Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Back to the Grind

Here is our Leucojum, also known as a snowflake or spring snowdrop. It's similar to the winter-blooming snowdrops, but the flowers come later and they have those little green tips on the petals.

Thanks for all your feedback about viewing my blog on a phone. Clearly the problem lay with my device, so I cleared the cache and cookies (which I don't think I'd ever done) and now it works fine.

Yesterday was a fantastic day. I never have an entire day at home, alone, undisturbed. I can't tell you the last time that happened. I was able to plow through a lot of reading -- I finished "The Long Goodbye," I read the latest "Heartstopper" graphic novel, and I read several magazines. This article in The New Yorker was a standout, about a teenager whose mysterious death in London in 2019 opened the door to a world of nefarious characters and international intrigue. I couldn't put it down.

There was also a lot of this. The dog didn't leave my side all day. She was slammed up against me on the couch, enjoying the blankets and the cuddles.

Today I feel better, though I'm still not what I'd call well. But unfortunately I have to go back to work. My co-workers always say to take all the time I need, but I'm privy to the Google Chat where they're obviously scrambling to cover everything, so I can tell they're struggling. I'm mostly well and I never had a fever, as best I could tell.

Oh, and I took a Covid test: negative. So at least it's not that!


  1. I’m glad you’re feeling well enough to be back at work but sorry you can’t take more time to recuperate. Olga would be so happy. The snowdrop is wonderful.

  2. Under the leadership of Eva Braun, the library would surely descend into chaos if you stayed away for more than a couple of days. There'd be more changes than stops on the Piccadilly line.

  3. Chaos at the library, as you see it, but it still functions.
    It is nice for you to have such a restful day. I hope your return to work is not too hard.

  4. You're so conscientious. I hope it's a good idea to go back.

    Those snowdrop adjacent flowers are lovely. My little group of winter ones are about done for the year.

  5. Don't go back too soon ... that Olga napping buddy looks to good to give up so soon!

  6. That's what Jack does to me- slams up against me. Exactly. Oh, our beloved pets.
    Glad you got a day off to rest and recuperate. Sounds like it was exactly what you needed.

  7. I'm glad you're feeling better and I have to catch up on your phone post. I hate looking at anything on my phone. Olga is taking good care of you!

  8. those rare days when you have the house all to yourself. I'm glad you are feeling better.

  9. I find it quite easy to overdo things in the colder months of the year and just need to take a day for rest more often than I ever do during the warmer months.

  10. So glad you are feeling better. It's good to have a complete day of rest and to snuggle with the dog.

  11. I'm glad you're feeling some better. I also have a strong sense of duty when it comes to work - I don't like letting my coworkers down. But maybe you should leave early so you don't sap all your energy?

  12. The best plan is to stay home and rest at the beginning of a bug. If you don't stay home right away the bug can go on much longer.

  13. A day of R&R seems like the perfect solution. I am glad you're feeling better. Olga with her (Dave's) pink blanket looks very comfy too.

  14. It's amazing how much dogs can sleep. Glad you're feeling better. Snowdrops are just lovely.

  15. A day alone reading with Olga sounds like heaven!

    We have all sorts of things blooming here. I noticed the Carolina Jasmine on my walk this morning.

  16. It's nice to feel important at your job--a mixed blessing! It sounds like just the kind of day you (and Olga) needed.

  17. Home you feel better each day. You are a great worker to head back to work so quickly.

  18. WOW that is some story about Zak ! Everyone knows about London and the oligarchs of Russia (and China), you just have to walk around , it is obvious. But THAT is one helluva story! Geez gangstas, pick on some one your own size! Thanks for that good read!
    Be well soon. You are irreplaceable- so good of you to go in to work!

  19. Sorry I missed your illness but I'm glad you are on the mend. Probably all due to that cuddling with Olga!

  20. Mr. Responsible! Hope you're back to 100% now.

  21. That's a lot of reading in a single day! Are you one of those "speed readers" who get through a hundred pages a minute? I read a lot more slowly and even more so as I get older.

  22. Mitchell: Olga and I could both use more cuddle time!

    YP: I don't dare turn my back! Not that I have any power.

    Andrew: Yeah, I'm sure it would be fine without me for another day.

    Boud: Our winter ones are done too!

    Bob: Well, fortunately the weekend is right around the corner.

    Ms Moon: It must be a safety thing, not to mention a warmth thing.

    Jeanie: I actually prefer people to look at my blog on a computer. It looks much better that way!

    Ellen: They ARE rare!

    Ed: Yeah, that's a good point. I suppose when it's colder we use energy just to keep warm.

    Sharon: It was HEAVEN!

    Bug: And of course there's the counterargument that we're letting them down even more by showing up while sick!

    Red: Yeah, I think that day made a big difference, though I could probably have used a second day.

    Susan: Doesn't she? She loves that blanket. It used to be on my bed when I was a kid but it's officially hers now.

    Allison: I read somewhere that dogs, when well-fed, can sleep 23 hours a day! In other words they're mostly awake only to find food.

    Kelly: Our jasmine isn't out yet!

    Margaret: Yeah, it was overdue for both of us. Fortunately Spring Break is right around the corner.

    Ellen D: My job isn't difficult to cover but it's hard when people have other responsibilities that have to be put on hold.

    Linda Sue: Wasn't that crazy? I could not stop reading! It's so strange to think there's this whole dark underworld in London (or any big city) that I never perceive. (And I hope to keep it that way!)

    Catalyst: She is indeed a healing balm!

    Debby: Still sniffly, and probably will be for a while, but I feel pretty normal. It was a mild cold.

    River: I am not a speed-reader! In fact I feel like it usually takes me a long time to get through a book. This was an unusual day in that I had so much time to focus without interruptions.
