Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Cooking With Gas

Apologies to any arachnophobes in the house, but here's one of our garden spiders. They come out in force at this time of year and one of their favorite spots to build a web is over the red flower spikes of the persicaria, which are usually humming with insects.

I wound up making my Morocco earthquake donation through the High Atlas Foundation, a charity founded by a couple of Peace Corps volunteers I knew when I was in Morocco. The organization has existed for about 20 years and focused many of its efforts -- tree planting, water projects, community economic cooperatives -- in the very area that was hardest hit by the quake. They are appealing for money for those communities and have infrastructure and contacts to help. Because I know them I was confident making that donation -- and the HAF also has a solid charity rating. But of course, any reliable charity is a good choice if you're thinking of giving.

While walking Olga yesterday morning I came across this box of discarded (I guess?) books. I didn't take any of them because a) they all seem to be about astrology and the occult, which I think is balderdash, and b) I wasn't sure they were being thrown out. An interesting assortment, though.

Yesterday I had to take a half-day off work to get our gas appliances inspected and serviced. This happens every year around this time and it's an inconvenience, but I suppose if it prevents a gas leak or malfunction it's worth it. (Although I'm always a little afraid the inspection will cause a malfunction, like the engineer will forget to close a valve somewhere and the house will explode. Am I a catastrophist? Probably.)

Next up: I made an appointment next Tuesday for the contractor to visit and assess the hallway wall to see if it's dry enough to finally, finally paint. If it's not dry by now I think we have to assume there's a deeper problem!


  1. November 2nd is a date with sore quality of one's Soul and holds its power in the ability to connect two extremes within and on the outside. People born on this date are tender yet ambitious and strive high to fulfil their heart's need for peace. They might get torn between their desires and limitations of the outer world, but with healthy energy restored and responsibility of others returned to those it belongs to, there is little they cannot achieve.

  2. After the hot summer you've just had that wall should be properly dried out by now!

  3. Spiders = healthy garden.

    It is interesting that publishers clearly see there is money to be made by publishing books about hocus pocus. I suppose we have all read fiction of some kind.

    When we were with Sister 2 in England, someone arrived to make the annual test of the smoke alarms. This is a good thing. A couple of people here have died from carbon monoxide poisoning from faulty gas heating, but we don't have gas testing.

  4. I always have to top up the boiler water pressure a few weeks after it has been serviced. It's not fun getting up on a cold morning to find there is no hot water.

  5. If that had been a bee, I would have looked away. Not spiders. Thanks for the info about High Atlas. I was trying to choose yesterday and was impressed with what I read about them. Now I’m sure! I’d be steering abou a gas leak, too.

  6. As an arachnophobe, pictures don't bother me. But knowing that there is a spider living somewhere behind my computer monitor does cause me to curl up my bare toes as I type out this response. I haven't seen him in a couple weeks but I know he is back there... somewhere.

    Is the inspection "state" mandated there? I have never had a gas appliance inspected or serviced in my lifetime and we have a gas water heater, HVAC system and cooktop. Not sure what they would service anything on those other than to replace the filter on the HVAC system which I do myself.

  7. Gas appliance inspection is compulsory in the UK every 12 months and is the landlord's responsibility to ensure it is carried out. I think you are being a bit hyper in worrying that the service engineer may be negligent. I would hope that he is up to speed and from a reputable company and not a fly by night. You would get the feel for that presumably from the merits of your landlord to date and their record on being good landlords.

  8. I know that a lot of people do not believe in Astrology but I studied it for many years and it isn't rubbish. The problem is that people only think of it as what is in the newspapers and I agree that that is rubbish. You need the exact time of birth and area born in to work out a proper chart and they are quite scary with their accuracy.
    Saying that, each to their own. If you beieve you do and if you don't well it hurts nobody.
    So you see, I would have loved that box of books, lol

  9. I also worry that the inspection will cause the boom.

  10. I listened to a podcast the other day about how religion and astrology probably came about which was that early people noticed the significance of the appearance of when certain stars appeared in the sky and where as applicable to what grew when and when it was ready to pick and when the animals moved in certain ways and so forth. Next thing you know, they're inventing gods that represent each of these celestial changes and the natural occurrences coinciding with them and finding ways to please and appease the gods to ensure good outcomes. It was far more complex than this and better explained (obviously) but fascinating. I guess what I am saying is that we humans have been studying the skies for signs and omens and patterns for eons.

  11. That pile of books like what I call "popular woo." I do find that well done astrology (with accurate charts -- your sun sign isn't always the best guide to you! -- can be interesting and illuminating, although it's still a free will crapshoot in life!! But books like that -- balderdash!

  12. This is the season when the spiders and crickets start trying to move in. I like them but I don't want a cricket chirping all night at me.

