Sunday, September 17, 2023

Lifting the Bluebeard

Yesterday morning turned into a gardening blitz. I hadn't done much in the garden for a week or two, so things were getting a little overgrown out there. I started trimming here and there and before I knew it I'd filled three yard waste bags.

The flower above is called a bluebeard (Caryopteris). We have two of them, and one has been slowly swallowed up by the out-of-control English ivy that grows beneath our Philadelphus. (This ivy is a scourge.) So yesterday I cut all the ivy out of the bluebeard and lifted the rather scraggly looking bush onto a support to get it off the ground. I've been meaning to do it for ages so now I'm glad to have it done.

I also trimmed the neighbor's rose overhanging our patio, aka "the monster," and trimmed the buddleia near our garden steps -- it's done blooming now and I want more light to reach the potted plants beneath it. And I cut down our cardoon, which had died back for the season (a bit early, it seems to me).

Anyway, I don't need to run through every single thing I did, but suffice to say I was out there several hours and I topped off the day by mowing the lawn.

Olga seemed happy with the results.

Meanwhile, on the front porch, the gazanias are looking a little peaked, but they're still blooming.

I spent the afternoon reading "Demon Copperhead." I'm enjoying it but I feel like I lost momentum last week, when I got so busy at work. I didn't even pick it up for about five days. You know that terrible feeling when you're about halfway through a huge book and you feel like you're losing your grip on the plot, because you haven't been able to read in a while? I hate that. Anyway, I'm hoping to plow through the remainder, or at least a chunk of it, today. I have about 150 pages left.

(Edited to correct the title of the book!)


  1. The garden looks so well manicured, as does Olga.

  2. Your garden is looking good and Olga looks so relaxed. What is Demon Copperfield about?

  3. I love pictures of Olga, she is adorable.
    Btw, just to clear up my confusion, you are reading Barbara Kingsolver's book "Demon Copperhead", aren’t you?

  4. Your energetic efforts in the garden remind me of my husband who is always out in the garden. And if he gets to pruning, watch out - he tends to the "slash and burn" type of pruning. Well, not the burning, but definitely the slash. Funnily enough, a few weeks later and you can't tell the difference.

  5. For some reason I am half way through an ebook and I have stopped reading. I'm sure I'll get back to it.

  6. One of my dreams is to be able to pick up a book and just read it. There is no reason why I can't other than the inherent 'need to be busy and productive'. I remember as a kid being told to put the book down and go outside and play. I guess some things never change.

  7. The one question I never have to ask you is "how does your garden grow?"

  8. You worked like a dog. Olga looks appreciative.

  9. The garden is looking very neat and tidy and Olga is looking very content. Two very good things!

  10. Ms. Merlot's comment struck a chord in me. I never just sit down and read a book. I wait until it's night time when I read in bed after my shower. Fortunately though, audio books have become a reality so I can listen to books AND "be productive" at the same time. I do love that.

  11. back before we retired and were commute into the city when we had work I had two good hours a week to read while Marc drove. Now it seems like a hardly have time to read. days will go by sometimes without picking up whichever book. and yeah, sometimes I have a hard time remembering who is who and what's going on. I just plug away hoping it will all come back to me.

    I wouldn't mind having a full day to putter around in the garden but that will be a month down the road at least. It will be time to start planting a winter garden soon.

  12. I love seeing photos of Olga. What a sweetie!

    The last few Barbara Kingsolver books I read didn't impress me much. I loved The Poisonwood Bible and liked Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, but nothing else of hers has really appealed to me for some reason.

  13. I always love seeing your garden. You do take such good care of it. Olga and I are very happy with the results.

  14. You certainly had a lot of energy to get so much done in the garden. Looks terrific! Olga too!

  15. That is such a pretty spot - I know it's a lot of work for you, but from here across the pond I'd say it's worth it!

  16. Nowadays my gardening is "pick one small task and complete it" because that's all the energy available. Not complaining, I'm okay with short focused bursts in practically all contexts, for better or worse.

  17. Kingsolver can be hit or miss for me, but I do want to read Demon Copperhead. It's been so long since I read David Copperfield, I'm not sure I'll recognize the connections.

    I LOVE the photo of Olga in the garden. Beautiful!

  18. Yes, long books like that are a time commitment and it's easy to lose track of the plot and characters.

  19. Surprised to read of the Bluebeard being overwhelmed by the ivy. Perhaps you need a Blackbeard. 🤣

  20. Sometimes you have to put in a serious chunk of time to get the garden back in shape and sometimes to get into a good book.

  21. Oh, I wish I had/knew someone who could do that in my yard! Hats off to you -- that's hard work. I'm glad you love it.
