Saturday, June 15, 2024


Well, we are done. DONE. For the next two months, I don't have to think about overdue books, or mobs of boys who loudly play "Brawl Stars" together on their phones, or girls surreptitiously nibbling potato chips hidden in their bags, or any of the other elements of daily life in the library. I can just relax and read and hang out with Dave and the dog. Woo hoo!

I finished the year with a five-page list of patrons with overdue items -- eight adults and 25 kids. The adults are no big deal. They'll return their stuff after summer. Of the kids, at least one is leaving the school so I imagine we'll never see that book ("Fahrenheit 451") again, but we have another copy so we'll survive.

Yesterday I spent the morning tidying up the library and then we all went to our big end-of-year luncheon in the gym, when we recognize the teachers and staff members who are leaving and more importantly we GET TO DRINK! It's a rare day when I can have a couple of glasses of wine on school property.

Afterwards, some people from the library and technology department went on to a gathering at a local pub but I didn't go. By the time lunch was over at 2:30 p.m., I was ready for the day to be done. I think it's a tall order to expect people to come to an evening event on the last day of school. So I just walked home and sat out in the garden with Olga.

The top photo shows a crane fly that I found on one of our dahlias. That dahlia, as you can see, looks pretty good and has quite a few leaves. But some of the other dahlias are still just stubs, if even that -- they've been repeatedly gnawed to the ground by snails and slugs. I finally brought two of them inside last night, hoping I could at least get them to sprout and grow a bit before returning them to the great outdoors. Right now they're barely visible above the soil.

Some of this might be because I didn't repot them for the last two years. I know I said this last year, but this fall I really am going to lift them all and clean and store the tubers before planting them in fresh soil next spring.

Ah, summer! When all I have to think about are dahlias!


  1. Olga looks very comfortable on her garden bed! Raining here and I see from my rain app that you have just had a dose too! Just looked out on the garden and I doubt I could find a spot not covered in slugs!! Yuk.
    Enjoy your break..very early compared to Brit schools? You will be back before ours start!

  2. Our schools in Scotland have earlier holidays than England..finishing the end of June and back the 21 of August.
    When do you go back for the Autumn term?

    Lovely photo of Olga relaxing!

  3. I like your grey trousers and the way you have wrapped your legs around Olga is quite balletic. Whoopy-doo! School's Out For Summer! (Play song).

  4. Olga is living the dream life. Hooray for summer holidays. I vaguely remember Fahrenheit 451, the title anyway, nothing at all about the book. I'll check my "1700 books" usb and see if I have it on there.

  5. No more pencils, no more books. You made it!

  6. The way the dog sits in the cushion is looking so comfortable! What a warm image

  7. I think sitting in the garden with Olga is the perfect end to a day and a school year!

  8. I had a boss who'd been a school principal and used to say she loved working in a different job where she could drink at lunchtime! We had to break it to her that the big boss wasn't having it! She had evidently believed everyone outside of education did the three martini lunch, and was quite disappointed!

    I remember in school in the UK we went to usually around July 8, then were back the first week of September. Never seemed long enough.

    Enjoy tending Olga and dahlias. This is the life!

  9. Your intricate detailed pictures of plants and insects and bird are always such a joy to see.
    Have a great summer break!

  10. It's such a great feeling to know you can just relax and do whatever you want for summer break! Your trip is coming up pretty soon, right? Sounds like a fun adventure!

  11. Have a great vacation and a wonderful summer.

  12. I love the bottom photo. Hanging out with you, Dave, and Olga sounds like a wonderful way to spend the next couple of month. I'd gladly babysit her while y'all travel.

  13. You needed that garden and Olga time more then an evening party! I can hear a very contented sigh coming from that picture!

  14. The only perk of working in a school is the summer break.

  15. as a kid and as a parent I always loved the last day of school. 2 and 1/2 months I didn't have to get the kids up, dressed, fed and off the school. unfortunately there was no summer off for me though towards the end of our career in the commission art glass studio when we got the shed outside for the sandblasting instead of an enclosed space in the studio we did close during the hottest two months of summer. just wasn't healthy to be doing the sandblasting out in the heat. besides they were our two slowest months anyway, kids home and people on vacation.

  16. Wind down and have a great summer.

  17. It must feel like a huge weight off. I know how I feel every Thursday when I know I have a three day weekend ahead. Summer adventures are ahead for you now.

  18. But with all your plants to tend to, it looks like there will be not much rest.

  19. We had an end of school luncheon too which was a great transition into summer break. I would feel at loose ends the first few days but quickly adjusted to the more relaxed schedule. :) Enjoy your time off!!

  20. Yay! You made it! Just a few more weeks of my work madness & then maybe I can take a break too.

  21. There is nothing better than the last day of school.

  22. Summer break is greatly welcomed.

  23. Frances: Yes, we're on an American timetable, so we go back in mid-August.

    GZ: I go back Aug. 15 but the kids don't return until a week or two after that.

    YP: Ha! Have I ever mentioned my grossly deformed legs?

    River: It was never my favorite Ray Bradbury book! "The Martian Chronicles" still tops the list for me.

    Mitchell: And now I'm the teacher giving the dirty looks!

    Roentare: She loves her bed, no question!

    Bob: I agree. It was all I wanted to do.

    Boud: Ha! Yeah, modern workplaces don't really tolerate that type of thing. English schools still go into July and re-start in September. We're on an American timetable, being an American school.

    Sabine: Well, thanks! I find the nature in our garden endlessly fascinating as you can probably tell.

    Ellen D: Yes, just a few weeks!

    Yael: Thank you. :)

    Kelly: I wish you lived close by! I'd happily leave her with you.

    Marcia: Yes, exactly. :)

    Ed: There are a few others, though I'm hard-pressed to think of them now. LOL

    Ellen: It's like vacation-by-association, except, of course, it's not really a vacation when you're taking care of kids!

    Red: That's my plan!

    Sharon: Yes! It's great to know I am a free agent for the next few months. It won't really sink in until Monday!

    Catalyst: Well, that's rest of a sort -- for me, anyway.

    Margaret: It does take some getting used to!

    Bug: I hope so! You've earned it!

    Allison: It's true. That feeling never goes away.

    Susan: Absolutely!

  24. Both books ARE on my 1700 books usb and will be transferred to my kindle later today. Where I already have 377 books waiting to be read.

  25. Hooray for being done! Now, it's time to enjoy!
