Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Full Moon

One of the things I love about my new(ish) iPhone is that it can take photos in almost any light.

I've been having trouble sleeping the last few nights -- I could write a multivolume dissertation on the reasons why, but the short answer is "work" -- and when I was up wandering around the flat at about 2 a.m. yesterday morning, I noticed the moonlight spilling down into our garden. I wondered if my phone camera would function even in that relatively faint light, and the answer is yes!

Above, the view from our back door. I love the shadowy, blurry foliage -- very Halloween! The light on the apartment buildings shows up quite brightly, even though it's really not that bright to the naked eye.

Here's the banana tree on our patio, looking rather gray in the blue moonlight...

...and here's the moonlight coming in our kitchen window.

So, yes, I'm having some stress related to work relationships, but please don't ask about it because I can't blog about it and anyway it's not a big deal except in my own head. I just have to knuckle down and stay as positive as I can.

I haven't written anything about Israel and Gaza, because I feel like almost anything I say is likely to get me in trouble and I have no great insights into that conflict anyway. But here's one aspect of my thinking that I will share: Hamas is backed by Iran. Iran is an ally of Russia. Who stands to benefit by having America distracted by conflict in the Middle East, rather than focused on Ukraine? I haven't seen much written about this, perhaps because there's no documented evidence, but am I wrong to connect those dots and suspect that Russia may be behind the whole mess?


  1. Lovely and interesting shots.

    A thread has been started on the downsizer forum. This link is on it.
    Worth listening to it all.
    It isn't just the latest is the past eighty years and more.
    I don't favour either side. It is just all so sad and tragic

  2. This is a conspiracy theory rooted in rational thought. Not at all far-fetched. I avoid writing about it, as well, because my thoughts will also only get me in trouble and have no impact on the outcome. What Hammas has done is horrific. And what Israel is now doing is also horrific.

    So sorry about work. I have wondered lately how things were going. You don't sound the same when you write about it. Hope you can find your way through it with that positive attitude.

  3. I am appalled at our medias apparent one sided reporting of the demos going on around the country. I even googled 'Pro Israel Demonstrations' and the result was, confusingly a page full of pro Palestine demos. Found it very weird that pracically no one seemed to be supporting the Israeli side, not true of course. I hate to feel that I am being manipulated and know there is a lot about this that I know nothing. I know no Jewish or Palestinian people personally and hate to see innocents suffering horribly. I pray for a quick end to all the hate and killing.
    Thanks for the blog.

  4. Sorry about the work stuff Steve. Previously, it never seemed to affect the happy rhythm of your personal life. I can guess what's going on here as I have hinted at before. Keep your chin up.

  5. The moonlight coming through your window is absolute art. Worth getting up at two AM for. We can not talk about the massacre in Gaza, there are no words.

  6. excellent moonlight images! Thank you.
    I hope your stress will get solved eventually.

    Many people are connection the same dots. It's a really difficult subject here in Germany for obv reasons.

  7. I love the light through the windows. It's really quite lovely.

    As for your thoughts on Hamas and Iran and Russia, I think you're spot on.

  8. Those photos really are amazing.
    I am SO sorry that you're going through issues at work. Damn. And then of course not getting enough sleep makes things even worse at work and at home.
    Hang in there, friend.

  9. For me, that war is a no win situation. Nobody will every win, even if the other side if completely decimated. The civilians on both sides have lost and are losing more. In situations like that, I typically take the position of just putting my head in the sand and going about life that I can maybe create a positive outcome.

  10. I have heard folks on the TV saying the very same thing about those particular dots being connected!
    The nighttime pictures do have a certain aura about them, however, the full moon was this past week and weekend! Your camera captured some other light source!
    Been there with work-related crap ...
    retirement crap can be unsettling as well! Chin up and breathe!
    Welcome to November!!

  11. Nice moonlit photos for a Halloween night! We had snow here but not too much.
    Sorry you have work troubles and hope it all settles down soon. They are lucky to have you there!

  12. I love those moonlit images. Almost makes me want to get up at 2:00 am to see what the full moon light looks like here.
    One of my old and now deleted email accounts was hacked by very bad people in the middle east. They literally changed the header on Dharma Bums blog. I've stopped blogging because of it. I will not be blogging anymore. (They got my email address because of the 23 & Me hack.)

