Tuesday, April 16, 2024

I'm Late, I'm Late

Hoooo boy, did I oversleep this morning! I just woke up about five minutes ago and I need to be out the door at 8 a.m. I'm going to crank out a blog post, walk the dog, get dressed and roll. (This is where not having any hair comes in handy!)

I have to correct one aspect of yesterday's post -- I initially wrote that I took the yucca outside for its daily bath. Eagle-eyed blog reader Andrew in Australia caught this and suggested that bathing a tough plant like a yucca every day might be a bit, well, insane. (He didn't say insane, but he meant it.) Rest assured that I do not bathe the yucca daily, but rather annually. I changed the post after his comment so it may have been fixed by the time most people read it.

This is why everyone needs an editor. Even professional editors!

I am making progress on overdue books. I spent yesterday morning writing parents, and my list of kids with books from Jan. 8 or earlier (basically from Christmas break) is down to eight. I have it on good authority from parents that it will dwindle further today. VICTORY SHALL BE MINE!!!

I did have one funny (?) episode occur in the library yesterday afternoon. Two sixth-grade boys came to my desk just as I was closing, and one wanted to borrow "Mein Kampf," Adolf Hitler's autobiography and political manifesto. We do not have age restrictions on non-fiction books, so I gave it to him without too much thought (particularly since it's huge and dense and there's no way he's going to read it). I think he was just being mischievous, not at all interested in the ideology.

But as I was coming home I began to doubt the wisdom of my decision, so I e-mailed his mother and said, "By the way..." I kept it light, explaining why I allowed him the book and said it might be an "opportunity for conversation." Normally we don't violate the confidentiality of the kids but I felt like there could be a backlash if Mom found that in his backpack! She hasn't written back. I'm betting that it gets returned today.

Speaking of walking home, I had to abort my walk yesterday afternoon because of hail! I got pelted and let me tell you, those little ice balls sting. Fortunately I had an umbrella and got to a tube station without much more pain.


  1. I've never read that book and don't want to, but I think it might be heavy going for a younger reader.
    I also remember being caught in an unexpected hailstorm many years ago when I took the toddler and the baby for a walk on a sunny day, in summer, and halfway home we all got hailed on, with no protection, the baby, about nine months old, was terrified and screaming by the time we got home, so after that I always took an umbrella!

  2. The boy probably checked out "Mein Kampf" because he had learnt that Trump used to have a copy of it by his bedside. Frankly, I didn't know that Trump could read. Are there pictures in "Mein Kampf"?

    There may be advantages in having no hair but there are also advantages in having hair - such as protecting the top of one's head during a hailstorm.

  3. Perhaps the boy had learnt that Trump used to have a copy of "Mein Kampf" by his bedside. Frankly, I didn't know that Trump could read. Does "Mein Kampf" contain pictures?

    There may be advantages in having no hair but there are also advantages in having hair - such as protecting the top of one's head during a hailstorm.

  4. Ow!!! Hail storms can be more than painful. They can be downright dangerous. Glad you made it safely. Glad you had second thoughts about Mein Kampf. I love the fact that you were very late but still did a blog post! And, yes, there are definitely benefits to having no hair.

  5. I also doubt the kid will read Mein Kampf; maybe he was just being cheeky. And glad you notified his parents and hope they have a chat with their son.

  6. What did I write? Oh yeah. My comment could have been better constructed but the essence was clearly right.
    Has anyone ever read Mein Kampf? Life is too short. That might be something to tell the next student who wants to read the book. Laddie, you are young but your life is not so long. Don't waste your time.

  7. I wonder if he's heard about Mein Kampf and was just curious. Like a lot of polemic writing it's easier to talk about than read. Where is it shelved? In history, or polemics or speeches or what? Asking for a friend!

  8. Those pink petals are just the bomb.

  9. Steve, you are as wedded to your routine as I am.
    I actually like your cranked-out post this morning very much. I can feel the hurry-energy behind it. Also- nice pictures!
    Good luck on getting 100% of those books back.

  10. Wow, I never had you down for someone who would oversleep. I hate when it happens.
    While not outlawed in Germany I doubt any public library especially a school library open to minors has this book available for private loan. I think it's only available in specialist libraries of research institutions and such like. What would happen here if a minor asks for it, they would be introduced to literature about the history of it, about fascism and it's dangers etc. of which there is literally tons available for all age groups.

  11. Although I have definitely heard about it, I have never read Mein Kampf. I guess I'm sort of surprised that it was even in your library, not because of it being controversial but because it is quite old at this point and likely irrelevant. But perhaps it does contain things that might be relevant, I wouldn't know since I haven't read it.

  12. When he returns the book, I'd be sure to ask him about what he read. What he thought about what he read. In pretty short order, you will be able to tell whether or not he has read the book or was just trying to jerk someone's chain.

    Those prisms are pretty.

  13. Hope you made it to school on time! I hate when I have to rush like that. I love the prisms in the window - so pretty!

  14. My grandson is in 6th grade. I can't imagine why he would want to read that book unless he was writing a research report.

  15. When I was in high school (so many years ago), a friend and I were going to go see "Mein Kampf" the movie ... we did not! I have never read the book, either!
    I think we may have gone to a different theater to see a much better movie!🤷

  16. Mein Kampf, yikes! I agree that he probably checked it out for attention but I too would contact the parent. It seems like so much of what we do in education these days is to cover our you-know-whats.

  17. Interesting that your school library has 'Mein Kampf'. I have cards for 3 different public libraries but none of them have it.

  18. Yes, having no or little hair had disadvantages too, but I know before most others when it is just about to start raining.
    I hope you are going to ask the student whether he enjoyed the book.

  19. And THAT (your hail pelting) is one of the DIS-advantages of not having any hair!!! 😁

  20. You'll have to let us know what happens with Mein Kampf.

    I know what you mean on proofing. I've proofed my darned family book at least eight times. No, more than that. I always find something -- misplaced comma, turn of phrase, misspelling that spell check didn't catch (and apparently, I didn't either), it's always something. I shudder when I think what might end up elsewhere!

  21. I've seen what hail can do to cars and windows. I wouldn't want it hitting my body. Mein Kampf for a sixth grader...I can't imagine. It will be interesting to see how soon it's returned.

  22. Love your photos today! I hope your day settled in well. It can throw me off a bit to be rushed in the morning.

  23. You had one of those events where second thoughts became an issue. I think you're right . the kid will read very little and not understand what he read.

  24. The Boise Public Library has six copies of Mein Kampf. Who knew?! I also haven't read it. None are checked out at the moment...

    Nice prismatic reflections on the wall.

    I can scarcely believe you found time to post before you raced out the door. Well done!

    Chris from Boise
