Monday, September 25, 2023


Not a whole lot of news today, since I spent most of yesterday on the couch, reading. It was a great way to spend a Sunday, I'll say that much.

I've had vague ideas of taking a photo walk somewhere in town, but when it comes down to it I don't have the motivation to go. This is different from even five or ten years ago, when I struggled to stay home. What has happened? Is it age? The pandemic? I'm not sure. I just don't feel the same compulsion.

That's not to say I won't go again, but I have to psych myself up more.

I tried to call the vet to schedule a check-up and vaccinations for Olga, but our vet no longer keeps weekend hours, so I was routed to the sister clinic in Belsize Park -- and they can't make reservations for West Hampstead. So I'll call back today. As my mother used to say, everything has to be done at least twice.

Our sunflowers are continuing to open, as you can see in the top photo. Those are the ones on the patio. We also have a blooming primrose next to some asters that grew in a crack in the paving stones. (I should probably weed those pots -- but they're in keeping with our laissez-faire gardening style!)

Indoors, the new orchid (front) looks a lot like my favorite orchid (back). That's a pleasant surprise.

Speaking of orchids, one of the recently rescued orchids appears to be dying. The crown of the plant has gone soft. I don't know if it got damaged when it was thrown out or what, but losing one isn't terrible. The other four look fine.

Last night Dave and I started a show called "Minx," on Paramount+, about a woman launching a feminist porn magazine in the '70s. Historically dubious but kind of fun.


  1. What a glorious sunflower! I remember the days when I could stay indoors too. Now I can barely make myself go out. I do think the pandemic taught a lot of us how to be at home. People are getting Covid again. Suddenly every week I know someone else who’s down with it. Another reason to stay home. Love your laissez faire garden.

  2. A day on the couch with a book sounds like a fine idea to me. Age does tend to creep up on you. I have to REALLY want certain photos before I can get myself to leave the house these days.

  3. I doubt not jumping to go out has little to do with the pandemic now, just ageing. If I get sad about things, suddenly I lack motivation to do much.

  4. The sunflowers are so dramatic. As for your orchids, mine always have new leaves. Oh well.

  5. I don't know about your style of gardening being "laissez-faire", more just "laissez" which is the French spelling of "lazy".

    (Only kidding)

  6. No need to charge around every day.
    And they are not weeds, they are ground cover!...

  7. I love the orchids; so beautiful.

    Minx is just good fun, really, and that's okay!

  8. Pretty pretty! As an avowed homebody, I recommend it. Although as a blog reader, a photo tour of London would also be welcome at some distant point in the future.

  9. I just cannot go out socially any more except for lunches with my kids, for the most part. I hope you don't reach that point.
    Those sunflowers absolutely knew what they were doing when it comes to blooming. They remind me of big old shaggy lion heads.
    That orchid is a beauty.

  10. I love your blooms and you have done a good job of always having something blooming! Good timing!
    An odd coincidence, I was just finishing up my Sunday crossword puzzle and one of the last clues was for a show about a women's erotic magazine and the answer was Minx! Isn't that weird?! I had never heard of it before today and it has appeared twice this morning.

  11. I like the sunflowers and asters. September garden joy.

  12. my gardening style is barely restrained chaos. the pandemic might have created a new habit but 10 years ago you were a different person so probably a little of both. I mean we are all different people than we were 10 years ago...aging, interests change, places have become very familiar, etc.

  13. I love seeing your beautiful sunflowers and all the other lovely things blooming there.

  14. Make some adjustments to your photo project and you'll get your energy back for photo tours of the city.

  15. I hope you said "hello" to all those flowers. :-)
    Your house is full of color which makes it a very pleasant place to be.

  16. I think major events like the pandemic change who we are as people. We emerge as someone different from before, from trauma of any kind. Aside from aging, you're ten years older than when you were always out, you're a slightly different person, different tastes to some extent.

  17. Sounds like a good way to spend a day to me. All your flowers are beautiful, but I really like the sunflowers!

  18. That orchid is gorgeous! My kitty likes to nibble on plants so I don't have any indoor ones.

  19. There was a clue about "Minx" in one of my crosswords yesterday and I had no idea what it was.

  20. Watching straight porn on tv, you both need to get out

  21. I'm guessing you might be similar to me. When I was younger, running around with a camera taking pictures was one of the few things I knew how to do fairly well. Now that I'm older, I know how to do lots of other enjoyable things so I'm not always motivated to continue taking pictures as I have for 40 years.

  22. Your mother's comment about needing to do everything at least twice has brought me unexpected comfort today. It makes me feel less ... I don't know ... put upon, I guess. I thought having to run in circles to get help for my mother was a new phenomenon due to our tattered health care system, but maybe it's just the way things have always been - bureaucracy, passing the buck, not enough resources. Anyway, I'm glad you passed on that nugget of wisdom today.

    All of your plants, inside and outside, are welcome pieces of beauty.

  23. Are all your orchids rescued? Actually, are all your plants rescued?

  24. 37P: I think that's true -- we all learned to be homebodies in the pandemic!

    River: Yeah, I used to have trouble staying home. Now I have trouble leaving!

    Andrew: Well, I'm not sad, at least not consciously!

    Mitchell: New leaves are good! A couple of mine aren't even growing leaves and I'm mystified about why.

    YP: Ha! Seriously, does "lazy" come from "laissez"? It seems likely. Interesting etymology.

    GZ: Well, that's true! A "weed" is a state of mind!

    Bob: We're enjoying it so far. We're only three episodes in.

    Bug: Well, I'm sure I won't stay home ALL the time. :)

    Ms Moon: With me it's not anxiety. It's more like, "WHY?!"

    Ellen D: It's even weirder that you're not the only one to mention that crossword clue! See Catalyst's comment below yours.

    Tasker: Indeed! I like the asters a lot, even though some people consider them weeds.

    Ellen: Yes, that's true. Probably a little of both. I think the pandemic did teach us all different ways of being, and not always for the better.

    Robin: I'll keep showing them off! Somehow I don't feel like something has truly bloomed until I've photographed it for my blog. :)

    Red: Yeah, maybe I need to reset my photography goals somehow?

    Sharon: And it's almost like being outside, with all the windows in the back facing the garden.

    Boud: Yes, I think all that is true. I am definitely a different person now than I was a decade ago, with different energies and interests.

    Padre: Trying! LOL

    Kelly: I'm so glad they finally bloomed! I really had my doubts.

    Margaret: Always a hazard with cats, but if you get plants with fleshy leaves (like sanseveria or jade plants) they often won't eat those.

    Allison: Thanks! I'm very happy with them.

    Catalyst: You are clearly working the same crossword as Ellen D. above!

    John: It's pathetic, isn't it?! Although it's nude men, so it's kind of gay porn!

    Ed: So maybe my recent lack of enthusiasm for photo walks is due to broadening interests? I dunno, Ed, that sounds like wishful thinking, at least in my case. :)

    Jenny-O: I think of that expression all the time because it's SO true. No, it's not just you! It's the state of the world! And it has been for decades.

    Caro: Not all of them. I think we bought (YEARS ago) five of our roughly 18 orchids. And we bought some of the houseplants, but most are either rescued cast-offs or things I grew myself from seeds or cuttings.

  25. The orchids and sunflowers look great. Bummer about the orphan orchid but I suspect you are right -- the damage occurred long before you came along.
