Sunday, December 24, 2023

O Tannenbaum

Have I mentioned that our little beach abode comes with a Christmas tree? A festive touch for the holiday season! There are also random sprigs of plastic holly and pine dangling from various lampshades and shelves. (No elves on the shelves, though.) I could do without the latter adornments but they don't bother me enough to take them down.

Olga and I took an adventurous walk on the beach yesterday. I don't think she's crazy about the pebbles -- I remember thinking that the last time we were here, too. Dave's theory is that they hurt her toes. But I see other dogs romping around on the pebbles like they're nothing, so I'm not sure actual pain is involved. I think they're just different from what she's used to. Our girl is a creature of habit.


Anyway, we had a long-ish walk up toward town, and then in the afternoon we took another walk along the road in the other direction, through a nearby council estate (public housing complex). I found a little free library in an old phone booth, positively packed to the rafters with paperback books. I picked up a Michael Connelly "Bosch" novel that ought to be good reading on our trip to L.A. in February.

The weather yesterday wasn't too bad -- partly cloudy, with some spectacular crepuscular rays over the water. (I learned that term from former blogger Robin, who I miss in blogland but I still see on Facebook. Hi Robin, if you're reading!)

Last night the weather got rougher and windier and this morning the deck is wet, so we've also been getting some rain. The wind creates a sort of low rumble in the house, a fluctuating background hum that along with the susurration of the waves isn't unpleasant. We haven't tried to use the fireplace yet -- it's not very cold and we don't have much wood, and I'm leaving it up to Dave whether he wants to launch that project. So far it seems more trouble than it's worth!

How are we entertaining ourselves? Well, I spent almost all day reading, polishing off two more New Yorkers (my goal is to go home with NO magazines) and getting 100 pages into a novel, "Little Deaths" by Emma Flint, which I'm finding quite good.

We also saw two hilarious shows on the BBC last night -- last year's "Motherland" Christmas special, which included poignant moments, and "Mandy." And we're one episode away from concluding "The Crown."

The dog tried once again to wake me up at 4:45 a.m., but this time I was smart enough to check the clock and keep her in bed until 6 a.m. So hopefully I won't be a zombie all day.


  1. I am sure we are not alone , calling crepuscular clouds/ light , Jesus rays.
    I love the dramatic photos of the coast and the cold sea. Thanks for those! Olga takes the prize, as usual. I can relate to her trouble walking on shingle. Though I love shingle, as my pockets attest, it is weird to walk on…and loud.
    Your place looks amazing.
    Merry, happy, Yule , see you next year.

  2. Even in the rain, what a beautiful place to be. Our cats get annoyed at the paparazzi, too.

  3. I admire the coastal December light in these pictures and also the use of the term, "susurration". I hope that the susurration doesn't herald a tidal wave that will take "Stonesthrow Cottage" to the north coast of France. HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

  4. Crepuscular is a new word to me. I'll have to remember that one. I LOVE the photo though. I enjoy seeing the sun's rays shining through the clouds.
    Long walks on the beach.....sounds perfect.

  5. A new word for me 'crepuscular'. I just love the view out across the water. Merry Christmas to you all.

  6. You seem to be enjoying your Christmas cottage. I'm with Olga on not liking to walk on shingle, wobbly, noisy stuff!

  7. How nice your vacation spot was decorated for Christmas.
    Love Olga barking orders; she ain't playing!
    And that sea, sun and clouds phot is lovely.
    Merry Christmas.

  8. The beach reminded me of Bexhill on Sea and when I looked at the map, I realized why. I watched a BBC documentary about a house built near Pevensey by two guys from London, a home filled with art and windows, which I drove by on my last visit, but of course can't find it now to show you.

    Have a lovely Christmas.

  9. Great phone book find. I hope you have a Happy Christmas,
    I am listening to Rob Reiner’s podcast just released on the 60th anniversary of JFK murder——on IHeartRadio APP, “Who Killed JFK” is the title. This is Rob Reiner the film producer, It’s a riveting podcast, where he leads up to who killed JFK - not Oswald. What makes it better than all the other JFK material -the depth and range of the research. Jean in Winnipeg

  10. I like what Linda Sue called those beams of light- Jesus rays. Yes!
    I think you are having my dream Christmas.
    Enjoy. Give Olga a sweet scritch behind the ears for me. Know I'm thinking about you.

  11. beautiful photos. I particularly like the one of Olga alone. dogs are so funny. Minnie prefers the hot black smooth street surface to walking in the grass by the roadside. I think it prickles her toe pads or something. and why are those three bowls sitting on the floor by the counter.

