Sunday, July 14, 2024


Well, we made it. After more than 24 hours (!) of travel, we are home sweet home.

But first, because someone specifically requested it (you know who you are), I want to share one more photo from Brazil. This is the statue of Brigitte Bardot on the waterfront in Búzios, where she apparently spent a lot of time. (At least enough to have her name and likeness all over the place there.)

Yes, we are exhausted. We were up and checked out of our hotel by 3:30 on Saturday morning, and a driver picked us up promptly for the 2.5-hour ride back to Rio de Janeiro. We then spent several hours cooling our heels in the airport before our 10:20 flight to São Paulo, which was only the first of three flights we took to get home. I had visions of lost luggage or missed connections or other complications, but actually everything worked out fine. Except for the sheer fatigue.

Was I really in Búzios, Brazil, just slightly more than a day ago? That seems inconceivable to me now. I must have been dreaming.

We did get the news about Trump as we were changing planes in Madrid.

I'm trying to stay awake until this evening -- to get myself on a natural body clock -- so I'm doing laundry and tidying things up around the house. We love Warren, our friend and dog-sitter, but he stacks the bowls in the kitchen wrong (and commits other ridiculously minor transgressions), and the house needs a good vacuum and I need to change bed linens and that kind of thing. So that will probably be my day.

Olga was SO excited to see us when we got home. She jumped around and did her happy head-shaking thing, and then went out in the garden and collapsed. She's now napping and is the picture of satisfaction.

And speaking of the garden, look at it! So much is huge and/or blooming! Pictures to come in the following days!


  1. A trip well worth it...and such a garden and Olga welcome home!

  2. I think you have done well to post anything after all those hours of travelling home.
    I have enjoyed the Brazil photos.

  3. Well, it looks like you returned to your own paradise! So happy for Olga and for you both. What a trip, but what an adventure. As for the statue of Brigitte Bardot, I can understand why you didn’t share it in the first place.

  4. What a trip home, so long! I'm glad it went well though. What a terrible friend -- he stacks the bowls wrong!

    I'm still surprised at the Brigitte connection, but glad to see her!

  5. I'm glad you are home safe and sound! Olga can now truly rest easily having her pack back together.

  6. Glad you arrived home safe and sound, and I imagine Olga was elated.

    Thanks for the tour.

  7. I've loved your photos and stories from your trip! Now I'm happy to know you're back with sweet Olga. I was hoping she was ok.

  8. All told, you and Dave had a wonderful holiday. Thank you for all the photos, videos and narrative. They were outstanding. Olga looks fully satisfied now that she's got her family back home. The garden is in full bloom.

  9. Glad you made it home safe and sound. Looks like everyone and everything survived nicely. Be patient with yourself as you resettle your body clock.

  10. So glad you made it home safely and with all your belongings. Good luck staying awake today. I can't even imagine that long ride home.
    The garden looks simply gorgeous. It is certainly your own little patch of paradise.
    I don't know what to say about that statue of Brigette. I wonder why that pose was chosen.

  11. Welcome home, Steve! Relax and rest up after that long trip. Enjoy your garden and hug your sweet Olga!

  12. Welcome home! You know, I've really enjoyed reading along with your travels. It seemed like the perfect vacation.

  13. I'm the same way when I get home, I need to reclaim my space. Your garden looks amazing.

    As for trump, shit just got real.

  14. I can imagine Olga's immense joy and her longings for you.

  15. Smart to try to adapt your body clock. I also used some melatonin when I came back from South Korea--a 16 hour difference. It was at least a week before I was completely recovered. It does seem amazing that we could have been in such a vastly different place just a day ago. The miracle of air travel! Aww, Olga, such a sweet reunion!

  16. I love that photo of Olga! It's just a lovely shot and she looks perfect.

    That statue seems a bit salacious - or maybe it's just my dirty mind. Ha!

  17. Coming home to Olga’s excitement at seeing you must be simply the best feeling, second only to seeing her sleeping in the sun, happy and peaceful because her humans are home.

  18. Your garden is your own little oasis! Beautiful! Olga is your lawn ornament! She is content to have you home!
    Thanks again for Brazil! That is not the best look for Brigitte but who are we to judge?!?
    Clean up and rest up!

