Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Seedy Bread and Glowing Wine

Here's another picture from my walk on Sunday. Hovis is a popular brand of bread in the UK -- in fact it's what I usually buy -- a variety called "Seed Sensations" with sunflower and pumpkin and poppy seeds around the outside. Anyway, I got a kick out of this old advertisement.

I am not going to talk about politics -- that got me off on the wrong foot yesterday and I felt grumpy and depressed. (Fortunately yesterday's election results are looking pretty positive!) I only worked a half day because I had to get home for what I hoped would be the installation of a new dishwasher. We had a special event in the library (this poet teaching a class) in the morning, and I left right after lunch.

The dishwasher guy had said he'd be here between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. I hoped he'd come at the beginning of that window so I could get back to work, but of course he didn't show up until 4:45. He literally came in, asked me what the problem was, took a photo of the dishwasher, and said he'd file a report with our maintenance company. He didn't even turn on the machine. He was here about three minutes.

Mind you, this is after I filed my own report and sent them a video and photos of the machine and its model number. In other words, I can't see that this visit gave them any information they didn't already have. He decided the problem was the heating element -- the same conclusion I reached last week after Googling it. "I have read online that others using our brand of dishwasher have experienced this same problem," I e-mailed on Oct. 31. "One person attributed it to a defective or failed heating element."

So from my perspective, the whole visit was a complete waste of time. Sigh. At least I was able to catch up on some household tasks like vacuuming and laundry. I just want to get this dishwasher situation settled before Thanksgiving, because we're having six people for dinner and I don't want to have to hand-wash all the dishes. Okay, it's a first-world problem and a minor one compared to those faced by people living in Ukraine and Gaza. But still.

Here's another photo from Sunday. This street sign notes that legendary singer Vera Lynn lived on Ladysmith Avenue in East Ham from the ages of four to 21. A sign on nearby Thackeray Avenue said she was actually born on that street. A little slice of British cultural history!

And here's one final Halloween reference. I bought this bottle of wine at Tesco last week -- the label had an old-fashioned photographic portrait of a man on it, but when the lights were turned off the man turned into a glow-in-the-dark skeleton! I've never bought wine with a glow-in-the-dark label before. Hopefully it doesn't impart any radioactive properties to the wine itself.


  1. "The whole visit was a complete waste of time" but from the landlord's position there are rules and documentations that must be legally followed I'd say.
    Love the glow in the dark label.

  2. Your wine bottle is so worth it ! Even if the wine is so-so.

  3. Boxes have to be ticked, steps have to be followed...but still a bit annoying as you have had to take time off.
    You feel that some systems are designed for those who don't go out to work?

  4. I have been known to buy one simply for the label. I would have bought this one.

  5. The old Hovis ad is known as a ghost sign I believe. See
    If you look at the map perhaps you could aim to photograph them all.

  6. Washing dishes by hand makes my back ache badly. Keep pushing about the dishwasher.

    Yes, repeating things to companies and medical places should not happen.

    Hasn't the turkey season past already. What was that for, I am confused now.

  7. Of course I don't live in an apartment where the appliances aren't mine, but this sort of thing is why I usually attempt a repair first myself. I have found that repairmen aren't always very knowledgeable on the subject themselves and must refer to manuals telling them what is wrong, the same thing google tells me. Often times, they have to replace a few parts before actually fixing something.

  8. I will simply say I was mostly pleased with the election results from yesterday and hope Democrats see what happens when we vote.

  9. It makes you feel like why bother to be so diligent & helpful. On the other hand, at least you had some idea that his diagnosis was correct, so there's that.

    Also, last night I was having trouble sleeping & realized that the governor's race was in KENTUCKY (Beshear won) - the Virginia good news hadn't even happened yet when I commented yesterday. A sign that I need to just go to bed. Ha!

  10. That glow-in-the-dark skeleton wine label is perfect for Halloween. Does that brand do other, similar seasonal things?

  11. What a frustrating experience with the dishwasher guy. Frustrating but so typical.
    I'm not sure I would have bought that wine but I have to admit that's the most unusual label I've seen on a wine bottle.

  12. And what do people do who absolutely cannot get off work? This is not a good system for having repairs done. On the other hand, I have no suggestions as to how to improve the system so I should just be quiet. Still, how bizarre that they have to pay someone to come and do what you're already done while you're having to take the time to be there so he can do that.

  13. When I realized that "repair" men usually just tried out parts till the thing worked, I fixed my own appliances, isolating the issue, buying the part, plugging it in. But they were mine, so you're stuck with the process, I guess.

    Great election results yesterday, feeling much less irritable and snarky myself.

  14. Don't get us going on the quality of appliances and repair technicians. Appliances are not built with quality but cheaply so they fall apart and can't be repaired and then you have to buy a new one.

