Thursday, September 28, 2023

A Swiss Snarl

Another street scene today, once again from Finchley Road, where I walked home last night. This is kind of a weird stretch where the road bed is well above the sidewalk -- the cars pass by on the other side of that barrier, basically at eye-level to pedestrians. I guess at some point the road was built up, probably for engineering purposes. There's been some attempt at beautification, by adding a tile mosaic to the retaining wall, but it's all rather dismal, I think.

Here's a slightly more attractive sight on Finchley, the alpine-style pub in the community of Swiss Cottage. It's essentially on a big traffic island, along with a cinema, an apartment building and some shops. There's a subterranean walkway -- which the British confusingly call a "subway," unlike our American subway, which is a train -- that leads under Finchley Road to the pub and to the other side of the street. There's always a snarl of cars and buses in this area, but you'll see people sitting out in front of the pub with their beers like they're in the most bucolic country village. A hedge does wonders.

Not much to say about yesterday. I worked, I came home.

While walking to work I passed this perfectly nice lily protruding from someone's yard waste bag. I snapped it off...

...and it's now decorating my desk!


  1. There's the Odeon Imax in the Swiss Cottage photo. You could go see the Talking Heads movie there!

  2. The Alpine Pub adds some nice color and interest to the area. That raised roadbed is off-putting. I'm waiting for you to find a way to root that lily and plant it in your garden. The first time I was in London, I headed down the stairs to the subway thinking to catch the train. (I was 19.)

  3. Judging by your desk, I would say you are suffering from pencilphilia. One only needs two pencils - a pencil that you use and a reserve. You appear to have twenty three pencils and probably more in your drawer. Can't you see that this is crazy?

  4. The Alpine Pub looks colourful. I like the slightly wonky pencil holder. Pay no attention to YP, There is no such thing as too many pencils.

  5. You can stretch out photos of Finchley Road for a long time. It is interesting and seems far from perfect. I can't imagine why the footpath is in a trench and the road above so raised. Ok I can. Cars became dominant.

  6. Of course I had to look up Finchley Road on Wikipedia. It always amazes me how old London is, especially compared to my part of the world.

  7. You are right about the elevated road. It makes the setting seem industrial.

  8. That stretch of sidewalk below the roadway feels a little dangerous to me; I'd probably avoid that part.

  9. I wonder if that sidewalk floods. It looks a bit like a drainage ditch for people!

    The lily is beautiful and those anthers(?) need to be gently removed. Indelible stains on anything they touch. I know, fussy me!

  10. Whoa! Someone could die if they take your tape dispenser?!? Calm down, Steve, it's almost out of tape anyway. :)

  11. You are the best rescuer of abandoned beauty. If a flower could say "Thank you..." this one is saying it.
    Interesting roadways there.

  12. I guess if you're in a densely populated country , you may have to crowd things together to make it work for everybody.

  13. Do you really have trouble with tape dispenser thieves there in the U.K.?

  14. Such sad news about that young woman murdered near London by the jilted young man. And then I read with such sadness the felling of that beautiful sycamore tree. Obviously different but still such sadness. I try and look for rays of hope; some days the news is just dreadful. Your blog gives that bit of joy.

  15. "...on penalty of DEATH..." Hahaha!

  16. The raised roadway ... meh 😕... not so crazy about that one! The car exhaust fumes would be horrible!
    The lily is beautiful but the stamens do need to be removed! The stain is terrible!!

  17. I think some of the buildings are beautiful although not the raised roadway. I can't imagine throwing out a blooming lily! They are one of my favorites.

  18. That lily needed some rescuing. It's so nice looking I can't imaging throwing it away.
    That raised street is a strange thing. I think I'd feel like the cars were heading toward me to lop off my head.

  19. We have some on our counter right now. They are my wife's favorite flower. But I pluck the pollen things off as soon as they open so we don't end up with pollen particles everywhere.

  20. I'm sure it's not any more dangerous than being at the same level with the sidewalk, but something about that elevated road makes me a bit nervous.

  21. I had to read several times to find why you named the post "Swiss Snarl" - I think I'm guilty of reading too fast and missing details! I like those two wooden (?) knickknacks on your desk, and the sign on the tape dispenser!

  22. A hedge can solve a myriad of issues! I love the name "Swiss Cottage" for an area. But it doesn't seem like it should be in the middle of the city -- more like in Miss Marple's neck of the woods!
