Sunday, September 15, 2024

A Carnival of Dust

This seed pod of the colorfully named "stinking iris" looks like it's grinning at me with orange teeth. I usually try to cut down these pods to prevent the iris from spreading -- it can be a bit thuggish -- but I left this one. It's growing in an area of the garden where not much else grows, so frankly, if we get a few more iris there it wouldn't be a bad thing.

I got a lot done yesterday. I vacuumed, watered all the plants, did laundry, changed our bedsheets and read another 80 or so pages of Barbra. I also downloaded a few more of her songs from iTunes. Back in the mid-'80s I went to Peaches Records and Tapes in the University Collection shopping center in Tampa, and bought an album of hers called "Emotion." Barbra does not look upon it fondly -- in her book she called it a "hodgepodge" that she barely remembers making, mainly to fulfill a contract. She's on the cover wearing a pink off-the-shoulder "Flashdance"-style sweater. I listened to some of it again on iTunes and it is indeed pretty terrible -- very synth-pop. But I remembered liking three songs: "Clear Sailing," "Here We Are At Last" and the somewhat overwrought "Left In the Dark Again." So, for nostalgic purposes, I downloaded those and played them while doing my chores.

How about some dramatic before-and-after cleaning pictures?

In our bedroom, we have two IKEA-style white armoires. They were here when we moved into this flat ten years ago, and they're the closest thing we have to bedroom closets. I had never tried to move them and I've often thought it must be pretty dusty under there.

Yesterday I muscled them away from the wall and as you can see, I was not wrong.

But after vacuuming and cleaning the floor, as well as taking out that unused coil of ancient coaxial cable, I was left with this:

I totally forgot there was an electrical outlet back there. If I ever knew it.

Anyway, I did this with both armoires and they were easier to move than I expected. So maybe I won't let this job go for another ten years. I had fantasies of finding all sorts of things behind or under them -- missing clothes? Money? But all I found was a clothespin. Sad trombone.

Finally, I mowed the lawn, including tying up the leaves of all the remaining teasels so I could mow more carefully around them. I found this hardy little cyclamen blooming in one of our flower beds. We planted those things not long after moving in, and every year one or two still come up. (The squirrels ate many of them.)

I also took out an old, dying lavender bush. It was actually sort of an accident -- I was cutting the dead part out but accidentally cut the live part too. Oh well. It really was dying.

Dave and I are watching "The Perfect Couple" on Netflix. It's entertaining, but Nicole Kidman's character speaks with the strangest accent. It's not Australian, it's not English, it's not mid-Atlantic theatrical, and it's not patrician New England. (The show takes place on Nantucket.) It sounds like nothing I've ever heard. I hope it gets explained at some point.


  1. That's a very lovely floor you have and the size of the skirting boards come from a time when money was no object - unlike my 1983 bungalow where they are just two inches tall.

    1. It is a nice floor -- too bad it's hidden under an ugly armoire!

  2. Can you recommend "The Perfect Couple"? Its trailer keeps appearing every time I turn to Netflix, but so far I have not been really interested enough in it to give it a try. I like Nicole Kidman, as my Mum looked so much like her when she was young - but unlike Ms Kidman, my Mum always speaks with her same Swabian accent :-D

    Well done on so many jobs! My IKEA furniture has the advantage of all being relatively lightweight so that I am able to move it around without help, except for the wardrobe, which is very heavy due to its sliding mirror door.

    1. We're enjoying it, but it's very soap-opera like. Don't expect anything intellectual. :) Maybe Nicole is doing a Swabian accent? You'll have to tell me!

  3. I had heard that Kidman's accent is bit weird in the series, but then so is mine.
    Twice you sent me to Google. Armoires, which we would call a free stand wardrobe or free standing robe, and then sad trombone, where I would I would say, Insert violin music. I think sad trombone is better in some cases.

    1. Further, when we used to pull out something like that and find piled dust, we would accuse each other as being a 'dirty housewife', which kind of had a second meaning.