    I'm amused by the idea that the planets are moving around and organizing themselves in order to let me know what kind of a day I'll have, in time for it to be in the newspaper.

  13. This is the only horoscope I'm interested in: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuzisX5J2NP/?img_index=1

  14. I should have my gas appliances inspected and serviced. I can't remember when I last did that...

  15. I am a big fan of spiders, as long as they don't bite me or hang out in the bedroom. I move them to safer places so they can do their spidery things.
    There was a time I was really interested in astrology, but that seemed to fade when I stopped smoking pot and went to college. LOL.
    I've never heard of "catastrophist" before, and now I finally have a word that describes me well.

  16. I used a gas stove for over 40 years and was never required to get it inspected. we should be seeing spiders here but not so far. I wish I could have seen the rest of the title of the Chinese Face and Hand ... book. I'm not into astrology so much but the occult, yeah. there are powers that be, not gods or goddesses, but energies that can be directed. plus, my sister sees ghosts.

  17. Morocco certainly needs the help.

  18. I don't mind spiders outside. I just don't like it they get in the house. Thanks for the info on High Atlas. I was wondering about the right charity to work with.
    Maybe someone has decided to give up the occult and thrown out all their books.

  19. I don't mind spiders unless they're Black Widows or Brown Recluses. Garden spiders (writing spiders) spin some of the most interesting webs! It's getting to that time of year where I'm crashing through lots of them on my morning walks. I try blazing the path with my walking poles, but my face still seems to find them. Ugh.

  20. I love the word balderdash and it describes my opinion of astrology and the occult as well.

  21. Oh, my gosh. I remember those books from the early seventies. I even had some of them. I have been to a fortune teller twice in my life. Once when I was a teenager, on a lark. I disbelieved in it, but he said two things that I always stuck with me...and they turned out to be right. My daughter went to one when we were in New Orleans and she was told that she was destined for far away places. Make of it what you will. I can't say I'm a believer, but that was interesting. I suppose the law of averages would dictate a few good guesses.

  22. @ The Bug: Thank you for that link - it's hilarious and sweet.

    @ Steve: Good shot of the spider. I tried and tried to get a similar photo last week but I couldn't get the camera to focus on the spider instead of the background no matter what I did. The camera is little and old and maybe the auto-focus is done.

  23. Thanks for the link to High Atlas. It's reassuring to have a personal connection to a charity. Their work is impressive.

    That is a smart spider. Location, location, location.

    Chris from Boise

  24. YP: That gives me a headache, just reading it!

    River: You'd think! The summer was pretty cool overall but we did have some heat in the last couple weeks.

    Andrew: I think it's something that landlords have to do, but I'm not sure it's required in privately owned homes.

    Tasker: That would be the worst! Our maintenance guy replaced a seal last year and that has helped prevent any leakage.

    Mitchell: Sorry I gave you bees in the next post! LOL

    Ed: As Rachel said, it's mandatory in rental properties. Not sure about privately owned homes. I don't mind spiders as long as they're not ON me.

    Rachel: He's from British Gas so I'm sure he's fine. I'm just being skeptical, as I was trained in journalism school. :)

    Briony: I had my chart done years ago and it was interesting. But I think the perceived accuracy has as much to do with the writing and presentation of the information as it does with the information itself. In other words, a skillful astrologist can present a chart in a way that makes it SEEM to be very pertinent.

    Bob: Right?! It's healthy to wonder about customer service!

    Ms Moon: I'm sure when you're searching for cause and effect in life, and you have no scientific knowledge, the stars seem as good a source of circumstance as any.

    Jeanie: "Popular Woo" -- I like that!

    Boud: Crickets are wonderful, but not in the house. Astrology DOES seem rather self-centered, doesn't it?

    Bug: Ha! Those are a hoot!

    Ellen D: It happens annually here, by law, at least in rental properties.

    Robin: It's a very useful word! I think many of us followed astrology when we were teenagers.

    Ellen: Wow! I should have grabbed the books and mailed them to you! Sadly I suspect they all went in the trash.

    Red: It does indeed, and now Libya too!

    Sharon: Maybe! They got all religious and decided to throw them out!

    John: Ha! I have never known Olga to eat a spider.

    Kelly: I don't think we have widows or recluses (at least the spidery ones) here. I could be wrong.

    Margaret: It's a good word! I love it when I can use a word I haven't used in a while. It's like a little private thrill.

    Debby: I remember Linda Goodman for sure, but not that particular book. I remember getting my palm read once when I was in my early 20s. I was with friends and it was EMBARRASSING.

    Jenny-O: As I'm sure you know, auto-focus will usually default to focusing on the closest object in the frame. With my camera I can choose my point of focus.

    Chris: Yeah, I feel comfortable giving to them. It blows my mind that they did so much for Morocco after working there in the Peace Corps. They really were exemplary volunteers!
