Monday, December 18, 2023

Another Night Out

Dave and I were out on the town again last night. I KNOW! Twice in a row! How has this happened, for two old TV-watching homebodies like us?!

Well, a year ago at Christmas, one of Dave's students gave him a gift certificate to Wigmore Hall, a classical music performance space near Oxford Street. The certificate sat in a drawer for months but I always knew it was there and that we needed to use it within a year. Sometimes I'd take it out and set it on the table next to Dave's chair in the living room, as a hint for him to pick a performance, but it would get covered over with schoolwork and inevitably I'd wind up putting it in the drawer again. Finally, several weeks ago, I got out the computer and presented him with some options, and we settled on a French horn concert by a musician named Ben Goldscheider.

So that was last night. Goldscheider, with violinist Callum Smart and pianist Richard Uttley, played four compositions, by Mozart, Gyorgy Ligeti, Clara Schumann and Brahms. It was really enjoyable. It's hard to beat a French horn for sound, with its beautiful round, full tones. The Ligeti seemed like it was probably the hardest piece, a dissonant 1982 composition that seemed full of '80s angst, the musical equivalent of a Brutalist building, or maybe Margaret Thatcher's economic policies. (Although Ligeti was Hungarian by birth.) As I told Dave, "I can't imagine what that sheet music looks like!"

And then, on the way home, we got to check out some of the Christmas lights in and around Wigmore Hall and Portland Square.

Here are the decorations on St. Christopher's Place...

...and here on James Street, both across the street from Wigmore Hall. Dave thought I should get a video for full effect.

Otherwise, yesterday was spent mostly at home. I did some work in the garden, raking fallen leaves and tidying up dead growth. I had planned to allow the leaves to break down and feed the soil, but they were so thick on the grass I thought they might kill it -- and indeed some areas were yellowing. I'm not fussy about the lawn but I don't want dead patches. I didn't try to pick up ALL the leaves, just the densest mats. I dumped them in the back of the garden so they can break down there, and left the ones that are naturally mulching our flower beds.

Two nights from now, we have to get out of the house again because Dave has hired professional cleaners to come in and give the place a three-hour once-over. He's been having a lot of allergic symptoms and he thinks there's still lingering plaster dust from our recent renovations. I'm trying not to be defensive about this, because I'm in charge of cleaning around here and I think I do a darn good job -- and to be honest I think hiring cleaners is a waste of money and I don't want people touching my stuff. But I'm acquiescing in the interest of potentially improving Dave's allergies. I don't think it will make a whit of difference but I'm going along to get along.


  1. I am sure Dave isn't doubting your cleaning abilities. It's ticking a box. And if it has a placebo effect as well then it's a win.
    Your musical interlude sounds wonderful as is your walk through the Christmas lights.

  2. The Christmas lights are magical. Great photo and video. I hope Dave gets relief from his allergies but I don't blame you for being offended. We have situations like that at our house. I know it's not really meant the way I take it. If it is, I survive.

  3. Love those lights and the walk-through bauble.
    Has Dave been tested to see what he is allergic to?

  4. It can be helpful to dry-mop/dust ceilings and walls every so often before a regular cleaning/thorough vacuuming and surface dusting/wipedown. It's a bit tedious, so if you can get your professional cleaners to do it for you, that'd be a win for everybody.

  5. Nice decorations! And a bit of imagination used in that narrow street with the hanging discs.

    A thorough deep clean is a good idea...hoping they realise why it is being done, thinking of the products they may use? I say that as I react to some cleaning materials and perfumes. This time of year can be bad for those of us with allergies and intolerances, as much as hit and dusty times!!

  6. Excellent relationship tactics exhibited in the last paragraph. Sometimes one has to simply zip one's mouth. Let's hope the cleaners don't accidentally smash some of your best "finds". Fingers crossed.

  7. The lights are brilliant,as they say… two nights in a row, gadabouts…
    After the cleaners leave ,if symptoms are still in Dave’s nose, you will have to check Olga, or the outside, or the allergic reaction to Russians. Allergies move mysteriously.

  8. I love that quaint street all done up for Christmas!

    If you don't want the cleaners send them this way?

  9. I gotta say, I would love to have a cleaner come in for three hours.

    The lights are beautiful.