  19. Bridget hmmm, looks like Melania in a dyke body suit ready to go fishing. I am not sure I see Bridget in there at all. WELCOME HOME! Your garden - Olga in the center- is just perfect. That was a whirl wind trip- dreamy for sure!
    "stacked the bowls wrong"...good thing I was not your house sitter- the bowls would have been cracked and chipped and left in the sink.

  20. That was a long tough grind but it was worth it.

  21. Welcome home! You must be a zillion hours off kilter. I'm sure Olga was thrilled. And housesitters never keep it like you do. (In my case, sometimes they're better.)

  22. The flights sound worse than to that to Australia.
    Olga is in danger of losing her patch of grass.

  23. Welcome home Steve! It wasn't long enough but you seem to have packed a lot in. Did Warren tell you about the fight I had with him on Saturday evening? I was determined to burgle your place but in the end I discovered there was nothing that I wanted. I met the Russians at the door and went round to see Mrs Kravitz. She was delighted when I told her how to get to your blog on-line and quite amazed to discover that she often features in it! Olga was asleep throughout my visit.

  24. That is a very manly sitting by the sculpture

  25. I can imagine the exhaustion, but the memories and your photos tell you it was worth it. Your garden looks fabulous! So much colour blooming all at once and Olga sleeping peacefully in the middle of it all.

  26. GZ: Yes, it was great to get away, but it's always best to come home.

    Sue: Glad you've enjoyed them! Yeah, I was a mess yesterday. I'm surprised this post made any sense at all.

    Mitchell: Ha! I wonder what Bardot thinks of it?

    Boud: Of course I'm laughing at myself more than I am criticizing my friend. I am a stickler for having things just so around the house!

    Kelly: She is absolutely resting easier. She is undoubtedly happy to be back to normality.

    Bob: Briefly elated, and then tired. LOL

    Jennifer: She's fine. I'm so glad we had Warren to look after her. It made a huge difference being able to keep her here, as opposed to boarding her somewhere.

    Susan: Thanks and I'm glad you enjoyed the travelogue! It's always hard to leave the garden in summer, because these are the weeks we wait for, when all the plants are at their peak.

    Ms Moon: Yeah, everything looks fine. Warren did a great job.

    Sharon: I imagine the sculptor tried to come up with something that expresses Bardot's assertiveness as well as her reputation as a sex symbol. Maybe she sits around like this as she watches TV? Who knows.

    Ellen D: Olga has received many hugs and many treats!

    Debby: I'm glad you enjoyed it! We are glad to be back.

    Pixie: It did indeed get real! Of course the right-wingers are trying to find ways to pin it all on the Democrats.

    Yael: Dogs are so "in the moment" that it's hard to tell how much Olga misses us when we're gone. But there's no doubt she's happy when we return!

    Margaret: Oh, that time change when traveling to Asia is the worst.

    Bug: No, I think it's salacious on purpose. Bardot was known as a sex symbol of her time, and I imagine the sculptor was trying to capture that.

    37P: Yeah, both are wonderful feelings. It's great to know that she can fully relax now.

    Marcia: Ha! I am laughing at the concept of Olga as "lawn ornament"!

    Linda Sue: Ha! Well, of course I'm laughing at myself and my particularity (is that a word?) when I made that bowl comment. Warren did in fact break a dish, but hey, things happen.

    Red: It WAS worth it, no question!

    Jeanie: Well, the good thing about this trip is it was mostly north and south, so we were only four hours off our normal time zone. It wasn't like flying to and from Asia, across many time zones.

    Andrew: Well, the tour company gave us some crappy flights home. I don't see why we couldn't just spring for a direct flight from Rio. They DO exist!

    YP: Warren did tell me that he used his ninja moves to keep you away, but I didn't realize you encountered the Russians and Mrs. Kravitz. Did the Russians greet you with a vial of Novichok? That's usually how they answer their door.

    Roentare: I imagine the sculptor was trying to capture Bardot's sexual confidence. (Or at least her reputation for that!)

    River: Olga is so happy to have everything back to normal! (As am I!)

  27. My dog Ted, part golden retriever, would always seek out the first stick he could find and would carry it in his mouth while whining and wagging his tail furiously to show his happiness of our return home. But he would always stick close for a day or two and I'm sure wouldn't go sunning his self in the garden unless I was within 10 feet or less of him.

  28. I think I prefer the photo of happy/exhausted Olga. That sculpture of BB must have been done later in her life. She seems stocky. But thank you anyway; I can still dream.