    2. Violins work too! I can't accuse Dave of being a dirty housewife, because he never cleans anything and thus doesn't merit the "housewife" label.

  4. I assume that you and Dave keep your weapons in your armoires. Are they lockable?

    1. We DO keep our weapons in our armoires -- all zero of them.

  5. It doesn't. I started watching it only to see the home interiors, outside shots, etc. Then I had to watch it to see "who did it." I thought the whole way through how amazing Nicole's skin was (by whatever means); then, I saw this piece about how they "smoothed" her out on film. The article showed pictures of her from some festival she just attended; she looks like any woman in her late 50s. She's beautiful, wrinkles and all. Was a shame they couldn't just let her be natural in the show.

    1. Interesting about the "smoothing"! I thought she looked a little strange. We figured it was just heavy makeup. After seeing last night's episode I'm thinking she's supposed to be English, but I'm not convinced.

  6. Those orange teeth things are kind of terrifying ... the stuff of nightmares. And I will overlook the dusty floors and just say the inlaid wood detail is lovely.

    1. They're only terrifying because I likened them to teeth! You're welcome.

  7. I think the cabinets are good for another ten years! Cyclamen are cold hardy, since they grow naturally up mountains. Not squirrel proof though, I guess.

    1. Yeah, I suspect it may be another decade before I get under there again! (If we're even living here by then.)

  8. Again, I am catching up on my blog reading. I cannot seem to keep up! I am enjoying reading about the autobiography of Barbra Streisand. And when you mentioned Peaches Records, it sure brought me back to a different time and place! Your title is perfect. I have a lot of dust carnivals myself to deal with, but somehow I am not motivated to do anything about it as it just comes back!

    1. It's hard to keep up in blogland -- believe me, I know! Funny that you know Peaches! I always thought they were just a Florida thing.

  9. I am sure that whenever you walk past those armoires now you get a little rush of satisfaction, knowing how clean it is underneath.
    I got hooked on "The Perfect Couple" and am enjoying it a lot. You're right about that accent and I've wondered about it too. Nichole is so thin and pale in the series that she resembles a spirit rather than a human. Does she eat?

    1. She doesn't look quite right. The "smoothing" that Elle mentioned may be the reason! I decided last night that the accent is supposed to be English, but it's weird.

  10. our old house in the city didn't have closets either and we also had two armoires from IKEA. I love the inlaid borders in your wood floor. I lived in an older house right after I got married the first time that had that feature.

    1. They are great floors, at least around the edges. I wish the entire floor was hardwood, but the part in the center is just carpeting over a subfloor.

  11. Good grief Charlie Brown! You've been busy -- and wow -- what a difference. Well done. Wish you hired out! I loved that she was so honest about her work (Barbra) -- what she liked, didn't, dismissed. Love that iris pod!

    1. Yeah, it's really interesting to hear what she thinks. You can tell she really didn't like "Emotion" because in addition to calling it a "hodgepodge," she only spent about a page and a half on it!

  12. Well *I* cleaned the bathrooms yesterday, so there! Ha! I wonder if Nicole is supposed to be South African...

    1. Cleaning bathrooms is no small task! I wondered about the South African possibility but it's not right for that, either. I think it's supposed to be posh English, but it's not quite right.

  13. WOW that seed pod just gave me a thrill! What a lovely thing that is and the COLOR!! Peculiar name for it.
    You could have built a little mud house in the back with what you found! Disappointing - no treasure.

    1. I do love the color. Ha! I COULD have built a dust house!

  14. I did laundry ๐Ÿงบ yesterday morning! Today, it is bread ๐Ÿž baking and then a marinated pork loin and an acorn squash! I do have a puzzle ๐Ÿงฉ to work on, but it's going to take me a long time to get it done!

    1. I love your emojis. You are a master of the emoji.

  15. I'm trying not to think about the dust hiding in places like that in my house.

    Apple emojis offer a trumpet and a sax, but no trombone! Sad trombone. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. I'm sure we all have furniture that we never move, which is why I wasn't too embarrassed to share those photos! I'm surprised there's no trombone emoji -- what are they thinking?! I bet Marcia (above) could find one! :)

  16. Like Kelly's comment, you have me wondering now about the many pieces of furniture in my home that have not been moved for years and years (and years)!! Ugh.
    Good on you, tho, for doing such a thorough job, Steve!

