Friday, March 15, 2024

Plans and Paranoia

Have I mentioned that I'm going to Ireland? I think somehow I never wrote about these plans, but yes -- I'm flying to Dublin tomorrow morning to meet up with my stepsister and her husband, who are visiting from the states. I'll only be there one night. I realize Sunday is St. Patrick's Day and apparently there's also a big rugby game happening this weekend, so it might be madness. We shall see.

I've had a busy week here. I went to the dentist on Wednesday for a checkup, and fortunately I don't need any immediate work, though I do have a filling that the dentist is concerned about and will probably want to replace in the near future. I'm not thrilled about the idea, being of the "leave well enough alone" school of thinking, but I might let her do it in the fall.

The tooth I had the root canal on several years ago still gives me a twinge now and then -- evidently the dentist who did the root canal (not the one I go to now) didn't get all of the root -- but my current dentist said it seems stable and she sees no need to do anything more. I can live with it. Having spent all that money on a gold crown I'd rather not have to redo it all, or worse, remove the tooth entirely.

In other big news, I think I finished our U.S. taxes last night. I finally got all the supporting documentation uploaded and sent the return to a "tax advisor" for review. I had to improvise on a few things. For example, as I understand it, I'm supposed to report interest from our British bank -- but of course that bank doesn't issue a 1099-INT form, as American banks do. I reported the interest as if I had such a form, even though I do not. Hopefully that will suffice.

Dave and I watched a wacky documentary from Channel 4 the other night about ten-year-old allegations that some parents in Hampstead, the community right next to us, were running a Satanic pedophile ring. It was the craziest story. What began as a parental custody battle soon went ballistic and became an Internet phenomenon that attracted vigilante justice-seekers, one of whom flew over from America (of course) to "protect the children." Several things astonished me:

1. The fact that the initial allegations, which seemed outlandish from the beginning, triggered such an intense response from online activists;
2. The fact that Dave and I were completely unaware of any of this at the time, even though it was happening practically in our neighborhood;
3. The fact that someone in America would read something on the Internet and FLY ACROSS THE OCEAN to personally stalk supposed "pedophiles," rather than leaving the matter to the police to sort out. (The police did investigate but found nothing amiss and eventually the kids involved retracted their story.)

It's like that guy who stormed the pizza place in suburban Maryland because he thought Hillary Clinton was harvesting babies in the basement. What is wrong with people?

My personal theory is that there's a lot of pot-smoking going on out there. I'm not a "reefer madness" believer by any means, but smoking pot can make a person a little paranoid. I think these people sit in their basements, puffing away and reading salacious online chat boards, and soon enough they've gone down a rabbit hole of crazy.

On that note, I'm off to work.

(Photos: Graffiti by Alex -- sometimes spelled Alekz -- in Swiss Cottage and West Hampstead.)


  1. And they say the Salem witch trials couldn’t happen in this day and age. What a bunch of loonies.

    Have a great time in Dublin!

  2. Have a wonderful trip to Ireland, even if it's just for one day.

  3. Nice Paper Art shutter..pen nibs?

    There are those who don't need any additional substances to act in such a manner

    As Rachel commented should be fun on the plane back! Have a good time meeting up.

  4. Hope you will have a great time in Dublin despite the fact that you are probably going there at the worst possible (and most expensive) time. Try to have a coffee/tea at Bewley's in Grafton Street.

  5. Irish madness sounds hard, but great fun. Go with the flow.
    I wish I could believe that those who vote for #45 are misguided and under the influence of the weed, but I don't think so.

  6. Sounds like you are not going to see very much of Ireland. Perhaps you and Dave could plan a short break there some time. That old story about Hillary Clinton was as crazy as it was outrageous - put about by dangerous numbskulls.

  7. So rabbit hole of crazy led to work? I hope it wasn't a sequitur.

  8. I agree with what Mitchell said. People are so angry these days that they feel the need to insert themselves into a story that does not concern them.

    Sidenote: Years ago, while living in California, there was a story that broke about a group of men molesting the children of one of the men. I knew one of the guys and was shocked because he never struck me as that type. These men were hounded to death, lost homes and jobs and families before it was discovered that the mother of the children made the story up to get full custody of her kids.
    My friend, even after being fully exonerated, was never the same, because the story never fully goes away.

