Sunday, October 29, 2023

Red Leaves, Red Eyes

Yesterday could not decide what it wanted to be. One minute it wanted to be sunny; the next minute, it was raining. No sooner had I moved a rack of laundry onto the patio to dry than it was "chucking it down," as the British say. So the laundry is drying inside and the dehumidifier is on full-blast.

I guess I need to start using our dryer again. I usually stop over the summer and just air-dry everything, and the dryer -- being the ventless, condenser variety -- doesn't get things very dry anyway. But a rack of damp laundry is far preferable to a rack of wet laundry.

So, yes, I did laundry. I watered all the plants and re-potted my prayer plant, which I usually keep on a windowsill in the library. One of our maintenance guys, a plant enthusiast himself, took the liberty of repotting it in an incredibly ugly purple plastic pot, and between you and me, he did a very clumsy job -- the plant was so deep in the pot that some of its leaves were covered with dirt. So I brought the whole thing home and did it over in a clay pot, and I'll just keep it here. I'll take his pot back to the library. Yes, I am a control freak, and he meant to be helpful, but I mean, it's MY PLANT.

I also did some gardening, filling a yard waste bag with seasonal trimmings.

I succeeded in plowing through a New Yorker, featuring a fascinating article about an Austrian woman who, in the early '70s, spent months in a group home for children that was really a Nazi-inspired psychological experiment. She had all these dim memories of cruelty and hardship and hadn't really explored them, and the article followed her as she opened that Pandora's Box.

I also read Adam Gopnik's review of Heather Cox Richardson's new book, which dissects the strains on our democratic system in the era of Donald Trump. One of Gopnik's sentences, paraphrasing Richardson's ideas, stood out for me: "The crisis of Democracy in America is a deep-seated current of racial resentment that has now become a torrent, with Trump a mere bobblehead doll bouncing along in its wake."

YES! That is absolutely true.

When Barack Obama got elected in 2008, a substantial portion of the USA (and the world) celebrated, believing we'd turned a corner on our racist past. I know I did. But another portion of the country was shocked -- and subsequently infuriated -- that a black man, and a black man far more articulate and educated than they were, was now president. They've never gotten over it.

As I've mentioned before, I often read right-wing news outlets to try to understand what people are thinking, and perhaps the steadiest current running through a lot of reader comments on those sites -- in addition to a healthy dose of anti-Semitic, anti-gay and John Birch-style anti-communist rhetoric -- is an absolute and visceral personal hatred of Obama. In fact, a lot of the fury directed at Joe Biden is really meant for Obama. They believe Obama is still running the government, and call Biden Obama's "third term."

So, yes, based on what I read in Gopnik's review, it sounds like Richardson is on point.

Interesting that those same racist right-wing factions can be supportive of Clarence Thomas. But then, Thomas isn't challenging any of their beliefs or asking them to reconsider their views. He's just giving them what they want.

Last night was very quiet. We watched TV -- the second episode of Netflix's very Halloweenish "The Fall of the House of Usher." Dave isn't feeling well this weekend -- his eyes were super-red on Friday, which we first put down to allergies. But one of his co-workers urged him to see the school nurses, and they suggested he go to the doctor to check for conjunctivitis. The doc agreed that's what it is, so now Dave is dealing with eye drops, but he also has fatigue and other symptoms that lead me to suspect it may not just be conjunctivitis. I'm hoping I don't get it, as pink eye is notoriously contagious.

(Photos: Virginia creeper, like Dave's eyes, is now at its reddest!)


  1. The virginia creeper is gorgeous.
    Condenser dryers do not get things dry? That's good to know. I will never buy one. I hope the conjunctivitis gets better quickly and that you don't get it.

  2. I always loved seeing Virginia creeper. Hope whatever Dave has is nothing sever and passes quickly and easily (and uncontagiously). That really is a perfect description of the America of today. Like you, I was so full of hope when Obama was elected. I don't know if I'll ever be that kind of hopeful again.

  3. It's funny how Barack Obama is always referred to as a black guy when his mother was white and he himself is of mixed race. Intellectually, morally, emotionally and politically he is a giant compared with the primitive amoeba known as Trump.

  4. I love the photos today. The color is popping off the screen.
    That is a great quote from the article you read and so true. I too was one of those people that felt like we had turned a page and that our country truly was a leader in the world. I actually had no idea there were so many people with such racist thoughts but the flood gates appear to have opened on that front. Today I find myself sad for our country.

