Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Night Shots

I had to run an errand in Westminster, near Russell Square, last night after work. I passed this elegant old building on Gower Street near University College London (UCL). Looks to me like it was a pub at some point, but it seems closed now. Google Maps shows this as the home of the Huguenot Library, but I'm skeptical.

And what on earth is going on here? A photographic darkroom? A rave?

We're having a cold snap, with temperatures in the mid-30s during the day and in the low 20s at night. (Those are Fahrenheit temperatures, obviously -- the equivalent of roughly 3º C in daytime and -5º C at night). I know that's not nearly as cold as some of you, but for us, that's pretty cold!


  1. I'm happy to be back on the Costa del Sol even if it's not 70F right now. What a creepy looking place in the last photo, but I'm curious. The building on Gower Street looks like a movie set. Step through the door and go back in time.

  2. Did the "errand" to Russell Square involve carrying a package of white powder to an anonymous contact?

  3. Love the red window shot. You have such a good eye for interesting photo's

  4. If my errand involved me walking alone at night through the room in the bottom photo, I might have more than a few thoughts towards my physical safety in completing the errand.

  5. Things look so different at night.
    Then long exposure or a shot with flash can both highlight individual aspects

  6. The first time I visited London, I stayed near Russel Square. Each subsequent time I visited London, stayed in the same area.

  7. I'm pretty sure you've managed to photograph the entryway to hell.

  8. That's too cold for me. We had a cold spell last week and it was in the mid 50's in the daytime and low 40's at night. I struggled with that.
    I walked a lot in the area featured in your photos when I was there but don't think I saw that red-light building. That is strange.

  9. It looks like a creepy place to be walking alone at night, Steve! Be careful!

  10. I do not like weather this cold. supposed to get down to 16˚ tonight but then it's over jumping into the 40s tomorrow.

    all that red light and a keypad entrance...hummm. awfully trashy entrance though.

  11. That's a gorgeous building! We're in single digits here but cold is relative!

  12. That last shot looks like a set from Buffy the Vampire Slayer - ha!

  13. The red lights wouldn't be quite so bad if it weren't for all that trash piled up outside. It does make me wonder what's going on in there.

  14. I like night light and the photos are always interesting. That building must have been a real gem at one time. Today, it looks sad with possibly unscrupulous activity going on inside. We are getting snow today. Possibly up to 5 inches. The ground and trees are blanketed in white. When the sun comes out everything will sparkle.

  15. The first photograph is wonderful - something about the parallel angles.

  16. Might Wanna Throw An Electric Blanket Under Olga Girls Pink Blanket

    Dig The Night Shots,

  17. Your cold is damp so it's very unpleasant.

  18. The glowing Wes Anderson lights look like Dennis's grow light above the plants. Maybe there be pot growing shenanigans going on in that basement.

  19. So why the ---- are you out at night, anyway, Batman?

  20. Nice Night photographs of the city. In Mallorca yesterday we had 15 C degrees in the day with the Sun.

  21. That's what we're having too, and we're not used to it either. We've even had nighttime temps in the teens. Brrr!

  22. Middle of the night drug den?

  23. Mitchell: I AM very curious about what it looks like inside!

    YP: Good grief -- do these pictures look THAT sinister?

    Briony: That red light drew my eye right away!

    Ed: Ha! Fortunately I didn't have to go into that room!

    GZ: I suppose this is the equivalent of a long exposure, though the iPhone does it in just a second or two.

    Dov: It's an area with a lot of hotels. Seems like many visitors land there!

    Ms Moon: It does seem rather diabolical!

    Sharon: Isn't it?! I'm completely bewildered. I think it's under construction, whatever it is.

    Ellen D: The pictures look more forbidding than the area really was. I felt pretty safe, actually.

    Ellen: Yeesh! Your poor plants!

    Jeanie: Yeah, exactly -- it all depends on what you're used to.

    Bug: I've never seen that show!

    Kelly: Yeah, I think it's just under construction or renovation, whatever it is!

    Susan: It does look like it needs some work. I think it's owned by UCL so I'm surprised it's not in spiffier condition.

    Tasker: Thanks! I was setting it up when that guy rode into the frame and began locking up his bike -- which actually added to the picture.

    Padre: She would LOVE that!

    Red: It normally is, but it's been drier the past few days, with clear skies and sun.

    John: Indeed!

    Linda Sue: Oh, now THAT's an interesting theory -- and quite plausible! But surely if it were a grow house they'd try to conceal it better.

    Catalyst: Ha! Well, when I say "night," it was really only about 6 p.m.!

    JS: Which must have seemed chilly to you! 15 degrees sounds nice to me right about now.

    Margaret: Winter is here!

    River: Entirely possible! (I didn't go in, I swear.)