  15. The park model we bought was built in 1988, and I believe the appliances are original. The microwave is a pain because there is no turntable. Anyway, there will probably be a new microwave in our future, and perhaps a stove. To use the stove, the thermocouple must be heated until the pilot light catches. I'd prefer just turning the thing on.
    And how about Ohio! Bodily autonomy is now in the state constitution.

  16. I LOVE that wine bottle label!!! I've bought beer based on names and labels before, but usually the neatest ones are IPAs or Pale Ales, which are not my "cup of tea" (or pint of ale).

  17. Maybe your mom's saying will have to be updated to "everything needs to be done at least five times (London version)" to reflect your reality! It does seem that you frequently go through more hassle than we experience here. But this is a small town and word gets around about who is good and who is not. That has to have some effect on customer service.

    That label is neat! And using the iron as a doorstop is a great idea. I like giving unusual things a useful purpose.

  18. Now, THAT's a cool wine bottle. We have 19 Crimes here -- I wonder if they did that everywhere.

    UGH. I hate repair visits -- or the ones that come late and do nothing. You have my sympathies.

  19. Is your landlord local? Because if "boxes need ticking" it seems like s/he could help out a bit in that department. We've waited for technicians if it is inconvenient for the tenant.

    That wine bottle is seriously cool.

    Also, my favorite bread while I was there was tiger bread. Here my bread of choice is Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain multiseeded bread. That stuff is to die for. I don't care what you put on top of it, it's perfect!

  20. Efficiency and speed seems lacking in dish washer repair. This sort of thing drives me nuts. Appliance sales, installation and repairs seem a bit off in the US too. 2 years ago I bought a new microwave and wall oven unit. The seller could not install it until after Thanksgiving. I demanded free delivery before Thanksgiving. (I also had guests coming for dinner.) With the help of my guests, we found YouTube instructions on how to remove and install both and it worked like a charm.

  21. Love the wine bottle although I hate wine. It's hard for me to wait for repairs on any major appliance. I'm spoiled! Although I won't discuss politics, three local school board candidates who were endorsed by educators lost to three who were endorsed by the police department and are extremely conservative and religious. They may not openly side with Moms for Liberty, but it was still very discouraging and scary.

  22. Oh, that wine bottle label is so funny.

    Not funny is the problem you're having with getting your dishwasher fixed.

    And Vera Lynn is one of my favorite singers. I've often said that I want a recording of "We'll Meet Again" played at any remembrance that may occur following my death.

  23. River: I suppose that's true, but then why ask me for all the documentation in the first place? Just send the appliance guy to make his own inspection.

    Linda Sue: It was pretty good, actually! (If not radioactive.)

    GZ: Things like this always make me wonder how many people are just home every day.

    Mitchell: I couldn't resist it, though honestly I didn't realize the label glowed until I got it home.

    YP: Yes, I've heard the term "ghost sign" -- but is this a ghost, since the brand still exists? I thought ghost signs were mainly for old, dead brands that are no longer with us.

    Andrew: If by "turkey season" you mean Thanksgiving, it's over in Canada. But in the USA, Thanksgiving is in late November.

    Ed: I think it's entirely likely we'll just get a new dishwasher. That's what happened last time. I wouldn't begin to know how to replace a heating element, nor do I have the time and inclination to learn.

    Bob: Absolutely. As we used to say in Zen practice, just showing up is the most important step!

    Bug: Ha! I figured you meant Kentucky.

    Colette: I've never seen it before, but I don't always buy that brand so I'm not sure.

    Sharon: SO typical!!

    Ms Moon: I have no idea. I suspect they live with broken appliances. I've had to take a couple of days (or parts of days) off this fall for home maintenance.

    Boud: And it's more complicated now, because everything is computerized and those electronic components are usually what wear out.

    Red: Absolutely. Planned obsolescence is a huge part of this!

    Allison: That Ohio result is the most exciting thing to happen in the whole election, I think. Coupled with the Kansas vote last year, it shows that most voters in even the most conservative states do not agree with abortion bans.

    Kelly: Yes, I've bought beer before that way, too!

    Jenny-O: I wonder if the concentration of available customers is part of the issue, too. These firms don't care if they inconvenience me. There are a hundred customers lined up behind me.

    Jeanie: I like 19 Crimes! I've bought their wine before. This label was a whole new innovation, though!

    Debby: Tiger bread? Hmmmm...I haven't seen that. No, our landlords live out in Berkshire or one of the other Home Counties.

    Susan: Ha! "Happy Thanksgiving! Now help me install my microwave!" LOL

    Margaret: That IS discouraging. It seems for many of the positive changes, we also had some backsliding.

    Catalyst: That song became popular again during London's first lockdown. It's interesting how appropriate it seems in so many circumstances!

  24. As I understand it, "ghost signs" are simply very old painted advertising signs Steve but I have been known to be wrong once in a while - the last time was fourteen years ago when I took a left turning rather than a right turning.
