Sunday, August 6, 2023

Flight Credits and JFK

The Russians have hung this weird beach ball thing on the downspout next to their balcony. Is it just decoration, or does it serve a purpose? I thought maybe it's meant to scare the pigeons away so they don't perch on the balcony railing -- something Mrs. Russia hates. It will be interesting to see how long it hangs there before it inevitably winds up bouncing around our patio.

I spent yesterday morning dealing with customer service at Delta airlines. Dave and I each have about £160 in credit from the tickets we bought to go home at Christmas last year, before we had to abort that trip because of my mysterious fever. We used most of our credit when we traveled in February, but this last little bit remains, and it's bugging me, just hanging out there. I'm afraid I'm going to forget about it. I came up with a plan to use it to fly somewhere in Europe over October break, or maybe at Thanksgiving. I thought it might be fun to go to Rome or Madrid or some other sunny place.

But no! Apparently it is impossible to fly on Delta from London to anywhere in Europe -- even though Delta allegedly serves all those cities. Every time I searched, the computer would say flights on those routes were unavailable, something customer service confirmed. I could only book flights back to North America, which we didn't want to do -- that would be a long way to travel for basically a long weekend, and why spend £2,400 to save £300? It would be smarter to let the credits expire at the end of December.

Eventually we decided to wait and book tickets to the USA for next year's weeklong February break. That will give us more time and the expense would make more sense. I just can't let myself forget to do it by the end of the year!

Also, remember how our bathroom renovators are supposed to come back and paint our hallway after the wall dries out? Well I hadn't heard anything from them in weeks, so I inquired and they sent an engineer a few days ago to check the dampness levels. Apparently the wall is still too damp to paint. I guess that slow leak really saturated it, and our cool, rainy summer hasn't helped. So we're still in a holding pattern there.

We are indeed having very British weather. It was raining and 55º F (or 13º C) yesterday morning when I walked the dog. Freaking miserable. Olga, who usually hates rain, decided later that morning that she simply had to go out in it to drink her "bird juice" and trample the flower beds.

Then she and I took a walk yesterday afternoon to the cemetery and got caught in the rain again! But we survived.

Last night Dave and I watched Oliver Stone's movie "JFK," which I hadn't seen since the early '90s. It's waaaaaaay too long (3.5 hours) and many of its allegations have been discredited, but it still had me up late reading about the magic bullet theory and Jack Ruby and Badge Man and other aspects of what's still the most fertile ground for conspiracy thinking in our culture. Entertaining, but I'm a bit sleep-deprived today.

Dave left about ten minutes ago on his trip to Detroit and Indianapolis (for which he should have used his Delta credits, just as I should have used mine when I went home at the end of July). For the next week, Olga and I are on our own!


  1. So disturbing that the wall is still too damp. You and Dave have had some busy times. Life in the fast lane. As for Olga, I enjoyed watching the video and wondered what the damp dame would do as she entered the house. I wasn't really surprised.

  2. That bird bath is the perfect height for olga and I laughed when she shook off inside.
    I wonder if the yellow thing will deter pigeons or if they will become used to it and ignore it.

  3. Love the Olga video! The rain sounds horrendous. My Lex wouldn't have even stuck his nose out in that!

  4. Hey, OLga! That water is for the birds gal!

    With regard to the term "British weather", to me that means anything, anything at all. You never know what you are going to get. Last July was hot and dry but the July we have recently emerged from was wet and miserable. No wonder our world appears so lush and green right now.

  5. I wonder why fouled water is more appealing to dogs.
    Sometimes you just have to let things go.
    The weather was so nice when we left England and since at has all gone so wrong.
    Some companies just make it too hard to use their customer benefits and airlines are notorious for that.
    Enjoy your solitude.
    PS I think the Russians' balloon means Ukrainians not welcome.

  6. Amazing that the wall is still damp. What happens if the paint it while still damp? Just curious. Also, your secret garden is a magical looking place.

  7. That weather is the secret of great gardens. Cool, rainy, they love it. People, not so much. I love Olga loudly drinking the birds bathwater.

  8. Your garden looks so BIG in this video. And it is just so pretty. The rain has really made it happy.
    Enjoy your alone time.

  9. Your garden does look lush from the rain, Steve!

  10. I love hearing that rain and seeing Olga walking around in your beautiful garden. She's so cute when she shakes it off when she goes inside.
    Hope it all works out with your ticket credit journey.

  11. the wall still damp makes me wonder if there isn't another leak somewhere. water is weird. it can travel and will seep through the tiniest crack or hole. I wish we would get some rain.

  12. Yes, those balls with eyes are meant to deter birds. Our landlord hung several in his fig trees but apparently the birds got used to them and the whole first harvest was eaten!

  13. Yep. The balls are meant to deter birds, but like other deterrents like that, they simply get used to them. Let's hope they do not try audio bird deterrents. Distressed bird sounds or amplified gunshots, for instance.😬

  14. The Olga video is the highlight of my day! I can tell her tail is quivering as she drank from the birdbath. 😊

    I've never seen that film. My favorite reading on the topic was Stephen King's "11/22/63"!

  15. Charlie likes to drink out of the birdbath too. My floors need a good wash from wet dog feet last week. I'm trying to ignore them:)

    Write your credits on your calendar and as I type this, I wonder if you even have a wall calendar. If I don't want to forget things, like how much to put in my RRSP, I write it on top of December.

  16. I loved the little video of Olga in the garden. I hope she didn't shake water all over your laptop.
    Funny you should mention Rome. I've been thinking about another trip to Rome. I was only there 2 1/2 days several years ago. I'd like to explore some more.

  17. Just a wee bit rainy! I love seeing Olga via video. How annoying about the flight credits. Sometimes you'd think corporations were trying to discourage people from bothering, eh? Ha

  18. We have friends who live on a canal boat somewhere in England (no I can't be more specific because I don't keep that information in my brain) - she posted a video of pouring rain yesterday.

    I think I'm going to put a reminder on my phone to tell you to use your Delta credits. And speaking of - I did remember to de-spong my silverware drawer yesterday!

  19. Dave is traveling a lot! Does he adjust well to all the time changes? We are having a warmish summer although not as extremely hot as many places. We did get some rain which was great for the grass and plants. Hope that your week with Olga is full of sunny walks.

  20. Some of these businesses don't make it easy to spend your money that they have. they have the control and that's not fair.

  21. I'm surprised you let Olga come in out of the rain and shake herself off all over everything. I thought dog owners would catch their pet at the door with a large towel.

  22. Olga looks beautiful among the greenery and the bright flowers.


  23. First of all, I loved the video. Your garden is looking spectacular and it's fun to see Olga at the birdbath.

    Time to write that note on your calendar on December 1 to book those tickets. How frustrating!
