Tuesday, August 27, 2024


I barely left the house yesterday so we didn't have much excitement around here. I continued my campaign to get some things done that have been nagging at me for a while -- I ordered fleece coverings for the avocado tree, as well as a new doormat. I swept our front porch yesterday and beat the doormat against a wall to clean it, and realized halfway through my beating that all the stuff falling out of the doormat wasn't dirt but bits of the mat itself. When I looked at it in my hand, it was in tatters. As Bullwinkle used to say: "Don't know my own strength!"

I think we've had that doormat since we moved in ten years ago, and perhaps it was already here even then. It's not surprising that we need a replacement.

Along with the plant coverings I ordered four more of those metal plant stands I bought earlier this summer. They've worked really well for the dahlias, discouraging slugs and keeping the grass alive beneath the pots on the lawn:

We have some other plants out on the grass and now I can elevate those too.

Isn't that exciting?! Dear God. This is the worst blog post in history. Sorry.

I finally started reading Barbra Streisand's autobiography, which you may recall I bought last spring (for an appalling £35) and then gave to our library. It's going to take me a while to plow through. I'm on page 59 of 966! At least it's light, easy reading. She seems energetic, inquisitive and -- by her own admission -- perhaps slightly annoying. I like her ability to laugh at herself, something that you'd think a show business diva might not readily do.

Now, I'm off to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned. And tonight, we're taking Olga back to the vet for a routine checkup following her dental surgery. It's a toothsome kind of day.


  1. I may invest in some pot plant stands myself and see if they deter the slugs and snails that thwart my attempts to grow lettuce and other yummy things.

    1. I've found them to be quite successful! Some slugs may still get through but fewer than you'd otherwise see.

  2. I'm sitting here laughing at your mat story and next thing you're saying is that this is the worst blog post in history . . . NO! no it's not, that story was funny! maybe because the same thing has happened to me and I remember the truth taking a minute to hit :D

    1. Well, I'm glad that story redeemed the otherwise dismal post. LOL!

  3. May everyone’s mouths pass muster. I love the Olga and The Shadow photo!

  4. "I'm off to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned..." Why not use a toothbrush and toothpaste like everybody else? Making little rings of barbed wire for the legs of those plant stands should ensure that no slugs whatsoever get to visit your living salad bars.

    1. Is it a "thing" in England to get a twice-yearly cleaning from the dentist? In the states it's de rigueur.

  5. Reading your blog post is like listening to a good friend talking.

  6. Those pot stands look like they are better at the job than clay pot feet? Easier just to park the pot in the top anyway, than juggling t into the feet!!

    1. Yes, MUCH easier to move than the clay feet! But not as good for big pots.

  7. Those stands also deter rabbits. My potted plants do much better than neighbors who plant in the ground.

    1. True! We never have rabbits, though. Not only is the garden enclosed but we own a fierce rabbit-attacking dog. (In her imagination.)

  8. It is a pretty bad blog post. I am not one to falsely flatter.
    £35 for an autobiography? That must be around AU$50 plus.
    A couple of days ago I laid out $15 for an ebook, which I never have before. I had read a sample and I was hooked, and so paid. The book is The In-Between by Christos Tsiolkas. Christos' first book was called Loaded, which I think was retitled for US readers as Head On, or maybe that was just for the film.
    I am only quarter way through The In-Between but I like it, as Tsiolkas writes about gay relationships, sex and older gay men. It struck a chord, even to this older person.

    1. $15 for an ebook? I balk at paying $1.99, choosing mostly the free ones, but if I really like the stories from a particular author, I'll pay the small fee for another book.

    2. I don't know that author; I'll try to remember to watch for him. I never read e-books. I am a paper-book person!

  9. I have had that same experience with our doormats; you forget how long you have them and then suddenly they're coming apart in your hands.
    I, too, and reading Streisand's, and love that she finds herself annoying at times. I've always liked her but didn't realize she had the drive to be an actor from such ayoung age. Girl had, has, moxie!

    1. She really did have an amazing sense of direction and motivation.

  10. I don't think it's a bad blog post, but maybe that's because mine are pretty boring these days so by comparison yours is exciting. Ha!

    1. Everything is relative! I don't find yours boring, though. :)

  11. I listened to Streisand's memoir via audiobook and of course she narrated it. And sang in it. And laughed and cried, etc. I enjoyed it but I doubt I ever would have read it in regular book form whereas I could listen to it as I went about my days.

    1. I can imagine hearing her read it (and sing it!) would add a whole 'nother dimension.

  12. You made me think about my doormat. It was here when I moved in and so far it still looks good. Sounds like you've got the winter garden needs sorted.

    1. I think so! I need to find a heat-generating lamp or string of lights for the avocado and then I'm done.

  13. At least your post came with pictures to make up for what your day didn't contain. Which by the way, dull days are good days most days.

    1. It's the "no news is good news" school of thought!

  14. my sister was a big Barbra Streisand fan. when she was in high school and I was in middle school she would play her records in the morning while getting ready for school while I was listening to rock and roll. 966 pages of Barbra's life would not interest me. in fact any book that long does not interest me these days. I rejected a new arrival at the library even though it sounded interesting because it was over 900 pages.

    1. It's amazing how many huge books are still getting published. In Barbra's case I understand it, but sometimes I think, "WHY?!"

  15. I hear you on the doormat. And no -- not the worst blog post in history. I've read some of those and not here (some are even my own!). Loved the Barbra book. I was fascinated by her honesty and opinions and especially her segments on putting her films and concerts together. She's quite an amazing woman! I think once I got through the beginning (which I also enjoyed) I whipped through it in about a week. (Well, it was January and what else was going on?!)

    1. I've heard that from other people too -- that it gets really interesting when she talks about making the movies.

  16. The plant stands are good, so is not killing the grass under the pots. Clean teeth for everybody!

    1. I've always hated the bare rings that appear when we leave pots on the grass. Problem solved!

  17. I like getting lots of little things done since it brings a nice feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day. We don't want every day to be filled with drama!

    1. It's true -- there's a sense of satisfaction that comes from striking things off the list!

  18. Lots of variety in your life right now.

  19. I loved that you bought fleece coverings for the avocado tree. Also you remind me that my doormat is in atrocious shape although not falling apart. Perhaps it's time to look for a nicer looking one!

    1. As Bob said, we forget about our doormats. But they are essential!

  20. Red, Blogger will not allow me to respond to your comment! I was going to say: "Never a dull moment! Well, maybe a few."
