Friday, May 10, 2024

Psychedelic Medicine Cabinet

As I walked to work yesterday morning I passed this bright, colorful object, suspended from an exterior wall outside some shops in South Hampstead. 

Here it is from the other side. It looked like a box, so I checked to see if it opens...

...and it does!

According to a nearby note, it's by artist Jessie Woodward, whose web site features similarly interesting and amazing creations on paper and canvas.

Here's our own wooden box. Remember how the roof slid off our garden shed? Well, the handyman came yesterday and repaired it. We thought he might put a new one on, but no -- he simply re-attached the existing roofing felt and patched the cracks with some kind of sealant. And then he put tape along the seam between the felt and the wall. I have no idea if this is special roofing tape or what, but it doesn't look like a long-term solution. We shall see.

Finally, here's the latest video from our wildlife cam. It's basically two and a half weeks of garden life condensed to two and a half minutes! You'll see a curious robin, a careful cat, a dopey pigeon, lots of fleeting shots of foxes (including a few good long looks in daylight), and finally, a cat with headlight eyes hunting insects in the middle of the night. I can't tell whether the foxes are all the same animal or not. What do you think?


  1. The shed roof tape will be kind of like tar on tape , which moulds to the required shape. It can last for a very long time, especially in your cooler climate.

    I think the fox(s) might wear a trail or two on your grass.

  2. I was going to ask you if it was the same fox or not. So, I have no clue. This is so much fun to watch. Maybe you need to commission Jessie Woodward to improve your garden shed.

  3. What do I think? I think it is the same fox. Also I think that that is special sealant tape for roofs and it will last for years.

  4. I think, like Mitchell, you ought to ask JKW to come paint your shed like one of the boxes!

  5. I think you have a pack of foxes! That drift of blue forgetmenots, I think, is wonderful.

  6. I love when your wildlife cam video is in color because your garden looks so fabulous with all of that blue! I think it is the same fox but what do I know?!?

  7. I know it is the same fox. They are very territorial and mark their territory with urine and feces, so watch your step!

    I never tire of seeing cat videos at night with their "headlight" eyes.

  8. That is one healthy looking fox. If indeed it is just one fox. I have no idea but Ed sounds like he's pretty sure.
    I don't know what to say about the Woodbine art. I have no ability to judge what is art and what is not art. Not unlike my ability to judge foxes based on their appearance.

  9. The wildlife cam shows lots of activity in your garden. The fox will keep small rodents in check. The medicine cabinets are really unique and colorful. A friend with a new all white bathroom is interested in purchasing. Tape on the shed seems like a temporary solution.

  10. I'm at work (shhh!) and can't watch the video, but the still shot is just lovely. It feels like I'm continually expressing my envy of your back yard :)

  11. Your garden - wow, i would never leave it! The video is utterly Beatrix Potter ideal!
    Your tool shed roof looks haphazard at best- I hope it works to keep the weather out! Shoot- you could have done a better job!

  12. Foxes have such an appealing look, with their broad bushy tails, and dog-like faces. A long time ago I read an article about how a Russian lab had bred foxes for being like dogs and affectionate with humans.

  13. My wife once had a pet fox that she raised when her brother discovered a litter that had been abandoned. He, of course, was named Reynard and was a great friend of her younger daughter before he came to adulthood and just wandered away one day.

  14. Love the wildlife! My medicine cabinet is extremely boring. :)

  15. Jessie's Art is so similar to that of my Grandson's, I just Love it. I'll now have to go take a peek at more of that Artist's Work and tell them about it.

  16. The video is so much fun! Your garden seems to be a regular Interstate Highway for foxes! (or fox, singular)

  17. That garden looks like a Welsh country vicarage

  18. Super wildlife camera shots. It probably is the same fox; I understand they are fairly solitary and have their own territory. I've put ours out again but it's nothing like as clear, being now 5 years old. I worked out a way to put it in my sidebar.

  19. Great little video. I think it might be different foxes or at least two different ones. One of them seemed to have a white tip at the very end of its tail and the others didn't.
    That is quite and artistic box!

  20. I can't tell on the fox. I'd like to think it is - that he's "your" fox. But who knows. I love the colorful box. She definitely has a bright colorful style that I like. I'm not so sure about your new shed roof. It might be fine for awhile but it doesn't seem built to last.

    Have a great weekend!

  21. Love the video, I don't know if it's the same Fox, but whether it's one or several, they're eating well. They look really healthy, & I'll bet the rodent population in your neighborhood lives on high alert, those that survive anyway. I am curious about the birdsong during some of the nighttime clips of video, I always thought birds were silent at night. Perhaps not.....

  22. Jim Davis and I had the same thought. What bird was singing in April 25 at 5:11 am? It was a lovely accompaniment to the fox. What a wildlife oasis you have!

    Chris from Boise

  23. "...a curious robin, a careful cat, a dopey pigeon, lots of fleeting foxes, and a cat with headlight eyes hunting insects in the middle of the night."

    Steve, I think you have a children's book inspired by your wildlife cam in your future! Particularly love the cat with headlight eyes.