  5. Make sure you remove the clothes from the dryer as soon as a condenser dryer has finished its cycle.

    Your remarks about Obama are both interesting and perhaps apt. I've never thought of like that.

    I challenge my brother's strange views on some things but he is never extreme as #45 believers.

    Virginia creeper covered one side of one of our houses. It was the blind side, so few saw it but I loved it and it was easy to control.

    The highly qualified Doctor Andrew does not think Dave has conjunctivitis.

  6. Yes, there are some who believe Biden's first term is actually Obama's third, but those same people also believe that the Inmate is president.

    And no, they don't see their own ignorance.

  7. I installed a condenser dryer in my tenant's condo, and it works terrific, completely drying the clothes. If yours doesn't I wonder if the drainage was set up correctly? Just a thought.

    I remember some of the terror among white people at Obama's election, that there would be a black uprising to take revenge on whites for what they'd done to African Americans. A clear admission of guilt if ever there was one. And the racist backlash has been huge. Now a lot of the comments about Biden's age are really fear and fury that maybe Kamala, a black educated, here we go, woman, might become President. Spare me!

  8. Yes. I absolutely agree that we will never be able to erase the terrible damage created by the enslavement of people in this country. I believe that history is what will cause our doom. The process is already well on the way.

  9. I get a newsletter by Heather Cox Richardson in my email inbox everyday and she does a great job covering what is going on in our country.
    It saddens me terribly that so many have such hateful ideas and believe so many of the lies pushed by the Republicans now. I hope the next election can help us get back on a more steady peaceful track but I am frightened.
    Hope Dave finds out what is going on with him and feels better soon.

  10. Conjunctivitis is difficult to heal, or so was Dennis’s experience. He is compromised with health issues so it took a long time to heal, kept coming back.
    Leaving the states even for just a little reprieve has been essential.. the oppressive politics, guns, republican s and religion can trylu dampen spirits, so damp it feels like drowning.
    Fingers crossed for Dave!, xxoo

  11. I was shocked at the visceral hatred of Obama, and it definitely led us to where we are today. I'd like to read that article.

    We watched one episode of House of Usher and weren't impressed. I doubt we finish it.

    I hope Dave feels better soon, and keeps his pinkeye to himself! :)

  12. I totally agree about Obama and his effect on this country. the racism is so deeply embedded here as well as the feeling of entitlement among racist white people, it will, as Ms Moon says, be the doom of this country.

    as I've said before, I hate virginia creeper. it is so invasive here and impossible to get rid of.

  13. I often think of what a time it was when we actually had a President who wasn't white. I thought it was the beginning of an awakening. I'm often blown away by how much I can be fooled.
    Love seeing the fall colors there. So beautiful and such lovely photos.

  14. I meant to write that I hope all goes well for Dave and that he recovers quickly from whatever is going on with his eyes.

  15. If your condenser dryer isn't doing its job properly you are either overloading it (the cue/clue being in the word "tumble") or it needs replacing. I have used condensers; a god send - though, of course, there are some fabrics (silk/cashmere et al) you shouldn't put into them.

    Conjunctivitis is the lazy medic's go-to-diagnosis. Your initial hunch that it might be an allergic reaction more likely. Anyway, whatever he does, tell David to resist the urge to rub his eyes. Easier said than done. Use some tissue or damp cotton pad to put on eye - dab, DON'T rub, dispose of [the cotton pad, not the eye].

    The Virginia is such a beautiful colour. Autumnal in all its glory.


  16. Very interesting comments on right wing views on Obama and how they think he is controlling Biden. Yes, I thought that with the election of Obama that things had made a great leap forward.

  17. I too read that article about the Austrian woman, Evie I think he name was, what she and others in that "school" was horrifying. That was right out of the Nazi chamber of horrors.
    Heather Cox Richardson is always right on point. Regarding Mr Obama, the right wing has never gotten over his presidency. The racism in the US is still with us, and getting worse.

  18. I read Heather Cox Richardson's post on Facebook every day. It keeps me well informed and somewhat sane, as in knowing that I'm not the only one .. Love the creepy creepers and lots of healing vibes for Dave!

  19. One of the covid variants awhile ago presented with conjunctivitis. Do you have any test kits?
    Half of this country seems to be bat shit crazy.

