Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Pretty much the highlight of our day yesterday was Olga's morning walk, when she found a withered Super Mario Brothers balloon on the ground. Which gives you some idea what the day was like.

Oh! And we saw the Pigeon Man again, and I made another hasty video...

...once again showing his flawless don't-stop-walking technique for dropping the crushed-up McVitie's biscuits without being noticed. But I'm onto him!

It takes chutzpah to feed the pigeons directly beneath a sign that says DO NOT FEED THE PIGEONS. It's his own little form of social protest, a finger to The Man.

Speaking of chutzpah, the Russians did not come over yesterday to paint the ceiling. Instead, Mr. Russia spent all day on the terrace above our living room, sanding or scraping or doing something to some component of his own flat. Dave and I mused about them offering to paint and then, after we agreed on a time, ignoring it to work instead on their own never-ending renovations. Without so much as a word to us. And WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING UP THERE ANYWAY?!

I know. I know. I need Sanka brand decaffeinated coffee.

I suppose we could paint the ceiling ourselves, but we'd have to buy paint and equipment and besides, it's the principle, right? They are supposed to paint it per an agreement with our landlord, since the leak came from their apartment. On the other hand, I don't care that much -- we're never in that room and the damage isn't all that noticeable, so I've been content to let it slide. I can't decide whether I should knock on their door and be more insistent or just let it go.

Otherwise, I spent yesterday reading -- finishing off another New Yorker -- and doing minor stuff in the garden.

Some of our sunflowers do finally have buds, so I think chances are good we'll see some blossoms before they die back for the winter. But they sure are taking their time.

I've been showing Dave "The Crowded Room" with Tom Holland, which you may remember I watched while he was away in the states a few weeks ago. I thought he'd enjoy it and I wanted to see the earlier episodes again, knowing what I now know about the ending. We also watched "Hijack," a silly but engaging thriller; "Blue Lights," an excellent BBC cop show; and the newest season of cuddly "Heartstopper." Next up I think we'll try "The Last Thing He Told Me" with Jennifer Garner.


  1. It's always the principle, I agree.
    Sunflowers in buds? Over here, they are as good as "done" for this year. Fills me with a longing to hold on to summer but at the same time looking forward to autumn. A strange time of transition which I only feel at the change of summer to autumn and with no other seasons.

  2. Someone nearby has sunflowers in pots every year and they're long past blooming. Amazing that yours are just starting.

    I'd be knocking on the Russians' door. But then I grew up in NYC and we're known for being pushy.

  3. While I do a lot of things on principle, I'm not sure I would let my neighbors into my house to paint the ceiling. I would be worried about them doing a sloppy job for one and leaving runs in the paint or splash paint other places. I know from experience, painting a ceiling is messy work as you are working against gravity. If it were me, I would just have them buy the paint and then do it myself.

  4. I like Ed's idea. As long as the colour is correct.

  5. Bloody Russians! Fancy turning up at seven in the evening with no forewarning to do the painting! Then to fail to keep the next day agreement! That's three exclamation marks so let's have a few more!!!!!!!!

  6. I’m with Ed. When you told about them showing up to paint my first thought was how I wouldn’t want my neighbors painting in my place. Unless they were expert painters that is. I’ve seen too many messy paint jobs AND it always takes more time than one thinks. My guess is that they were offended that you wouldn’t let them barge in when THEY wanted to so they decided to once again take control of the timing. I would tell my landlord that I wanted to paint it (at their expense) and let them settle up with the Russians.

  7. I'd for sure let that painting slide. Either that or hire someone and send them the bill. They are very odd people, aren't they?
    I love the pigeon feeder. He is definitely exercising his rights as a citizen to feed the birds wherever he wants!

  8. I would probably be like you and let it go away as it is a room you don't really use, doesn't bother you and it is a rented place anyway, just forget it. The Russian neighbours are weird and that is that.

  9. I always say: If you want something done right, do it yourself!

  10. If you have the skill to do the painting yourself, as Ed suggests, ask the Russians to buy the paint and you do the job yourself. I say this only because, some people make a commitment and never follow through. This is a slippery slope and one unmet commitment leads to more and sets a pattern.

  11. Good advice in the comments here about how to deal with the ceiling and paint.
    I love the old man feeding the pigeons, even though they're not supposed to be fed. Those pigeons sure to show up right on time.
    Sunflower season is almost over here. It'll be interesting to see when that bud opens.

