Sunday, August 20, 2023

Scaredy Cat

I love the way hydrangeas get splotchy as they age.

I am struggling to come up with anything interesting to tell you about yesterday morning. I can't quite remember what I did, to be honest, aside from walking the dog and doing laundry and vacuuming. And none of that's going to knock anyone's socks off.

In the afternoon I took Olga to the cemetery, where we enjoyed a very slow ramble. Walking her is an exercise in patience these days. She decides where she wants to go and how long it will take to get there. I am merely an anchor for her leash.

Olga can move when she wants to, though. In the evening she was on her bed on the floor when she suddenly leaped up and ran TOP SPEED out the back door. I heard a skirmish and found her standing on her back legs, front paws on the fence, barking upward at this cat sitting atop Mrs. Kravitz's gate next door.

Apparently the cat wandered through our back garden and got the scare of its life when Olga chased it up that fence. I think it's happened before -- we've seen tufts of white hair atop the boards and wondered where they were coming from. I thought they were from squirrels, but this makes a lot more sense.

Anyway, that cat didn't come down for at least an hour. Perhaps it will think twice about entering our yard now.


  1. That is a stunning cat but is should know not to trespass on Olga's territory.

  2. Olga still has it! That poor cat (*~*)

  3. You made need your eyes testing again Steve. That's not a cat, it's a cushion. I expect Mrs Kravitz was drying it.

  4. Oh, that poor beautiful, enormous, ball of fluff.

    But, oh my god, you vacuumed. We have one of those!

  5. I know this is apropos of nothing but I am struck by how different the stones are in the cemetery. Up here in Scotland, even old ones are much thicker. I imagine the climate may dictate something sturdier to withstand the ravages of our weather. Tis indeed a beautiful cat.

  6. Maybe Olga is just conserving energy for cat chasing. It's there when she wants it!

  7. A very good shot of the cat. With out dogs, it's squirels that move them at top speed.

  8. I will make three observations:
    No wonder Madonna hates hydrangeas; she gets splotchy as she ages, too.
    Olga's face is sheer joy, and that makes me joyful.
    The cat's face is a mix of terror, help me down, and, 'You there. taking my photo? Leave me be.'

  9. The pussy needs a good trim. It is very ungay to have an untrimmed pussy.
    After summer, our hydrangea blooms tend to look brown and crisp.

  10. Those hydrangea blossoms would make gorgeous dried flowers.
    That poor cat! She was just having a little stroll and then suddenly, the hound of hell was after her! I sure would like to cuddle that cat.

  11. Hydrangeas are not the only thing that gets splotchy as "we" age! Ugh!
    No need to try knocking socks off of your readers ... they are probably wearing compression socks 🧦 and they are difficult to both get on and take off! LOL
    That poor cat ... the incredulous look on it's cute face is priceless!

  12. Marcia made the same comment I came here to make. That look on that cat's face!

    On an unrelated side note, I am enjoying looking through some of your old blog posts about your first days (months...years...) in London. Now I have another question: after being there for 12 years, do you see yourself ever returning to the states, or are you set to remain expats for all of your days.

    PS Ruby and Ernie made me cry. Now, all these years later, you are watching the slowing down of your Olga.

  13. gorgeous cat and those blue eyes. what would Olga do if she actually caught a cat?

  14. I love the photo of Olga amongst the stones. Is she a little "stove up" today after yesterday's burst of energy? I probably would be!

  15. "I am merely an anchor for her leash." That made me laugh. I also chuckled at the cat saga. That's a nice looking cat and hopefully smart enough to know that isn't a safe yard to visit.

  16. The hydrangeas do age nicely. Ours came with the house, and I have liked them way more than I thought I would.

  17. The look on that cat's face is priceless, Olga might have been in for a surprise if she had gotten closer!

  18. That cat looks gigantic! My mom's purple and blue hydrangeas do a partial fade as the flowers age; it's almost like antiquing and makes them even more beautiful.

  19. That's an impressive cat! Olga might not like what it might dish out :)

    Love the photo of Olga - she has such a lovely grin! When you said taking her for a walk is an exercise in patience these days, I thought of walking with my mother now. I nearly lose my balance some days, I have to walk so slowly (you know how riding a bike is easier when you have a little speed going? like that)

  20. two things:
    no cat poo in your flower garden.

    I am a hydrangea

  21. That cat is just a ball of floof! I would like to smoosh my face in it (and then sneeze and sneeze and sneeze).

    Love the photo of Olga in the cemetery. Such a photogenic girl.

  22. I'm glad that cat could jump so high. Good way to stay safe. There's a black cat that walk along the top of our fence everyday. It likes to look in window at us. We always wave hello.

  23. How much more can the grave stones lean before they fall over.
