Monday, January 8, 2024

Here Comes the Sun!

After just grousing about what a cloudy, rainy winter it's been, I was surprised when I walked Olga early yesterday morning to find a clear blue sky and sunshine! The sun was lighting up the bell tower of St. Andrew's Church across Finchley Road...

...and hitting the upper floors of the Buckingham Mansions apartment block on West End Lane.

When we got home, I found it streaming in the windows of the dining room.

I could practically hear all the plants sighing with delight. (There are more there than usual because some of the outdoor plants have been moved inside for warmth.)

I spent the morning reading and then set out with Olga for Hampstead Heath. We hadn't been to the main part of the heath in months -- I think since June, when she went wading. She stayed out of the water this time!

I was so bowled over by the blue sky, sun and shadows that I made a video -- even though the sky clouded over again by the time we got to the Heath itself. You'll see the elegant white former home of actress Gracie Fields, which I've blogged before, and you'll see Olga half-heartedly chase her ball and some squirrels. We returned home via Flask Walk, a short pedestrian passage in Hampstead lined with restaurants and shops, where I briefly got distracted when Olga met (and barked at!) a much larger dog. And finally we visited the cemetery at St-John-at-Hampstead church, and the statue of the woman in the back corner, as always holding a single flower.

It was great to take this walk again after so many months, and I was impressed at how well Olga did, given her age. We didn't do the whole Heath, as we used to, but still. She got a paracetamol in her dinner last night, to alleviate any post-walk aches and pains, and she seems fine.

Oh! Good news! The tube strike has been called off. So that's one nightmare we won't have to navigate this week.

And speaking of nightmares, yesterday evening I watched yet another Hitchcock film -- "Vertigo," which I hadn't seen in many years. As with "North by Northwest," my memory was mostly of trying to stay awake while watching it late at night. So I finally saw it through while fully alert, and once again appreciated Hitchcock's unusual camera angles and use of color, though the plot itself was dubious. In the most cringe-worthy parts, Kim Novak's character agrees to subsume her identity at Jimmy Stewart's request, to become the paper-doll glamazon she was pretending to be when he first met her. It was a very 1950s construct of womanhood.

Today -- back to work!


  1. That intense blue of a clear winter sky is so heartlifting!

  2. Your video is beautiful a fun romp through the heath with good sport olga. . Such a-gorgeous area. Making the most out of the day of sunshine, amazing,isn't it, sunshine does energize. I hope that you get plenty when you go to L A, wishing you the best! That will be fun and renewing , probably . Wish I could stay to mind Olga, we are about the same speed. Travel well. LS.
    —your plants are incredibly healthy and happy looking. Greenest -loads of clean air in that sun filled room.

  3. That was such a nice walk as we virtually kept you company. I really like Hitchcock's films and I've seen the well known ones, but I probably won't watch them again.

  4. It makes such a difference to how we feel when the sun comes out and the ground is dry. Lots of outside jobs waiting for me here.

  5. Our coach took us along Finchley Road yesterday afternoon. I remember passing Frognal Lane on our way to the passenger pick up point at Golders Green. This would have been at 12.50pm. I wonder at what time you would have been there?

  6. Loved the walking tour through the neighborhood; gorgeous old buildings.

  7. I hope today is/was a good work day and re-entry. I loved the video -- I can relate to the amazement of seeing sunshine and blue skies. I don't think we've seen it (or for more than a few hours) since November. That street where Olga barked/the Market was delightful. What/where was that? I so enjoy seeing the city! A great walk before back to work.

  8. I expect everyone's more cheerful with some sunshine. It makes a huge difference to mood. I see your crowd of plants! Think how clean they keep your indoor air.

  9. It has been so rainy here this winter, so when I see the sun, I revel in it! As I was watching your video, Olga's barking roused Shirley, and she cocked her head at the computer!

  10. Olga is so well-behaved on your walks. She never bothers other dogs or people. I'm glad you had a sunny day to enjoy a walk to the health. It was a lovely video, Steve!

  11. It was a little Hitchcockian right there when you did the close-up of the lady's flower and then suddenly, as if on cue, a little wind stirred up.
    Why do you suppose Olga barked at that other dog? Do you think that dogs get crankier with age? I know that old people do. Certain old people, at least.

  12. What a glorious day for a walk. Looks like that here in NYC today.

  13. I always love your trips to the Heath - all those lovely trees & leaves. Happy sigh!

  14. I love the look of that sunshine! I also enjoyed that video. It was like taking a walk with you but from the warmth of my home.

  15. last week we got a total of 3" of rain so it was nice to have blue sky with white puffy clouds here over the weekend. today it's back to overcast and raining. that church tower is lit up nicely.

  16. What a beautiful day! In the beginning of your video, there are white flowers in the shrubbery along the side walk. Are you already moving into spring?

  17. Blue skies and sunshine makes everything better. Your photos are fantastic.
    All the walking you and Olga are doing serves you both well. Staying fit is the ideal.

  18. What a great walk with Olga! Those first two photos are wonderful. I love seeing the sun hit the tops of the trees on my early morning walks.

  19. Love the sun and the light on the buildings. In the thick of winter, what a gift!

  20. They probably won't make it quite that far but we are supposed to get more snow in the next 24 hours than we have received in the last two years. Followed by another storm of equal threat three days from now. I was half joking about needing 18 feet of snow to make up for our drought deficit but we might be a couple feet closer by the end of this week.

  21. Olga is a very brave (or testy) girl! Always fun to see her in your videos.

  22. So what a difference a day makes. Long periods of very dull rainy weather is depressing.

  23. I like the way the sun laid a golden glow to the buildings and I'm glad Olga manages a long walk still.

  24. GZ: It is! Sunshine makes a huge difference.

    Linda Sue: Yes, I'm counting on clear skies in LA! Let's hope there's no "marine layer"!

    Andrew: Well, don't rule it out! You never know when you might have the urge to revisit old favorites.

    Tasker: We don't have dry ground yet, but hopefully that's coming!

    YP: As I mentioned on your blog, I was there around 11:30 and again at 2 p.m. or so.

    Bob: Hampstead is a very nice (and expensive!) area.

    Jeanie: That was Flask Walk in Hampstead.

    Boud: We have a ton of indoor plants, so our air should be sparkling!

    Michael: Yeah, I know Mitchell's cats always respond to Olga too. Her barks resonate around the world!

    Ellen D: Glad you liked it! Yes, Olga is very well-behaved for the most part, especially now that she's older and wiser.

    Ms Moon: Oh, I definitely think dogs get crankier, but who knows what set her off. The other dog was MUCH bigger so maybe she was just saying, "You don't scare me!"

    Mitchell: Excellent! Glad you're getting clear skies too!

    Bug: I love them too and I've missed them now that we go less often. It was nice to be back!

    Sharon: Walking vicariously!

    Ellen: Even just one sunny day helps things dry out a little bit.

    Debby: There's almost always something blooming here, even in winter. The climate is pretty mild overall.

    Susan: That's the goal for both of us!

    Kelly: Yes, a similar effect, I guess!

    Margaret: It really IS a welcome sight.

    Ed: Yeah, I hear you are in for a blizzard or two. Hope things don't get too crazy!

    Catalyst: Brave or foolhardy, she stands her ground!

    Red: Absolutely. Just a day of sun makes a difference.

    River: I was glad, too. She can't do it too often because it makes her sore but I know she enjoys it.
