apparently a pioneer in underwater photography and did much of his work at famously clear Silver Springs in Ocala. Ginger Stanley, his model, did stunt work in "The Creature from the Black Lagoon" and other films. Neither of them are with us any longer -- Stanley just died earlier this year at the age of 91.

You know how I said in yesterday's post that our garden was looking its "neatest" in that picture? Yeah, well, never mind. I spent all day yesterday working out there and filled four lawn waste bags with garden trimmings. There's always something to do, and the neatening is never done!

The most major change I made was cutting down a Cotoneaster shrub growing beneath the hazels. I've never liked it because it blocked some of our rose bushes, and I'm pretty sure it grew there on its own (as opposed to being planted by anyone). Apparently they're an invasive species, but they're also good for pollinators. In any case we still have a few more on the property. I hate to kill any plant but it had to go. Sometimes as a gardener you have to make tough decisions!


  1. We have Cotoneasters in Adelaide too and they can grow quite large. I'm told the birds love the berries but I've never seen any birds on them. Perhaps because I don't pay attention or maybe I'm there at the wrong times. I don't think there is a bush close to my home though.

  2. I also have a " rogue" cotoneaster that has appeared in one of my unused pots!

  3. The weird dream suggests that you have been taking mind-bending drugs. My firm advice is to lay off them

  4. I guess you will begone the comment from Doung.

    Normally people recounting their dreams is not terribly interesting but yours was.

    Cotoneasters are a pest species here, spread by birds eating the fruit then defecating the seed out onto fertile ground. They seem to love our cold and heat, very hardy. You had to do what you had to do and you were right.

  5. We had cotoneaster try to take over a bed at the condo, looking very messy and catching all the paper debris flying about the windy corner. Gone now.

    That was some weird dream. Happy birthday to your mom anyway even if she's not very clear on it.

  6. Between the dream and the post card it's a Mystery Week for you.

  7. Sounds like one of my dreams. I really wish I didn't dream so much, it drives me mad. Tom used to say that he very rarely dreamt, lucky thing.
    Love the underwater shot.

  8. I think the dream was showing you the many sides of your Mom that, perhaps, you had never realized before! To have her show up just before her birthday and leave so abruptly ... perhaps she was trying to tell you something!
    I don't know what that plant is ... the dream was far more interesting to me! Perhaps your Mom will have a moment of recognition during the chat time with your brother! I hope so!

  9. Yes, I think that dream is showing the many sides and lives your Mom lived. Hope she can sometimes remember some of the happy times. It's hard to know what is going on in their minds.

  10. What an interesting dream to have about your mom. I hope when you FaceTime with her today on her birthday, she has a moment of recognition and feels the love.
    I love the mystery of the postcards.

  11. Catoneaster is a very invasive species. They are a common shrub in the poplar woods here.

  12. That is a strange dream. It's good that you wrote it all down. I'm not sure why but experts do say you should write them down as soon as you awake. That's a great postcard. Very Florida!

  13. Balloons in the corner- wow what a great shot!! One of my many favorites. It looks like "the party's over" and your dream - holy cow- could that not be more profound? Goes well with the balloons, init.

  14. so you're being stalked with postcards? I do like the picture up top. I was hoping to see a picture of the cotoneaster on the link but the only thing in focus was the bird!

    perhaps your mom came to visit on the only plane she has open to her now, bringing all her selves with her as a reminder maybe. maybe she's gathering her selves to cross over.

  15. Oh man - I love what Ellen had to say about your mom! Now I need her to interpret the Taylor Swift nightmare I had the other night.

    Your garden travails reminded me of a little journal I used to subscribe too - it was mostly essays by gardeners, rather than tips, etc. I really loved it, but ended up having to drop the subscription because we couldn't afford it at the time. I should see if it's still around!