  12. As I have read through the comments made already, I wonder if it might be best to get the Russians to buy the supplies and you all do it yourself. I don't know if I would want them in my apartment.

  13. I suppose you could knock on their door every day inquiring about when they planned to paint your ceiling until they finally got tired of you asking and did it. Maybe you need a periscope to see what they are up to.

    much to Minnie's disappointment, I did not take her for her walk this morning. too much to water.

  14. That pigeon man is so smooth about the way he feeds the birds. He doesn't even glance backward. He's very cool.

  15. I think the Russians are doing passive aggressive! Show up with no warning at a time you almost certainly couldn't handle it, promise another time, fail to show. I'd get the landlord to pay for paint and brushes, and settle up with the Russians themselves. Lots of luck on getting the $$ though.

  16. I would DEFINITELY let the painting slide, but that's my personality. (Although at some point I might let the landlords know so they don't think it got done.)

    I read the book The Last Thing He Told Me & I ended up not being too sure what I thought about it. But I like Jennifer Garner, so maybe I'll check it out.

  17. Part of me thinks that they shouldn't get away with the disrespect and not painting it, the other part wouldn't want to get on their bad side. For whatever reason, they sound rather unhinged to me.

  18. I gave my opinion on the painting on the previous post, for what it's worth. It lined up with Ed's :)

    Feeding the pigeons under the Do Not Feed sign - priceless!

  19. Wonderful shot of Ogla's snout and the sad balloon!

  20. I know a lot of people don't care for pigeons but I love them. Pigeons are altruistic and always share their food with each other and that's enough for me to admire them.

  21. That does take chutzpah but you've got to admire his technique! The Russians sound very weird indeed. How about asking them for the paint and if you feel inclined to give it a go. I suppose you could tell the landlord but that feels so fifth grade. Next time they come down and want to do it now, say yes. No matter what!

  22. I'm kind of liking Pigeon Man! Rebel!

  23. I definately would let the landlord know about showing up at 7 to paint, and let him handle it. They really do sound like a strange batch of people. Have you ever seen the inside of their apartment?

    Yay to Pigeon Man. If you're going to 'stick it to the man', that's an acceptable way to do it.

  24. Meike: They're pretty much done here too, which is why I'm a bit nervous about ours! I have no idea why they're so slow!

    Mitchell: I've considered it. I have all kinds of fiery confrontations with them in my own mind. LOL

    Ed: Well, that's a good point. I wouldn't let just anybody do the work. Mr. Russia is notoriously meticulous, so I don't think he'd be sloppy. In fact, if anything, I think he'd be painstaking to a fault.

    Andrew: They actually had us match paint samples and choose a color! So that shouldn't be a problem!

    YP: You can never have too many exclamation marks. :)

    Don: Well, they're also not doing the WHOLE ceiling -- just a corner of it. So it's a pretty small job. I'm making it sound bigger than it is!

    Ms Moon: He is such a character! It's funny how he feeds them but then doesn't stick around to watch them eat.

    Rachel: I'm actually inclined more and more to do just that. Despite my whingeing I really don't care whether it ever gets painted.

    Marcia: That is definitely true! In this case I'm more likely to just not do it. LOL

    Susan: That IS an option, I agree. I guess the question is, do I care enough to do the work myself? And I'm not sure!

    Robin: The amazing thing is, those pigeons KNOW him. Anyone else walking by and they don't pay any attention, but when he shows up they get excited!

    Michael: That is definitely an option I should probably consider!

    Ellen: In the states I'd be afraid of antagonizing a neighbor that way. They might shoot me! Although I'm nosey I draw the line at a periscope. LOL

    Sharon: It's a practiced maneuver!

    Boud: You know, I think you're right. I bet she showed up at 7 p.m. knowing we wouldn't want them to do it then.

    Bug: Yeah, I think I'm leaning in that direction.

    Margaret: They are very peculiar people. I think there's a lot of stress in that household that gets worked out through home renovations!

    Jenny-O: Yes! You got there first! :)

    Kelly: I like it too. It was sort of accidental -- I was photographing the balloon when she wandered over for a sniff.

    Pixie: Really?! I never knew that. In cities they're usually considered vermin, which seems a bit unfair to me.

    Jeanie: Yeah, I don't really want to write the landlord about it. I feel like we should be able to sort this out!

    Bob: He's a rebel!

    Debby: The inside of their apartment looks very unfinished (surprise) and, where it IS finished, very white and sterile.