  9. Remember the horrible "Satanic Panic" that happened here in the US? Just insane. I think these stories must appeal to people's most base and prurient interests to the degree that they are fascinated.
    And meanwhile, the very real and ongoing danger to children of sexual abuse in their own homes by family members or someone close to the family continues eternally.
    I will think of you on Sunday when I cook my corned beef and cabbage and Irish soda bread.

  10. Enjoy your time in Ireland. A quick visit with your step-sister sounds lovely. There is lots of crazy stuff going on and it can be in your/our backyards. About 15 years ago, a few streets away from me, a multi-million dollar home was seized for growing weed under lights in the basement. Outside the home looked fine: three children playing and boarding the school bus daily along with perfect landscape and golden retrievers fetching a ball.

  11. I have a cracked molar that the dentist wants to put a crown on but it doesn't bother me at all so it can just stay as is as far as I'm concerned. I'm surprised your dentist gave you a gold crown. I didn't think they used gold anymore. my dentist doesn't anyway.

    personally I think humanity reached critical mass and has basically gone insane.

  12. Yeah, you're definitely in for a little madness this weekend. Could be loads of fun! I hate dental work too but the thought of removing a crown after a botched root canal is like adding insult to injury -- and expensive too. Hang in there!

  13. I love Alex's murals. People believe the craziest things.
    Have fun in Ireland! That should be an interesting trip even if a quick one.

  14. So not only did you watch a wacky documentary , you found out how wacky people can be.

  15. A little paranoid? How about VERY paranoid! Enjoy your quick trip to Dublin! I know you'll take some photos for us.

  16. I would love to visit Ireland. I was planning to go in 2020 but we know what happened then. :( Have a wonderful time. People seem to thrive on drama these days--the more outlandish the better. I don't get it at all.

  17. If your assumption that pot may be a factor- Republicans and Tories must be stoned out of their

    Have a great one night stay in Dublin!

  18. Safe travels and enjoy your night in Dublin. Re: the conspiracy theories, there has been a serious outbreak of stupid here in the US and we seem to be exporting it. Sorry.

  19. We had a Satanic/pedophile ring conspiracy bunch of nutters about 15 years, or 20, ago. It just went on forever. Neighbors against neighbors, court cases, broken marriages, and etc. and then it went away. It was south of Seattle, in a less urban area. People really have lost their minds.

  20. I know a few people who live in the rabbit hole of crazy. I no longer talk to them, there's no point.
    I've been spending time at the dentist too, one broken crown removed and replaced, another on getting done next week, and then the broken remains of a wisdom tooth will be drilled out and removed. After that I'll be broke for a while.

  21. Gorgot to mention Ireland. Please take photos, I'm told it is very green there.

  22. Mitchell: EXACTLY! These really ARE witch trials!

    Yael: Thank you! :)

    Rachel: Ha! Or incredibly annoying! (I'm actually already back as I write this and it was fine.)

    GZ: They look like pen nibs but I think it's just abstract lettering.

    Sabine: Of course I didn't have a chance to try Bewley's. :( Next time!

    YP: Yeah, this was strictly a city break, and a fast one, too!

    Boud: Ha! Not consciously, but maybe sub-!

    Bob: What a horrible story. It's scary the lengths people will go to when faced with a custody dispute. Murder-suicides involving families often seem to have a custody link.

    Ms Moon: Yes, there were multiple cases, I think? The one I remember is the child nursery out in California. Those poor people's lives were destroyed. And you're right -- it obscures the REAL danger from people known to the kids.

    Susan: Wow! It's amazing they were able to conceal it so effectively. I've seen grow-houses busted in Florida but they usually appear pretty much empty while consuming lots of electricity. (That's the giveaway.)

    Ellen: I think you're right about critical mass. My dad used to say, "Too many rats in the cage!"

    Ellen D: Thanks! :)

    Sharon: I like Alex's style, too. Very distinctive.

    Red: Not that I didn't already know that! LOL

    Kelly: Well, I guess it depends on the person. I've only smoked pot a few times but I don't remember it making me paranoid. Some people have a much stronger reaction, though.

    Margaret: I don't get it either. I see these disputes online sometimes and there is NO WAY I would wade into the middle of them.

    Linda Sue: Well, some libertarians come across as quite conservative and they are often puffing away! LOL

    Jim: I do agree that all of this conspiracy-theory stuff (and Trump's rise to power) is largely the result of failures in education.

    Allison: It's so strange, isn't it? I don't see how people can believe this stuff.

    River: Yikes! I hope all that dental work goes well. Yes, there is no point in arguing with these people. They will never change their minds.
