Sunday, January 14, 2024

I'm on Wikipedia

This is the nameplate hanging by the gate to Daphne du Maurier's former home in Hampstead. (Although the name was in use when she lived there, I think the plaque is a relatively recent addition, not something that exists from her time.) Olga and I came across it as we were walking past last weekend. Do you suppose that's an image of Daphne herself?

Regarding yesterday's post, blogger Debby has pointed out to me that Ram Dass wrote a book called "Walking Each Other Home," the phrase I quoted. Google seems to concur that he originated it, but at the very least he popularized it. So credit where credit is due!

A funny thing happened as I was looking up that information on Ram Dass. I wondered whether my Zen teacher was on Wikipedia, and indeed she is. And here's what's funny -- SO AM I! If you scroll down to the photos at the bottom of her page (linked here), you'll see a group shot of the sangha at the zendo I used to attend, and there I am, fifth from the left in the back row. I never imagined my photo would wind up on Wikipedia, even in a group. That photo is at least 15 years old now. Methinks they need a new one.

Yesterday was fairly uneventful. I finished André Aciman's book "Call Me By Your Name," which was good but seemed to wander a bit toward the end. I think I prefer the movie, to be honest. The movie captured the book's sensual depiction of absolute intimacy amid the abundance of an Italian summer, but it skirted a few of the book's wilder scenes and didn't stray into the ensuing years as the book did. The movie felt more focused.

I took Olga to the cemetery and took another picture of the mysterious dangling girl:

But I've only just now realized it's not the same dangling girl I posted last month. Her legs are positioned differently and the flowers are different. WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?! Are there two of them? I need to look more carefully next time I'm there.


  1. The standard is 'the book was better than the film. I'm disappointed'. But a couple of times I've found a film was better than the book, and I've read of others having the same experience.

  2. I went over to the sangha at the zendo and saw you goofing around on the back row. Everybody looks insanely happy apart from the guy standing immediately to your right. Anyway - to be on Wikipedia makes you famous in my book!

  3. You now definitely must read Find Me, the sequel and find out what happened to Elio and Oliver.

  4. Dangling girl is truly a mystery. They both look so old like they have been hanging out in the elements for a very long time.
    That photo on Wikipedia must have been a surprise. I see you in the back row. Everyone in that photo looks so happy. I don't think I've ever seen a group photo with every single person looking like they are having a wonderful time.

  5. Definitely a different dangling girl. A mystery for sure!
    Okay. You must tell us- how did they get all of you in that picture to look so dang happy!

  6. I wonder if the dangling girl is stealth art? I've done things like that to interest and puzzle people. If they notice, as you do.

    I thought at first somebody had written you up on Wikipedia! Why not?!

  7. Well, you sent me down the rabbit hole of looking to see if any of my family members are on Wikipedia and I found that my brother-in-law is. So that was interesting!

  8. Flower fairies from the books by Cicely Mary Barker, that’s what you’re encountering. Margaret

  9. That is a great picture of you and your group on Wiki. Someone is enchanted by fairies and is determined to share the love with all passing by.

  10. There must be two dangling girls, the arms are different as well. Dude, you're a celebrity, you are on Wikipedia! :)

  11. That looks to be one fun zendo, and you look to be the one who could be depended on to crack up the group.

  12. You're famous! The dangling girl is either a different one or being replaced by a graveyard decorator. By the way, you have two Margarets. I am Margaret from Washington State. :)

  13. How fun to find yourself on Wiki! Someone must have told a mighty good joke right before they snapped the photo. I find the large-breasted bird-woman a little disconcerting. I don't recall any mythological creatures like that.

  14. Dangling girl is actually a fairy sprite that is just trying to have some fun swinging, but has to stop & act like a statue every time you come around.

  15. I think it's pretty cool that you had a Zen teacher. Why were all the people so happy? A good joke? Or a good koan?

  16. I wanna know what you were all laughing about! C'mon, tell!

  17. The dangling girl is a nice piece, I wouldn't mind having one of those in my garden.
    I looked at the photo and that back row is quite staggered, so I'm guessing you are the laughing bald one almost in profile?

  18. Andrew: It's rare, but it occasionally happens. "The Graduate" is an excellent example.

    YP: It's as close to famous as I'll ever get!

    Rachel: I'm considering it, but I wonder if it's not better to leave that to the imagination? Especially as I was somewhat dissatisfied with the latter parts of "Call Me By Your Name."

    Sharon: It's definitely one of the best group photos I've ever seen! I can't imagine why we were all laughing. Someone must have told a joke.

    Ms Moon: I wish I could remember! I think the Roshi (teacher) said something funny because several people are looking at her.

    Boud: Oh, Lord, I don't think I need my own entry. It would be very short. LOL

    Ellen D: That's cool! I suppose anybody could be on Wikipedia, in theory, though I think they do maintain some standards.

    Margaret: THANK YOU! It's good to know the source. I hadn't heard of that book but these "fairies" definitely look like them. (But without wings!)

    Susan: It's interesting that they seem so enchanted they switch them out, to have different fairies hanging around at different times!

    Jim: There may be more than two! I need to pay attention now.

    Marty: No, someone else cracked the joke, I'm sure of it. I think it was the Roshi herself.

    Margaret: I know! At first I thought the other Margaret was you but I realized it's not.

    Kelly: I think it's a harpy, which are often depicted that way. Is someone calling Daphne du Maurier a harpy? Kind of mean.

    Bug: And apparently she and her sisters take turns on the swing?

    Pixie: I have never met a koan that made me laugh!

    Catalyst: I wish I could remember! I honestly have no idea.

    River: Yes, that's me.

  19. Dangling Girl is now more magical. Maybe she's the same one but just goes exploring during the night.

    And there you are! And to think I know you.

  20. Very fun about the wiki page! I do love the dangling girl-- she's just lovely.

  21. Well, yes. A harpy. It's still a rather disturbing looking creature and not a nice thing to call her.

    If you get a chance, go look at my post from last week with the rainbow. I like getting my photography blogging buddies' opinions!