  13. We saw the moonrise on Sunday evening, huge and orange, befitting a Halloween moon.

    You're not alone in thinking about Russia and Iran. The men who are making these decisions have no respect for human life. It's despicable.

  14. Work issues can drag on for a while and cause stress. However , the whole issue usually blows over.

  15. nice moonlit photos. and sorry to hear about your unpleasant situation at work.

    yes, I think you are right about Russia/Iran/Hamas. I think I've read articles connecting those dots. I usually stay quiet about Israel/Hamas for the most part as my opinion is not popular. Israel is not an innocent bystander (this is not to be construed as being anti-semitic). both are evil and it's the Palestinian people who suffer. both are breaking the rules of war. I think Netanyahu knew about this attack and he let it happen to justify wiping Gaza off the face of the earth in their continuing slow genocide of the Palestinian people. Israel is an apartheid state and most people are unaware of the evil deeds of the Israeli military. Gaza is continually at the mercy of Israel who controls the flow of food, water, and fuel. not to mention what's going on in the West Bank.

  16. Wow, I haven't said that about Russia and it's involvement in the middle east but I've thought the same thing. It's obviously a huge benefit to Russia to distract the US away from the Russian war. And, listening to what is coming out of congress, it's working.
    I love the moonlight photos. I've noticed the same thing and now I only carry the phone when I'm visiting low light and indoor places. Speaking of the full moon, very early last Saturday when I was headed to Heathrow for my flight home, I saw a gorgeous full moon looking huge and yellow just above the horizon. Then late that same night I got to see it again from Arizona.

  17. The moonlit photos are wonderful, especially the indoor one. Sorry work is causing stress, and I hope it looks up soon.

    I've seen quite a bit of dot connecting about Russia, Iran and Ukraine. Just look at whose interests are served.

  18. You moonlight photos are really good. Re Gaza, no question that Russia and Iran are behind it, they are for anything that will destabilize the Middle East and harm the US standing in the world. And the tragedy is that the Palestinians are caught in the middle. Horrific, no other word for it.

  19. I think you might be on to something there. It makes sense to me. But, yeah... I don't say much about any of it because there's always someone to be offended or riled up. So much tragedy in the world and my heart aches for all the innocents. Someone famous said "war is hell" and they were right.

    Nice photos in the moonlight! As beautiful as I find a full moon, its brightness always disrupts my sleep. I'm a rural person who likes the night to be dark! I hope life gets easier for you soon, Steve.

  20. I love the way you captured the shadows and light in your photos. Given the cast of characters, you are probably right about Russia, Iran and Hamas. There is enough evil to go around to all players. I hope your work situation blows over. Try to stay out of the fray.

  21. No matter what opinion we have, it offends someone so I keep quiet too. I'm so sorry about the work stress; I've been there and it can permeate the rest of your life, including the nighttime hours. My iPhone 12 Pro does well in low light although not as well as the newer versions, I'm sure!

  22. I share your guess on the middle east crisis.

  23. First of all, those dots have been connected (or at least speculated on) here in the media. I'm pretty sure it's spot on. And I understand the keeping quiet on this one. It's just bad all the way around.

    I remember sleepless nights with work stress and I feel for you. I have to say, you maxed your waking time well. That kitchen window shot is especially wonderful!

  24. We had about 30 trick or treaters yesterday so that's pretty good considering the snowy weather we had. I like your late night photos but too bad your work worries are keeping you awake. Hope things settle down soon.

  25. Really the technology is advancing a lot. These are a very good collection of images with this one.

  26. Your moonlight pictures are beautiful but I'm surprised you didn't see any spooky spirits, considering what night it was. I will not even touch on your other subjects.

  27. I thought the SAME thing about the Hamas/Israel conflict. In fact I told Mike that's what I thought was going on (or at the very least they're inflaming our tensions to their own ends).

  28. The latest phones are amazing in capturing photos in very low light. My proper camera is miles behind but perhaps it could be manually adjusted to do better.

    Your theory about Russia is quite plausible.

  29. I have forgotten which phone you bought - can you remind me?
    I am sorry you are having issues at work. Seems there is conflict in many places at the moment. I think the world needs to stop and take a deep breath.

  30. I do love that picture of the moonlight in your kitchen. I have heard those dots connected. I am sorry you are having problems at work. Just remember. We took a poll. We all think you are a great guy with a good heart.
