Monday, July 1, 2024

We’re Here!

This isn’t the greatest picture but we have literally just landed and come straight to the hotel, so we haven’t had a chance to see much! This is Buenos Aires from the air, with the muddy-looking Rio de la Plata on the right. We had a VERY interesting flight. The guy sitting behind Dave threw up not once but TWICE, which caused a bit of a kerfuffle, as you can imagine.

And then there was the man with the fingers:

Dave was not amused.

The flight stopped in Rio to let off passengers and collect a few more, before continuing on to Argentina. We couldn’t see much because it was dark when we landed there and cloudy when we took off again. Somehow I didn’t realize how far apart Rio and Buenos Aires are. It took three hours to fly that distance. The entire flight, including time on the ground in Rio, was about 16 hours. I am so happy to be off that plane!

Also, it’s winter here, which is so bewildering to me. I mean, I understand it astronomically, but it’s still mind-bending. Golden light, long shadows and bare trees — coming from London, it’s like a time warp.

I’m typing this on my phone so I have no idea what the finished product will look like. But I’m hitting publish. Here goes nuthin’!


  1. The post came out fine, looks normal. Now, moving on the the guy behind Dave, not once, but twice? Yikes! And then there is the dude with the fingers, that ranks an 11 on the rude scale of 1 to 10! Glad you're off that nightmare.

  2. I'm glad you made it! I've flown a lot in the past and I can't recall anyone ever throwing up near me on a flight. How awful! Poor Dave.... I'd have been tempted to poke those fingers with a pen or something (maybe sharper)!

  3. Glad you arrived safely. Poor Dave! I love the look on his face. What a weird thing for "fingers" to do!

  4. Yay! I was just thinking of you! So glad to hear you made it.
    Sixteen hours on a plane?
    Y'all are more tolerant than I.

  5. The post looks great! I would have the same expression as Dave. I do so hate the sound of throwing up. Blech. Hope you have a wonderful time!

  6. I think I would 'accidentally' let a magazine or something fall back against that guy's fingers every time he did that. not much you can do about the guy throwing up though. did he use the throw up bags at least? do they still have those in the pocket on the backs of the seats?

  7. I was wondering if you had arrived! Have fun!

  8. Dave needed a sharpie for this occasion..

  9. The finished product looks great. Dave’s expression is priceless. He could have done a pretend wet and sloppy sneeze all over those hands. Have a great time. Looking forward to the pictures and stories. I completely forgot about winter there. What a concept. But I suppose it‘s like going to northern Norway any time of year (well, no it’s not).

  10. Sixteen hours on a plane with all those passed around germs!
    But I'm sure you will have good time and be fine!

  11. Great job publishing from your phone. That's something I've never even attempted. 16 hours in a plane, yikes! The 8 to 9 hours to London just about does me in. I've always wanted to fly far away but I think it would have to be in first class and the chances of that are slim to none. I hope you are able to adjust to the weather and time change quickly. Enjoy the city!

  12. Long flight! Well done despite all that unpleasant stuff.
    We had a finger/hand scenario like that on a flight once and my daughter eventually just took the hands and gently shifted them back over to where they belong. Not a word, no turning around, no more hands appeared.

    Have great time and I am certainly looking forward to your pictures and stories!

  13. It's too bad you didn't have any nail polish with you, Dave could have painted those nails.
    Have a wonderful trip, thats a long, long, long trip but I'm looking forward to seeing Argentia through your camera lens:)

  14. I would have tried to conger up a wet uncovered sneeze for those fingers.

  15. I hate flying. It's gotten nasty.

  16. Dave looks flummoxed, I might have, as Mitchell suggested, pretend sneezed on those grubby digits.

    If a guy behind me had thrown up twice I would have risked arrest and jail time trying to get off that plane!

  17. Dave certainly looks disappointed with a death stare.

  18. Glad to hear you made it to the South American winter. Those fingers would have really pissed me off. How ignorant of that fellow to keep doing that - unconcerned about the air traveller behind him. Who the hell does he think he is?

  19. The post came through perfectly. 16 hours is a very long flight. Some individuals feel so entitled and take no notice of others. I'd probably sneeze and make sure some liquid hit those hands. I bet the hands would disappear quickly. Now that you on the ground, the good times can begin.

  20. Glad you made it. Omg. Dave's 'not amused' face. Hilarious!

  21. Tell Dave to just draw a feather or straw over the guy's fingers and that will end the finger business.

  22. This reminds me of how much I hate flying. I love Dave's expression! Have a grand time!

  23. I love the look on Dave's face!

  24. Aren't you still in the northern hemisphere? why is it winter there?
    I wouldn't be amused at the fingers either. Nor the puking..

  25. I just checked my Atlas and now I feel stupid. Buenos Aires is roughly level with Sydney, Australia. I'd imagined you were somewhere near Spain. Silly me.

  26. I love some of the suggestions re the fingers. I would have had to do something about them! I think the licking would have done the trick, but who would want to do that? 16 hours......couldn't do that, my back was hurting after an hour on our flight back from Slovenia last weekend. Have a great time.

  27. Jim: And not twice in quick succession, either. Once, and then a few hours later, again!

    Kelly: It was actually a little scary. He was sitting up and I think he aspirated some of the vomit, because his wife started pounding on his chest. I had to run for the flight attendants! But he seemed fine by the time we landed.

    Ellen D: Isn't it weird? That guy had no sense of personal space.

    Ms Moon: It definitely tested our patience. :)

    Margaret: I didn't even hear it until his wife started yelling at him and pounding on his chest. We think he was either extremely drunk or had some kind of medical thing going on.

    Ellen: I didn't see any bags, and he didn't use one!

    Jennifer: We are indeed here!

    Boud: Ha! Another thing to have handy on a plane.

    Mitchell: Oh, the sneeze is a good idea!

    Sue: Yeah, I'm trying not to think about the germs, especially with vomit involved!

    Sharon: The phone publishing worked OK. I did come back later and tidy some formatting but at least I know now that's an option.

    Sabine: Yeah, that is an option, I suppose. People can be so crazy now, though. I wouldn't want to risk a confrontation.

    John: HA! And also, BLEAH!

    Pixie: Ha! That would have been a great idea!

    Ed: Yeah, I wish we'd thought of that.

    Allison: It really has, and it doesn't need to be. People just need to have some common sense about personal space and good behavior.

    Bob: I was afraid they were going to have to land to take care of him, but fortunately no. (Plus we were over the ocean at that point.)

    Roentare: It's a priceless expression, isn't it?!

    YP: He literally had no awareness of anyone around him and their personal space. He swung his bag on and hit some other passenger. He's an idiot.

    Susan: It was VERY long!

    Debby: It was funny to me, too. I couldn't stop laughing.

    Red: He didn't have a feather handy, sadly! :)

    Jeanie: It really can be unpleasant at times.

    Catalyst: So did I!

    River: Yeah, we're in South America! So I'm experiencing similar seasons to you right now!

    Frances: Yeah, on flights this long I have to get up and walk around periodically. I can't stay sitting that long.
