Saturday, October 14, 2023

Bling Horse

Another of our orchids has decided to bloom. They don't really seem to have a season, these plants -- they just produce flowers whenever they feel like it. I guess in the tropics there's no real need to pay attention to a calendar. This is the second time this particular plant has bloomed for me.

Speaking of calendars, I bought one for my desk at work -- a blotter where I can write things down. No sense in depriving myself of that simple and inexpensive organizational tool!

And speaking of appointments, you know how I was supposed to meet with the tree surgeon yesterday for an estimate? Well, I got home from work in plenty of time for our 11 a.m. meeting, and I waited. And waited. Finally, at 11:30 I called him -- and he said I wasn't on his calendar for the day and he was nowhere near me. I said, "Well, I got a confirmation e-mail from your assistant!" (I checked the e-mail to make sure I hadn't misread it, and I hadn't.) He mumbled something about their scheduling software and rescheduled to come today. He's supposed to show up this morning.

Once again, I'll channel my mother: "Everything has to be done at least twice."

I tried to take pictures of the part of the garden we're thinking about trimming, but in photos it just looks like a wall of green leaves with some sticks in it. It's very hard to photograph. I'll try again today. Maybe a video will work. Because I know you're all DYING to see it.

Here's a bit of fun from my desk at work. This wooden horse sat abandoned atop the mailboxes in the staff lounge for years -- it was dusty and cobwebby and not too long ago they renovated the staff area and the horse was set out with a bunch of other stuff for disposal. I grabbed it, cleaned it up and put it in the library. It's been knocked around a bit, and it's missing some of its bling, but I think it's hilarious. I especially love its beady eyes. I assume it was someone's long-ago student art project, but we don't have a wood shop at school -- so how they carved the horse is a bit of a mystery.


  1. Love the horse , thank you for saving it!, we are all grateful💜💜💜

  2. If you google " Danish wooden horse" you will see what your little steed reminded me of!

  3. Perhaps you should send the tree surgeon upstairs to see what Mother Russia wants. As for that little horse - there can never have been another one quite like it throughout human history.

  4. I LOVE that horse. I'm so glad you rescued it. You sure have had some unreliable contractors. We had that experience a couple of places we lived but have been very lucky here.

  5. Yes, we all need to see the area and pass our wise judgement which you can then take to Mrs Russia and tell her the internet has spoken.

    That horse was destined to end up in your company.

  6. My MIL rescues orchids and gets them to rebloom. I’m not sure of her secret as I’ve never been able to replicate it.

  7. That scared little horsey is worth keeping.

  8. I love the little Scandinavian-adjacent horse. And yes, I need to see the greenery, after shouting about it at length. I've been quite a politician, come to think of it -- don't know the people, haven't seen the place, but spouting off anyway.

  9. I especially like the bristly mane and tail on the pony! I wonder if the creator was going for an Appaloosa look! LOL It has lost a few of its spots!
    As usual ... your orchid bloom is gorgeous!

  10. I think it's a Trojan Horse. And someone may have carved it by hand.
    Sure is fancy. Not as fancy as that orchid though. She is a real beauty.

  11. You are truly the best orchid-grower and horse-rescuer. I love seeing that orchid blooming and I can hear that horse thanking you. I think I heard it say, "Will you take me home so I can meet Dave and Olga?"

  12. Some of these people don't care if they keep appointments or not. One wonders if you should hire them.

  13. For some reason, that horse's mane just strikes my funny bone. When I get settled, I'm going to try my hand at an orchid or two.

  14. I'm glad you got a calendar! And a little jealous. I DO NOT NEED one. But I want it.

    The horse is hilarious. And perfect for a school library. You could decorate it for the seasons - a witch hat, a santa hat, cupid wings, etc. Ha!

  15. I love that little horse. I'm glad is was saved from the rubbish bin.
    Beautiful orchid!

  16. I think it is a Swedish Dalarna horse that someone has decorated. I have several - crystal, wooden, and ceramic.

  17. Love the horse with the bristly mane, it was kind of you to rescue him. Congratulations on the big calendar.

  18. That horse is a hoot! I love its mane. I'm glad it lives on!

  19. I am sure that horse has a rich history!

  20. Steve, rescuer of lost or abandoned things. Cute little horse he is.

  21. The orchid is gorgeous! The little horse is, well, cute. You might have missed my comment earlier in the week asking permission to link to your Ray Bradbury post. FYI, I decided you wouldn't care and it will post next week. Thanks in advance! (don't you hate when people use that expression!?)

  22. Horsey is definitely a keeper. Ascot perhaps?

  23. That horse's mane just makes me giggle.

  24. I’ve heard that orchids bloom when there is a temperature change. Looks like someone did a makeover on a Swedish Dala horse.

  25. I have two orchids, and just like you observe with yours, they do what they want. Sometimes they don‘t show a blossom for a whole year or more, sometimes they are in bloom for months on end; there seems to be no pattern.
    The wooden horse is in the exact shape of a Dalarna horse from Sweden, so my guess is, the horse was originally painted with flowers.

  26. IKEA used to sell unpainted Dala horses “dalahäst” to be decorated, but I’ve never seen one with mane and tail before. Makes it look it could be used as a brush. Indeed,hilarious! Good save.

  27. Of course you saved that little horse and I think you should also get some stuff to replace the lost bling. I think about getting an orchid but the only place I see them are the forced ones in the flower department of the grocery store and I'm not sure how viable they really are.