  20. My Ophthalmologist has me using antihistamine eye drops year round and they help with several issues. I hope Dave gets his problems workout out soon. I'm sure he's miserable!

    I'm trying to brace myself as the political climate just gets worse and worse. (and not only on the national level, thanks to my new governor)

  21. In my FB memories today was a post about me voting for Barack Obama. I was so hopeful. Sigh. I've got HCR in my to be read stack - I'm almost afraid to read it even though I read her letters every day. I'm not sure I want to be more depressed.

  22. I loved Obama and voted for him twice, but I was concerned (even at the time) about how the then covert racists in the country would react. They felt even more threatened than I ever could have imagined. :(

  23. I how we have devolved to this insanity amazes me. And the world seems to be falling apart as well.

  24. I'm sorry for Dave and his current medical problem. But I love the photos of the Virginia Creeper. Red looks so good in nature.

  25. Something niggled in the back of my brain and I consulted Dr Google and found this ...
    Crohn's uveitis
    Uveitis One of the most common eye problems in Crohn's, according to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, uveitis is inflammation of the uvea. This is the “blood-vessel-rich lining inside the eye that brings nutrition to the cornea, retina, iris, and lens,”
    Could this be contributing to Dave's issues?

  26. River: Well, I can't say ALL condenser dryers don't get things dry. But ours, at the settings I use, leaves the clothes damp.

    Mitchell: I hope there will be cause for similar optimism at some point in the future!

    YP: In the USA, in the old days, racial identity was predicated on the "one drop rule," which said you were considered a person of color even if you had only a drop of blood from a race other than white. I think this idea of racial identity has persisted, even to be embraced by those who have mixed backgrounds.

    Sharon: It seems like so long ago that we had such optimism, doesn't it?!

    Andrew: I do try to take them out of the dryer right away because otherwise they wrinkle like crazy!

    Bob: Oh, undoubtedly, those people are extremists. They're also likely to believe Obama isn't really American!

    Boud: Yes, Kamala is also a factor in the racist (and misogynist!) response toward Democrats. I could probably run the dryer longer and get the clothes more dry, but after a while they get very wrinkled and seem a bit baked.

    Ms Moon: I hope we're able to overcome it. I think we're making progress but it sometimes feels like one step forward, two steps back, and it's all so painful.

    Ellen D: I have the same hopes for the next election. I think if we can just put Trump behind us for good we have a better chance.

    Linda Sue: Well, that's Dave's situation too -- he's immunocompromised because of his Crohn's medication.

    Jennifer: I can see how "Usher" isn't for everybody. The first episode was a bit of a struggle. The second one was better, but got gory at the end.

    Ellen: I think many people are racist without even realizing it. (And of course, many DO realize it and are still unrepentant.)

    Robin: I suppose it WAS an awakening, but it awakened the bad along with the good!

    Ursula: I'm not overloading, but I also only run the cycle for an hour, and maybe it needs longer than that to be fully dry. I find if it goes longer, though, it's hard on the clothes.

    Red: This idea that Obama is still running things would be laughable if it weren't so paranoid.

    Jim: Wasn't that story mind-blowing? It made me wonder how much Nazism survived beyond World War II.

    Brigitta: I've read her here and there but I never signed up for her Substack, and maybe I should!

    Allison: Yes, Dave did test for Covid. It was negative.

    Kelly: He thinks it's improved a bit, but he's convinced it's viral rather than bacterial, because the antibiotics aren't working as quickly as expected!

    Bug: It's hard to read stuff like that but at the same time I think we need to know what's going on!

    Margaret: I remember thinking we'd really stuck it to the racist portion of our population. Little did I know!

    Debby: I blame Russia! (I say that only half in jest!)

    Catalyst: Virginia Creeper and a certain ornamental grape vine (can't remember the name) both look amazing at this time of year.

    Caro: Interesting! We wondered if it might be Crohn's-related but I hadn't thought to research it. Whatever's bothering him seems to be affecting the outer part of his eye rather than the inner part. His vision isn't blurry and his eye is visibly red. So it may not be uveitis but one of those other side effects...?

  27. Those leaves are fantastic. I read Heather Cox Richardson's daily "letters" and she's usually spot on. I'm interested in her book. Boy, the anti-semitism here is getting out of control. I can't wrap my brain around it.
