Friday, May 24, 2024


This flower is pleasantly known as a stinking iris. (The Latin name isn't much better -- Iris foetidissima.) We have quite a few in the garden, pre-dating our tenancy here. In fact we pulled a lot of them out because they re-seed like crazy, but we've kept some because they're good for shady places where not much else will grow. They're not exactly beautiful but they're interesting. Other names for them include gladden, gladwyn and the "roast-beef plant." When pulled up or crushed, they have a pungent meaty odor -- hence the smelly references -- but the plant doesn't smell at all when it's just growing or blooming, and they have pretty red seeds in autumn.

The weather has been chilly and damp. The rain stopped yesterday and it's sunny this morning, but morning temperatures are in the 50's (F) and the dahlias are still not looking very happy. Dahlias do not like wet, cold weather.

I had a much better workday yesterday. I think, as some of you suggested, that I'm just feeling worn out at the end of the school year. I have had lots of workplace changes this year but sometimes I tend to magnify the situation in my mind. I am so ready for summer! (June 14 is our last day, with students done on June 12.)

Our management company offered us a new lease on our flat, which we happily accepted. They're more on the ball this year -- in the past we've had to remind them that it was time for a renewal. We're getting a four percent rent increase, but given all that the landlords have done to this place in the past year or so, from the new bathtub to the hallway remodeling to repairing the roof on the garden shed, that seems reasonable. It's good to know we can stay put!


  1. Four percent sounds like a very reasonable increase compared to some rent increases I've heard about here, like forty percent over a couple of years.

    I guess no one would want a stinking iris if it smelt all the time.

  2. So glad work was better yesterday. It seems like you’ll make it until 14 June. That stinking iris is very delicate looking. If I had one, I’d be constantly commenting on the stinking iris. You have got a great deal with that apartment. Who gets only a 4 percent increase nowadays. I’m sure that’s a relief.

  3. I thought Stinking Iris might be the name of your incontinent auntie.

  4. June 14 will arrive in no time. Some good R&R and holiday time will be great. I love iris of all kinds. Your iris is unusual and adds nicely to the garden. Staying put for another year sounds perfect and the new agreement seems quite good.

  5. I'm glad you had a better day yesterday! My coworker talk every day about staging a mutiny, but so far we've not done it. Stay tuned!

  6. So glad your lease was renewed - and at a reasonable increase.
    As settled as you are there, it’d be scary to have to pick up and move.

  7. I think the summer break will do you a world of good. Retirement has done wonders for my attitude about work! (HA!)

    I would devote some time this summer looking around at other jobs. You might not find one. You might decide after a few weeks off that you like where you're at just fine, but I think that it is important that you know in your heart that you have chosen to stay, not that you have no other choice.

  8. I am sure that your landlords LOVE you and Dave. You are responsible renters who take very good care of their property.
    And glad to know that yesterday was a better day. Some days are enough to just make you want to throw it all away which may or may not be a good idea. I think Debby's idea is a good one.

  9. I'm glad you are able to continue renting where you are. You have done so much work on that lovely garden that it would be a shame to have to leave it.
    The last weeks will fly by and you can enjoy summer break! I wonder what other job you would prefer?

  10. That's a very reasonable rent increase. And they do make improvements, so that's a big plus. I hope yesterday's mood is passing, in the prospect of the summer break.

  11. I like the iris, it's very different, if I lived in London I'd get some rhizomes from you. good that you can stay and that the increase in minor.

  12. I think you're right that you just need the year to end and then you can refresh and reboot!

  13. The end of the school year is always tough and frustrating. That is an interesting flower; I like it's unique shape.

  14. Ahhh...the end of the school year. I'd be anxiously awaiting that too. It's always nice to know your time is your own and you can do whatever you want.
    That's another interesting plant. There are so many in this world.

  15. It's good to know everything is looking brighter! Also glad to know you'll stay put for now. The last thing Olga needs at this point in life is a big change like moving.

  16. Steve, glad you're pleased with staying.....your place (from your photos and description) seems to me to be lovely. Not sure about the plant....should I feel badly? Never met a flowering plant I haven't liked. Ha! Ha! From the base of the mini-mountain in Maine where it's beautiful and I love hearing the owls hooting at night lately. Hugs. Take care.

  17. Hurray! (for the new lease). I'd hate to have you have to leave the jungle. It remains beautiful and a tribute to your hard work. And Dave's encouragement, of course. Moving is such a f---ing hassle!

  18. As I’ve probably noted here before, there’s no tired like end of the year teacher tired. Summer will be here soon. Things will take on a whole new aspect soon.

  19. I'm glad you get to stay put. It looks like a lovely place and I'd hate to see you have to leave your garden.

    I love the look of those irises. They are interesting!