  16. It IS still around! It's called Greenprints. Cool!

  17. Steve, that dream. I imagine so many meanings and stories from it. At the root, it probably means you miss your mom, and remember all her stages. It's a beautiful yet somewhat unsettling dream, what with the futile night search and the bouncer, but so rich in its details. I got goosebumps, really. And I also love that postcard! Is it your brother sending it to you, perhaps. Seems like his style, from what I've read of him here.

  18. What an interesting dream! I like the little group of balloons, too. I'm surprised they hadn't popped! They must be those heavy duty kinds.

  19. I like that you can remember your dreams. I dream, but don't remember them, just that they were there. It would be nice to know what's going on in my subconscious. When we lived in Issaquah, WA we backed up to a natural area, which was very steep. I planted a lot of cotoneaster to hold the hill. Wonder if it headed for the hills.

  20. That postcard makes me think of Jules Verne, I guess because of the helmet the photographer is wearing.

  21. I don't seem to have nightmares anymore but I still dream nearly every night and usually they are pretty enjoyable. Maybe you should lay off the mushrooms before going to bed. 🤪

  22. I hope the postcard mystery will eventually be solved! You are correct, yard work is NEVER done.

  23. Your dream reminds me of Madeline l'engle. Your mother has not lost all the other ages she's been.

  24. River: I saw bees on ours when it was in flower, but yeah, I'm not sure I ever saw birds.

    Frances: Apparently they're really a problem! We have two in our front garden that I believe were planted, and one at the rear of our back garden in the "wild" area that may have grown on its own.

    YP: It sure seems like it. Wise advice in any case.

    Andrew: It's already begone! I didn't realize Cotoneasters were problems in other parts of the world as well.

    Boud: Yeah, they're not the prettiest plants either, though the berries are nice and they turn attractive colors in fall.

    Bob: Nothing like a bit of mystery to spice up life!

    Colette: I don't know if it was powerful or just mysterious, but I did feel compelled to write it down!

    Briony: Apparently our dreams (at least the ones we remember) tend to occur when we're sleeping lightly before we wake up. Are you a light sleeper in general?

    Marcia: I think her birthday definitely prompted me to dream of her, and the different facets of her past. Maybe I'm preparing myself for her "departure" from this earthly realm.

    Ellen D: It's VERY hard. Just a guess, really.

    Robin: Well, as it turns out, I was unable to FaceTime, but my brother sat with her and I heard about it from him later. (I'll post about this in the next day or two.)

    Red: They're everywhere! I wonder where they're from originally?

    Sharon: That's exactly what I did -- made notes the minute I woke up.

    Linda Sue: I guess it was kind of profound, or at least it seems that way. We may be imposing meaning on nonsense, though.

    Ellen: Every month I get one, source unknown! (I'm sure it's my brother or one of his family members.) That IS a weird picture on the web site. The top banner photo of the leaves and berries shows Cotoneaster too, though. (Minus the maple leaf.) I think you're right about Mom -- she is crossing soon. I don't know whether she's preparing me or I'm preparing myself.

    Bug: Why are you having nightmares about Taylor Swift?! I barely know who she even is. Greenprints sounds interesting!

    37P: I definitely think my brother is behind the postcards, yes. The dream WAS unsettling and strange enough that I felt I needed to write it down. I think, as Ellen said, it's in preparation for my mom making her final departure.

    Kelly: In her younger years, Olga would have charged and popped them herself! Now they barely warranted a look.

    Allison: I often don't remember them. Only when I make an effort. So YOU'RE the one spreading Cotoneaster far and wide! :)

    Ed: And the old-fashioned technology! I could see that!

    Catalyst: Hey, they say psychedelics actually do wonders for our brains in small doses. :)

    Margaret: It's amazing how I can work all day out there and go out the next day and find so much more to do!

    Debby: Interesting idea! We all encapsulate all our past ages, I guess. It was just like that.

  25. That is a powerful dream, especially given the timing. Clearly, your mom was a multi-faceted person, judging by the many of her who appeared. I would wake up tremendously edgy or unsettled after a dream like that one. I wish I dreamed more about my parents. I hope she is well and that your conversation with her goes/went well.