  12. I side with Dave on this one. I think just like the soles of our own feet, we get used to/calloused to whatever we are walking on. I can't take a step on gravel barefooted without wincing. But I have seen others use to it who could run across it without pause. More than once, I witnessed my dog wear into one of his pads on his feet when walking on unfamiliar substances that would require us to tend to it until it healed again.

  13. I too used to think of those rays as where heaven was (when I was young); what a beautiful place! The clouds are spectacular. I've read every Bosch and enjoyed them. The earlier ones are better though, in my humble opinion.

  14. The included Christmas tree is a nice touch. Have always enjoyed being on the coast when the weather is coming in. Your opening photo is just excellent! Have a Merry Christmas!

  15. Ooops, make that the closing photo. :)

  16. The Christmas Tree (that you didn't have to decorate!) is a nice bonus. All your photos are wonderful, but my favorite is the one of Olga talking to you. (yelling!) Did she get to bring her Kong or just a tennis ball (or two)?

  17. O Tannenbaum is a German expression. Where did that come from?

  18. Sounds like your holiday getaway is all you imagined and it looks wonderful. Merry Christmas to you, Dave & Olga!

  19. That all just sounds fabulous! I'm pretty darned jealous. Maybe next year I can talk Mike into a trip to the beach - at least after Christmas.

  20. Your beach abode sounds like a cozy holiday haven with its own Christmas tree and quirky decorations. The pebbly beach walks with Olga, though not her favorite, add a charming routine to your coastal retreat. That little free library in an old phone booth is a delightful find, and picking up a Michael Connelly novel for your trip to L.A. adds a perfect touch to your leisure.

    The atmospheric symphony of wind, waves, and the potential crackle of a fireplace creates a soothing backdrop to your stay. Reading, catching up on shows, and navigating the dog's early wake-up calls seem to be the perfect blend of relaxation and entertainment. Wishing you continued enjoyment in your beachside escape! Visit Merry Christmas and happy reading!

  21. A home with ocean views and a Christmas tree sounds like perfection to me. Beach walking is wonderful and a favorite past time. Merry/Happy Christmas to you, Dave and Olga. Enjoy.

  22. Wow! Crepuscular and sussuration in one post! You are certainly an intellectual fellow, Steve. Happy Christmas!

  23. Beautiful holiday abode. The beach and the sky is spectacular. I love it when Olga yells at you for taking her picture. Merry Christmas to the three of you.

  24. Your beach abode is lovely. I don't like walking on pebbles. They might irritate Olga's paws. She's probably more sensitive than the other dogs. It's one aspect of her artistic personality.


  25. Linda Sue: I find loose sand hard to walk on too, though. I guess beach walking is always a bit of a challenge!

    Mitchell: It must be weird for animals to be on the receiving end of a camera. They have NO idea what's going on! Is it a game?

    YP: I like France!

    Sharon: We had several displays like that throughout the day. These clouds seem to make perfect sun rays!

    Debby: It was new to me too, until I learned it from Robin!

    Boud: Yeah, it has its drawbacks, for sure.

    Bob: Merry Christmas! Yeah, Olga tells it like it is.

    Pixie: Oh, interesting! Was it on BBC, or YouTube? I'll have to look for it. Yeah, Bexhill is just down the road!

    Jean: THAT sounds interesting! I like Rob Reiner. I'll have to look for that podcast!

    Ms Moon: Yeah, that IS a good name for them! Olga is getting lots of skritches. :)

    Ellen: Interesting that she prefers the road! Olga always opts for grass, given a choice.

    Ed: Yeah, maybe the dogs I see romping carelessly on the pebbles are more used to them.

    Margaret: This one is called "Angel Flight" -- not sure where it falls in the series. I think I've mostly read earlier ones.

    Jim: It's interesting being near a beach during stormy or variable weather. Very dramatic!

    Kelly: Two tennis balls and a Kong! (The red one, which will be easy to see against the pebbles!)

    GZ: We think so!

    Red: I dunno, it just popped into my mind when I thought about our Christmas tree. (That's what a "tannenbaum" is, as I'm sure you know.)

    Damselfly: It has worked out quite well, yes!

    Bug: I think winter is a great time of the year for a beach visit. I'm not a sunbather anyway, so I wouldn't be lying out there in better or warmer weather.

    Melody: Thanks for visiting! I will check out your blog, though it appears you are much more fashionable than I am! :)

    Susan: There's just something about walking on a beach -- even though it requires some exertion -- that's SO relaxing!

    Catalyst: Just trying to keep things interesting. Merry Christmas, Bruce. :)

    Allison: She gets quite cranky about it! And it's funny because as a puppy she never minded.

    Janie: Ha! She is rather precious sometimes. :)

  26. I did complete The Crown, but found this last season a bit of a snooze.
