Tuesday, March 19, 2024


It's time for my annual photo of Leon's "Ideas" sculpture surrounded by daffodils. I actually took this picture about three weeks ago, so the display may be somewhat faded by now. The yellow daffodils in our own garden are already mostly past their prime.

Dave set off this morning on his annual music tour with his band students. They're going to Berlin this year, and he had to leave home at 4:45 a.m. this morning. His departure was made more interesting when the car service he'd ordered ahead of time somehow failed to send a vehicle -- "we're working hard to find you a car," they texted -- so he bailed and called an Uber, which was here in about two minutes.

Dave's not the only one traveling this week. Nearly all of our high school teachers and students are off-campus on spring trips. So things will be quiet around the library, thank goodness. (Middle schoolers are still around so I'm not entirely without things to do.)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to some quiet time. I have some leftovers in the fridge and I'll queue up some old movies on the DVD player.

Those of you who asked about the removal of the books in Trinity College library's "Long Room" (see yesterday's post) may be interested in this article, which explains the rationale behind the restoration project. Apparently the books will be returned at some point.


  1. I remember many a trip starting with the taxi not showing up. Glad there was a quick solution. I finally found info on that sculptor, Leon Underwood. It seems the piece is called The Pursuit of Ideas. Or did you already know that?

  2. It's stressful when a vehicle you have ordered ahead of time fails to turn up. Often when travelling abroad there's little time to spare and of course Dave was leading his party of schoolkids.

  3. I like your plans for alone time. Dave's job is pretty strenuous, travel, kids, performance. Your daffodils are ahead of ours most of which are just coming to peak performance, speaking of performance.

  4. Our daffodils are still up, and having more join them every day. Sure sign of Spring.
    Glad that one day, some day, the books will return to the Long Room; that would be a sight.
    That saying about racism is spot on.

  5. My daffodils still look lovely even tho it has been windy and chilly here.
    I think that statement is true. I thought things were better when Obama was elected but the haters were just hiding...

  6. I'm not sure when I've had even a day all to myself recently. I once had two weeks about 17 years ago when my wife and daughter left overseas to visit family and I couldn't get out of work. I nearly went crazy. But that was before streaming was available.

  7. Let's hear it for Uber!
    That graffiti (I guess) is indeed true but it seems to me that Trump is making it not only okay to say racist things but encourages doing it. Which only leads to more racism, eventually. As we know, words have power.
    Enjoy your leftovers and old movies!

  8. my dozen or so daffodils only gave me two blooms this year but the new bearded and flag iris have been blooming so I guess that makes up for it. guess I need to find a better place for the daffodils or start fertilizing them or both.

    I'll get most of three days to myself in April as Marc is going to Dallas for a family event I declined to attend. someone has to take care of the cat and dog. that's my excuse. the real reason is more personal.

  9. There is no faulting Uber or Amazon. Their reliability is outstanding. Having an occasional slow week at work is always good. You and Dave are busy travelers. Berlin with the band sounds great for the young musicians to show their talent.

  10. School tours are great but they take a tremendous amount of preparation. Good on Dave for leading his band on a tour.

  11. i just came from another blog that featured daffodils this morning. They are so beautiful and such an emblem of spring. Glad to hear that the books will be returned to that library.

  12. That last photo - oof. Changing hearts is a lot harder than changing behavior (and changing behavior is pretty darned hard!).

  13. Good to know the books will be back in the Long Room (NYT article)--sometime. But laughed after reading that article as it seems you also hit the top two tourist attractions in Dublin: the Guinness Brewery tour and the Long Room. My daughter and I did the same (Long Room first). But I think my daughter had a better time at Guinness only because I don't drink and she got all my samples as well as her own as we made our way up the floors, along with the final big pour at the top. We had walked to brewery that morning, but we had to take a taxi back to our hotel. :)

  14. I love to see daffodils, but haven't ever grown any where I live now. There once was a big daffodil festival in my area, but I don't think they've had it in a few years.

    I hope you and Olga enjoy your quiet week and that Dave's trip with the band goes well.

  15. Getting to the airport on time worries me much more than flying. I have nightmares about having a flat tire or an accident en route. I've been to Germany but not Berlin. I would enjoy going although not with students. :) We're seeing daffodils around here too.

  16. The long room looks weird without books!
    Your previous post I missed, how did that happen, anyway great look at the hub bub of Dublin and you know, those tow people with signs could have been swearing! Jay-sus!

  17. I love that graffiti. And the daffodils.

    Linda Sue's last sentence made me laugh out loud. Perhaps they had a ride arranged that didn't show up.

  18. Here too the daffodils disappeared a few weeks ago, but there are quite a few other yellow flowers that have started to bloom, mainly in the wild fields and roadsides.

  19. Mitchell: NO! I did not know that! How did you find that out? I only knew the sculptor as "Leon U" and the title as "Ideas," based on what's written on the piece itself.

    YP: It was not a day he could afford to be late!

    Boud: It's definitely a job that would be difficult to do for anyone who didn't love it.

    Bob: It IS spot-on, though I'm not sure allowing people to say racist things is exactly healthy, either!

    Ellen D: Unfortunately, since Obama, they've all been told they no longer have to hide! In fact if anything, they've been encouraged to speak up.

    Ed: Ha! I usually find that I love the first few days on my own, but after that I get a little stir-crazy.

    Ms Moon: Yes, I agree. Rush Limbaugh did the same thing even earlier.

    Ellen: We never fertilize our daffodils. It might just be a little too hot for them where you are. We could never grow them in Florida.

    Susan: It's always a great experience for them to perform for the public in a new, exotic location!

    Red: He has some help -- a couple of other music teachers go too.

    Sharon: It's that time of year, I guess!

    Bug: Exactly. It's treating a symptom but not the cause.

    Mary: And I didn't even plan any of our excursions -- I just tagged along. It was funny that I managed to see the two top sites.

    Kelly: Here in England it's just a matter of putting them in the ground, and they come up on their own year after year!

    Margaret: Yeah, I have never accompanied Dave on a school trip as an official chaperone. I want to be out doing my own thing, not watching students!

    Linda Sue: Ha! I didn't even consider that possibility!

    Debby: Maybe they're saying, "Jaysus! The crowds!"

    Yael: Yellow is a sign of spring! Here's forsythia, and soon dandelions.

  20. I simply typed “Ideas sculpture by Leon” and looked at images. There it was in different sizes, so I was able to connect it with Underwood. Exciting.

  21. Ah! Now I know why it was quiet around the library!
