Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A Full Month Ahead

I had a doctor's appointment after work yesterday, so I wound up with some time to kill. I took a long walk from school down through Regent's Park, and I passed this picturesque bend in the Regent's Canal. If you watched the TV show "Slow Horses," with Gary Oldman, you may recognize this area as the place where he regularly met up with his boss, played by Kristin Scott Thomas. They'd sit on one of those benches at left and have their clandestine conversations.

As usual, I found some interesting graffiti along the canal:

I wound up down at Cavendish Square, near Oxford Street, with another hour or so to spare. So I bought some fresh mango at Pret and sat in the park, nibbling on that and listening to music.

I was presided over by this guy, whose mouthful of a name is William George Frederick Cavendish Bentinck, but who was known as Lord George Bentinck. A politician and horse racer, he was an "an 'aristocratic dandy' who wore a new silk scarf every day," according to Wikipedia. Apparently he was known as George because all the boys in his family had the first name William, so they went by their middle names. He was also unmarried and "there were rumours that he and his brother Lord Henry were, in the phraseology of the time, 'woman haters.'" Hmmmmm...he certainly has a fabulous cape.

Anyway, I got to my appointment and I am indeed having a colonoscopy in a week and a half. Add that to the already-full calendar I have for the month, including wrapping up school, going to Madrid for the weekend on the 22nd, and having a couple of doctor's and business appointments before we leave for Argentina on the 30th. Whew!

The Madrid thing, which I haven't yet mentioned, was kind of a whim. Basically we're going for a dinner party, which sounds a little crazy, but we'll combine it with some sightseeing too. We have a friend who lives there and who has come to several dinner parties with us, and now he's decided to host. Our friend Warren is going to dog-sit for Olga. Never a dull moment!


  1. The life of jet-setters and aristocratic dandies! I love getting a view of the world through your eyes.

  2. Thanks for the photos, especially the one from Regent's canal, which looks so lovely, while in Slow Horses everything, even a bench in a park looked kind of seedy and run down, apart from Kristin Scott Thomas. Slow Horses was a great watch.

    It seems that Carl Rogers or maybe Carl Jung is out there writing on the walls. Will you find Sigmund Freud responding next?

    Some advice from a seasoned colonoscopy sufferer: grin and bear it, it'll all come out with the wash.

  3. The canal photo is lovely. It looks like a winding hole, where canal boats can turn around. Don't ask me how winding is pronounced. You have a lot to look forward to, he writes ruefully.

  4. A colonoscopy! That sounds like fun. The Cavendish name has long been associated with this region. It is also the family name of The Dukes of Devonshire whose principal country house is still Chatsworth - just ten miles from this keyboard.

  5. Had regular colonoscopies for many years. They are indeed fun. You only have the vaguest idea what's going on and sometimes it takes ages to become fully with it again. I asked my wife 5 times how long she had been here.

  6. Sounds like a packed schedule. Argentina?? I don't think I heard about this before.

  7. Love the view of the canal, and love the idea of more trees!

  8. I didn't realize you had so many trips planned.
    Hope the colonoscopy goes well. I had one recently and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Vaseline is the key to an easier prep. (Too much information?)

  9. ARGGHH! This is all a lot. Please take care of yourself, Steve. You are important to so many of us.
    I did very much enjoy the small bio of Lord George Bentinck. Sounds like a real fun guy.

  10. I'm glad you got your colonoscopy scheduled. And then some fun places to visit for the diversion of the mind. I hope they give you the pill prep -- it's better than the awful liquid you have to drink! Good luck all around.

    That's a beautiful photo and view. Is that Japanese-looking thing a houseboat or moored there as an attraction? I don't have Apple+ so I haven't seen Slow Horses but I think I'd like it -- with that cast, who wouldn't?

  11. This past Saturday was the last big social event on my spring calendar and the guests finally left yesterday. Today feels like the first day of my summer and my calendar is blissfully empty for now. I'm planning on enjoying it while it lasts.

  12. Feng Shang Princess floating restaurant.It looks empty? I read somewhere that it had closed after many years of serving Cantonese food ? Lovely spot and that really was quite a walk, Mr. Legs! Your month is packed! Best part will be the "fugitaboutit" drugs from colonoscopy. There is no dignity in the procedure but you will never know... It takes a while for the drugs to wear off, be forewarned.
    Madrid for dinner- Awesome!

  13. It appears you will be living in the fast lane. Madrid sounds fabulous. You'll be glad to get the colonoscopy over with. Beautiful picture of the river.

  14. You have a lot of fun travel coming up. Good for you. I am going to Oklahoma City on Friday for just and over night stay. (I'll explain later.) Not nearly as exciting as Madrid and Argentina.
    That scene of Regent's Canal is great. I might have to watch "Slow Horses" again jus to catch that scene.

  15. That is an elaborate cape! I loved Madrid and would enjoy going back. Colonoscopies are a pain in the you-know-where but mostly because of the prep.

  16. I was going to ask you about that beautiful red sculpture but I finally found a website that confirmed what I had suspected: it's a floating Chinese restaurant!

  17. The canal is a lovely place to go for a long walk! Esp great views. :)
    I found this youtube video some time ago of the canal in 1924.

  18. The canal looks a lovely place to sit and watch. Hope the colonoscopy delivers only good news.

  19. Mitchell: The idea of me as a jet-setter is kind of hilarious, really.

    Sabine: Yes, we loved "Slow Horses"! I've had colonoscopies before so I know what to expect. :)

    Andrew: Oh, interesting -- I didn't know that term! It is indeed a turning basin, I believe.

    YP: I guess this guy must have been related to the Yorkshire/Chatsworth Cavendishes? I think the Wikipedia story said he was from Nottingham.

    Tasker: I've had several myself. Normally I come around pretty quickly, but I guess every time is different!

    Boud: Yes! Argentina and Brazil, at the end of this month. A bucket-list trip for me!

    Bob: When I first read that graffiti I thought it said "Trees Ask for More," which was weirdly poetic and mysterious.

    Ellen D: Ha! I will keep that in mind! I've had them in the past so I know what to expect.

    Ms Moon: Thanks for your support, Mary. Yes, Lord George sounds like a character!

    Jeanie: I didn't realize a pill prep was even an option! The last time I did this (2019) I had to drink stuff so that's what I'm expecting. The floating red building is a Chinese restaurant -- closed now, I believe.

    Ed: I envy you that empty calendar. My month of June is crazy.

    Linda Sue: I've never seen much activity at that restaurant, but I wish I'd tried it!

    Susan: Surely there's some joke to be made about having the colonoscopy behind me!

    Sharon: I've never been to Oklahoma, so I can't say. I guess any large city has interesting sights! Find some for us!

    Margaret: Yeah, the 24 hours before the scope is much worse than the scope itself.

    Catalyst: Yes, it is! I have never been there and I don't think it's open now.

    Liam Ryan: Thanks for the link! I've walked the Grand Union and Regent's canals from Uxbridge to Limehouse -- not all on one day -- and yes, it's a great place to see the sights!

    River: Thanks! I'll keep you posted!