  10. Such beautiful lights! And this is what an Eeyore I am- half of my thoughts are about how truly lovely they are and half are more like, "Oh god. They're going to have to take all those down and store them for an entire year!"
    I think that a great deal of a relationship is basically compromise. Sometimes it astounds me that humans even TRY to live together. As I always say, the secret to a long happy marriage is the phrase, "You know, I think you could be right about that."
    And guess what? Sometimes it's true!

  11. If the cleaner has time left over after Pixie and Bob, they are welcome to stop by here.

  12. I agree with your assessment of French Horns and since you brought it up, I probably haven't heard one since my high school days. We are season ticket holders to an orchestra which has a healthy brass section as well but I don't think there is a French horn among them. We also go to our town's weekly brass performance in the summers and I'm fairly certain there isn't a French horn their either. It makes me wonder if it has fallen out of favor or I've just been blind to them.

    I'm sure it is grass species dependent but for decades people always have scolded me for not raking up leaves and telling me it will kill the grass. In the spring, the grass always comes back and I've never had leaf kill dead spots. This year though, my friends and neighbors are happier since I made a concerted effort to mow and rake the leaves to throw on my garden for future compost. My lawn has never looked grassier at this time of the year.

  13. If the cleaners have an industrial vacuum cleaner with hepa filter, that's much better at removing fine plaster dust. You do your best with the cleaner you have. It's like detailing a car, far beyond an owner just getting it clean. Anyway I hope it helps Dave. Dust and fluff in the bedroom is what does a lot of people in.

  14. Well, a professional cleaning will decide if the dust causes Dave's allergic symptoms. It's good of you to give it a shot.
    I love the Christmas lights, especially the ones on St. Christopher's Place. Are those all shops or do people live there too? Where do they park their cars?

  15. The video is quite nice with all the lights and discs ... it was a rather busy street what with cars driving by and folks out walking!
    Curious as to why the cleanup crew are coming at night and not during the day! Maybe lock up what you don't want them touching or give specific instructions! 🤷

  16. Seems funny that you can go out and do work in the garden now. There seem to be many good concerts just before Christmas.

  17. Man I could REALLY use a cleaner. However, I think three hours would just be a drop in the bucket of what needs to happen around here. Ha!

  18. I love seeing the Christmas lights. London knows how to decorate for the season. I was there just a bit too early to see it all. I love your description of the Ligeti piece. I've heard some new compositions that fit that description perfectly.

  19. I'm sure you do an excellent job considering how many times you blog about cleaning. way more than I blog about not cleaning. I'd have no problem with an occasional professional house cleaner as long as they do a good job. when Marc was in the hospital our granddaughter Jade paid to have cleaners come in and do the house and especially his bedroom. cost her $300 and they did a crappy job. All they did in his bedroom was dust and vacuum the floor. there was mildew on the furniture and the wall of shelves that I had emptied for them to clean were still grimey, all they did was dust them, not clean them.

  20. The lights are beautifully festive! I don't care for that dissonant style of music; one of my former students is a composer and when I listen to his pieces, I don't know quite what to say. Not pretty or melodic which is what I enjoy. I too would love to have a cleaner come although I suspect I would criticize a bit afterward. Hope it helps Dave's allergies!

  21. Ditto what Bug said!!

    I really enjoyed the video. It's such a festive scene!

  22. The lights are great. I haven't been down into our town to see what they are like. My son took his daughter up to London at the weekend to see the lights and regretted it. The place was so crowded it was unbearable.
    On another subject, at least I can comment on your post. I am having problems with lots of bloggers as Google isn't letting me post even when I sign in as they want me to..

  23. What a treat to see those streets!
    My husband is sure I've used something he's allergic to whenever he gets a sniffle, and I'm sure he's barking up the wrong tree. I feel your pain. LOL.
    Have a happy Christmas, you guys.

  24. I just caught up on all of your posts. The Christmas lights are beautiful. It makes me want to visit London in December. I get the whole cleaning thing, but it is good that you are going along with it. Have a good vacation away from the library!

  25. That was a nice evening out.
    I don't know what professional cleaners will do that you can't or won't. They will probably be very efficient but better?

  26. Yup. That's what you do to get along. I love the London lights and hope one day to see them in person. Meanwhile, when Rick and I talk about the things we want to do in London when we come in May, the only major thing on his list is a concert at Wigmore Hall, so soon we'll be looking at schedules and see if there is something going on. The video is wonderful. I wonder what the next night out will bring?!
