Monday, May 13, 2024

Lots of Olga

Remember how I erected that barrier to keep Olga out of the teasels? Yeah. It doesn't work very well.

Yesterday was another "cracking day," to use Mr. Kravitz's memorable phrase. The temperatures hit 80º F (or 27º C), our warmest day yet, with bright sunshine and a blue sky. Spectacular!

I spent the morning in the garden, of course, doing more weeding and small tasks. Remember the pathetic canna lily that never prospered? Well, it's dead. It didn't survive the winter. Our big cannas haven't shown themselves yet, either -- I hope they're not dead, but if they are, so be it.

After lunch, Olga and I set out on a very slow walk to the cemetery.

The mystery bulbs that were planted on West End Green have revealed themselves to be some type of alliums, as well as (I think) irises.

Olga, navigating here through a thicket of garlic mustard, seemed to enjoy the walk. She chased her tennis ball...

...and luxuriated in the cool, wet mud...

...and rolled in the high grass.

I noticed another pretty large tree has fallen over the cemetery path. Unlike the cherry, this one did take out a headstone or two. Man erects his petty monuments, and nature turns them to dust.

I haven't seen or heard the turaco yet this year. But I did solve the mystery of the dangling girls. There are, in fact, two of them -- positioned on the same side of the same tree, but far enough away from each other that you don't really see them together, if that makes sense. So my suspicion that someone comes around and switches them out is, in fact, a fantasy. Occam's Razor: the simplest explanation is usually true.

I took Olga back home -- we encountered this smiley little sand-filled balloon on the sidewalk. I think it's one of those squeezy stress balls? Anyway, she got a bath and took a nap while I set out on another adventure, which I'll tell you about tomorrow.


  1. The teazels will just have to lump it...Olga is showing this is Her Spot😄

  2. I had a dog very similar to Olga. There was no barrier she didn't break through or jump over.

  3. Lex likes rolling in long grass at this time of year.....I assume it is cooling! Olga looks happy.

  4. I think one day we will all be grieving over the loss of Olga. It's hard to imagine your blog without tales and photos of Olga. Bu there seems plenty of life left in her now.

  5. What a relief that the mystery of the dangling girls has been solved. Olga looks so happy... and muddy!

  6. As a “plant person”, I found your photo of the Garlic Mustard quite interesting. My reading says that it is native to the British Isles and Europe. However, here in the U.S. it is considered a harmful invasive plant. The Nature Conservancy (and many others) organize groups to attempt to remove it as it overtakes and prevents beneficial native plants from growing.

  7. Olga looks like she's in heaven rolling in the grass and walking in the park! We're having beautiful weather right now, too. Poppy and George are also taking advantage and spending lots of time outdoors.

    Have a good week! :)

  8. I wonder if rolling in mud then grass is her spa treatment? She looks pretty happy.

  9. It sounds like a lovely Olga day. She certainly knows how to live her bliss. She actually smiles! Pity about the teasels. Maybe they help itch her? In any event, she's happy, which I know makes you happy.

  10. Olga napping and Olga smiling are the perfect recap of the day!

  11. Oh my goodness, but that sweet dog can surely smile.

  12. It's always nice to see your happy dog.

  13. Your Olga has such a happy life, Steve. I enjoyed these photos of her and it's great you are able to get her out so much.

  14. Olga looks very happy, especially lying in the long grass, on top of the teasels:)

  15. Reminds me of two ornamental trees my mom planted many years ago to hide the propane gas tank in our front yard. She tried many things to discourage the dogs from peeing on them but was always unsuccessful. Those dogs had 30 acres of trees and buildings to pee on but preferred those two trees. It was only years after the last dog died that they began looking somewhat as advertised.

  16. Another warm and sunny day sounds fantastic. We have sun but only maybe 60 degrees F. The bed of tall grass is calling Olga's name.

  17. Great day for long low walk. 80 F is a little warm.

  18. Sounds like a perfect day to be outdoors. Olga seemed to be enjoying herself. Can't wait to hear about your adventure.

  19. Olga is the epitome of the happy dog! I think maybe your string barrier is too high. Easy enough for her to duck under. I say this because I did this too and it did seem to work to get keep the dog out of the flower bed. Maybe set it chest high or a little lower so that stepping over is problematic.

    and I don't know how but I missed both the posts with the hanging girl.

  20. Ah, Olga - you are a sweet dog :)

    Thanks for titling this post the way you did, Steve. I'm not reading as much as I'd like, but I wouldn't want to miss Olga-themed posts!

  21. Awww, Olga! She just wants her territory. Wet mud, ugh. Does Olga get lots of baths?

  22. Olga will have what Olga wants. Resistance is futile. What a happy dog.

  23. Olga is simply the best. Thanks!

  24. Is no one going to mention all those pigeons?? I love seeing so many happy Olga photos!

  25. For one horrific moment I thought your heading read "Loss of Olga" and my heart turned to stone.
    So, so glad to see her smiling face.

  26. I love that Olga is making sure that you know that you're not the boss of her!

  27. Olga is having some wonderful days, with mud, long grass and teasels to lie around in.

  28. GZ: Fortunately teasels are pretty hardy!

    Yael: I guess once they consider it their territory, they don't see the point of barriers!

    Frances: Yeah, I'm sure it feels good, especially after they've been lying in the sun.

    Mitchell: Ha! It was a relief to me, anyway. I was afraid I was going crazy.

    Don: Yeah, I've heard that about garlic mustard in the USA. Same as purple loosestrife -- native here, but invasive in the states.

    Jennifer: It must feel so good to dogs when the days get warmer and they can lie in the sun again.

    Boud: Ha! And no tipping!

    Bob: That really says it all about Saturday.

    Ms Moon: She is a very smiley dog.

    Sabine: She lifts the mood, doesn't she?

    Pixie: She's broken one of them off. I wouldn't be surprised if it comes back up again, though.

    Ed: We've resolved ourselves to a certain amount of Olga damage in the garden. It's just a fact of life.

    Susan: It's hard to enjoy the sun when it's still chilly out!

    Red: It felt amazing, to be honest.

    Sharon: I think she had a great day!

    Ellen: Yeah, I think you're right, but any lower and she'd just step over it. I'm not sure there's a "sweet spot" in the middle!

    Jenny-O: I made it a magnet for Olga's fans! Glad to hear from you again. :)

    Margaret: She DOES love mud, so after any long walk she usually needs one!

    Allison: That is especially true as she gets older and more stubborn.

    Bug: You are welcome! I'm glad she has a fan club.

    Susan K: You mean you're not seeing the photos? How weird.

    Kelly: Ha! Someone had thrown some bread on the grass so the pigeons were really flocking. There are usually a lot of them on West End Green.

    Linda Sue: Ha! The ultimate compliment!

    John: She knows what to do when I get out the camera. :)

    Caro: Not yet, though she IS pretty old, so Dave and I are aware that anything could happen.

    Debby: She definitely likes to run the show, especially as she gets older.

  29. Late responses, because you were all in spam:

    Andrew: It is sadly inevitable, but I expect the blog, like life, will continue on!

    Jeanie: The teasels ARE a bit prickly. I didn't think about the itching factor!

    Ellen D: I wish we could take long walks like we used to, but she's just not up to it anymore.

    River: It's dog heaven!