  17. i've never seen a seed pod that looks like that before. It has a kind of alien look to it like maybe body snatchers might grow from it.
    You did a great job cleaning behind those armoires. It kind of makes me cringe at what I might find if I moved one or two pieces of furniture in my house.
    I've been tempted by that Perfect Couple show but haven't started it yet. I have however, started the new season of Slow Horses but since they are only doling out one episode a week, those horses really are slow.

    1. It DOES look very body-snatcherish! I might wait on "Slow Horses" until the whole thing is out. I can't stand waiting a week between episodes. (Like we all used to have to do with network TV!)

  18. The orange seed pod is very unusual and I like it. Having a small bed of them would be great.
    Dust seems to find a way to collect everywhere. Your newly cleaned wood floor is sparkling. I recently discovered "Swifter Wet Cloths" for floor cleaning and they work well getting to hard to reach areas and going under heavy furniture.

    1. They were all over near our patio when we moved in in 2014, but we pulled most of them up. As irises go, they're not that pretty. In fact the seeds are much prettier than the flowers!

  19. You are much more energetic than I but, of course, i have a few decades on you. Truth be told, I have probably used that excuse my whole life!

    1. Ha! Well, I have plenty of days where I don't have that much energy, believe me.

  20. We loved The Perfect Couple. Just watched it a couple of weeks ago. That clean behind the armoires is amazing. I never would have expected it to clean up that well. The floors in my very first apartment had similar inlay. Wonderful.

    1. I wish the whole room had hardwood floors, but it's just around the edges. The middle has ratty carpeting over a subfloor.

    2. That’s too bad. But at least it hasn’t a beautiful frame.

  21. There is so much that I need to move and perhaps you'll be my inspiration. However, I too vacuumed yesterday so it will have to wait. ;) I wish I could have mowed but it was a torrential downpour much of the day.

    1. We're in the middle of a dry spell. I had to water all the patio plants yesterday evening because they were looking so desperate!

  22. It's always so satisfying to find that much dust because it looks so good when it's cleaned up. I love those cyclamen. We have something similar here, shooting stars, so delicate and beautiful.

    1. It DOES feel good to get that dust out of there. As Ms Moon said, there's a feeling of satisfaction walking past the armoires now, knowing what they look like underneath.

  23. 'Sad trombone' made me laugh. Sure beats 'world's smallest violin'! I seriously do love your floors. Have you any idea how old your building is? It looks very 1930s to me.

    1. I think it's 1910s or 1920s, but I'm really not sure. I've heard conflicting things.

    2. It is interesting to think of it standing through the war years. Imagine what that building has 'seen'.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Replies
    1. Make what "armoires"? You deleted your original comment! :)

    2. Yeah, I know that now. Not sure what happened there, operator error on my part I suspect. I was referring to the dust bunnies behind your armoires. But I referred to them as dressers. Corrected it in the post that remained. Tomorrow, they'll teach me how to type.

  26. I had the same amount of dust under my fridge when I moved it recently to get something that fell behind. I was quite amazed because a few months before I had to move it and cleaned then, so there shouldn't have been much this time. I love the floor you have there.

    1. Oh, yeah, fridges are famous for being dust magnets too. In fact, I haven't moved our fridge in a couple of years. Maybe I should do that next?!

  27. Every time I have moved, I have always cleaned things lest the moving company thinks I'm a slob and every time I'm mortally embarrassed by the hidden disaster areas left behind and underneath pieces of furniture I obviously never moved.

    I want to see The Perfect Couple, mainly because the kayak that stars in it is made by Nick Schade, a person I greatly admire and whom I have bought plans for and built my own kayak many many years ago. Nick is also mentioned in the movie at the builder of the kayak from one of the trailers I've seen.
