Saturday, March 1, 2025

Double Booked

I'm getting a late start blogging this morning, having slept in a bit. Olga and Dave are still snoring away. Ah, Saturday!

I had a busy day yesterday, first at work and then having double-booked myself for social events in the evening. I told the LGBTQ+ Affinity Group at work (yes, we still have one of those, as Trump's tentacles have not reached us here) that I would go with them to a museum exhibit, and Dave told a co-worker that we would have dinner with her and her husband. To be fair, he checked with me first and I said yes -- I forgot about the museum thing.

The exhibit access was for 4:30 p.m. and our dinner was at 5:30 (early!) but nonetheless I managed to do both. I had to leave the exhibit early; I'll probably go back and finish it another time.

Here's a shot from the show, at the Tate Modern, which focuses on queer performance artist Leigh Bowery. I'd never heard of Bowery before, but it was a fascinating show about how he arose as a sort of "club kid" on London's nightclub scene in the early 1980s and eventually grew into an artist who explored the boundaries of clothing and body image. Above are some of his clothes from the early and mid-'80s, which he designed himself, against Star Trek wallpaper (!) identical to some used on the walls of his flat and documented in a film from that time.

I only made it through three rooms of the exhibit before I had to take off and catch the tube to Marylebone to meet Dave. We had dinner at Fischer's, a Viennese restaurant; I had pork sausages and Dave had schnitzel. We enjoyed the food.

It was during dinner that Dave, scrolling his phone, turned to me and asked if I'd heard about Trump and Zelenskyy's meeting at the White House. He told us how Trump and Vance had scolded Zelenskyy in front of the press corps, and their peace proposal had fallen apart. It was immediately clear to me that the whole thing was a setup from the start, meant to humiliate Zelenskyy and pressure him to accede to Russia's demands. Trump is working on behalf of Putin.

(Tom Friedman, in a column about the meeting, called it an "obviously planned ambush" and pointed out that it is unprecedented for a U.S. president to side "with the aggressor, the dictator and the invader against the democrat, the freedom fighter and the invaded.")

So I managed to survive my double-booked evening, but not without some degree of stomach upset. Once again, who have we become as a country? What does the USA stand for?

(Top: Marylebone at sunset, on my way to Fischer's.)


  1. We were struck dumb at the spectacle. I just could not believe it when he finished of with his 'great television' remark. Did you see Zelenskyy's interview, with Fox News, no less? His words were carefully chosen. Gracious even. Nothing could be twisted. He also made it clear he would not apologize. One man had more courage than most GOP.

    1. Zelenskyy's Fox interview is worth looking up and watching, especially for us Americans. Remarkable that he could explain so simply and clearly what's at stake, and that he did it in such a short time, perhaps an hour or two, after what he had just been put through.

    2. In him, we saw the dignity and bearing of a statesman.

  2. I am surprised with your inquisitive mind and wide reading of the New Yorker that you had not come across Leigh Bowery. I take it you were aware of Lucien Freud. Perhaps you should widen your British reading. Have you yet followed up on Biba?

  3. I am not surprised you suffered indigestion after yesterday's extremely disagreeable display of bullying in front of the whole World.

  4. It is a relief to learn that Trump's testicles have not yet reached your workplace. If they ever do, I suggest that you smash them with a lump hammer.

  5. It was sickening to watch and now devastating to read so many American's comments, he is just not fit to rule, USA is a country not a business, and hopefully bullies won't win the day.

  6. I also watched part of the Fox interview. The difference between Zelensky and Trump/Vance is just so incredible. Yesterday was disgraceful. The only good part I guess is the very broad, and vocal, support from European leaders after the fiasco. I truly despise Trump and his supporters.

  7. You had a busy evening and then a terrible shock. It was horrible and cringeworthy to watch.

  8. Absolutely appalling and not at all surprising. The USA has never been as perfect as some perceive nor as some would claim, but this is lower than I ever thought it would go.

  9. Once again, sickening and shameful behavior from the Felon. Just absolutely disgusting.

  10. Nasty, manipulative bastards...

  11. It was a performance for the benefit of P***n. And succeeded in uniting the free world in support of Ukraine.
    That was a full evening, glad you could fit both events in, though. It looks like the exhibit is worth a second visit at more leisure, and maybe Dave will join you.

  12. Good job for keeping up with both dates:Vienna food sounds like Bavarian food.

    The WH event was, sadly, a masterclass in victim blaming. Spoke to a friend this morning who provides legal support for victims of domestic abuse during police questioning and she listed all indicators, ie crowd vs one, picking on dress code, reiterating false accusations instead of listening, questioning time scales, blaming victim behaviour for attack and so on.

  13. It's good that you managed your social calendar satisfactorily. It's a great pity that the White House debacle ruined the remainder of your evening. Trump is destroying America.

  14. I haven't read Friedman yet but I saw the debacle live as it happened, having tuned in to see if they had signed a deal. It clearly looked like an ambush. Vance is never there, the VEEP in general, is never at those things. And the timing was too precise. I have to hand it to Zelinsky -- right after, he went on Fox and made a very good case for himself. Preaching to the converted does no good; we're on their side. The Fox interview was a brilliant idea. It was a disgusting tragedy. (I had to commend Zelinsky for his restraint when Vance said he was litigating in front of the press. I would have said, "You invited them, not me." Which is why I'm not a diplomat.

    Sorry you couldn't finish the exhibit but glad you managed your double booking. It sounds like a great afternoon.

  15. I wish I could think of the name of the book I read about Bowery; fascinating, crazy and wild life.
    I agree about The Felon and the Couch-Humper setting up Zelenskyy. Luckily, Zelenskyy has more intelligence in his pinky that those to fascist traitors have in their whole body.
    I saw a meme this morning that said:
    Zellenskyy's third language is English and he speaks it better than The Felon.

  16. For the first time in my life, I'm embarrassed of being an American. I agree that it was a set up. That seemed completely obvious. It's another payback over that "perfect phone call" years ago. Trump is all about getting back at people he perceives wronged him. The man is despicable and Vance isn't any better. His whole presidency is one big slap down.

  17. Those are some wild clothes. Does that one on the left have four sleeves?

    I didn't see it but I read plenty about it. This was Trump's idea of 'ending the war on day 1'. Bully and threaten which usually works for him. What he doesn't understand is that he is now dealing with people far greater than himself. All Trump did was show the world what a classless disgraceful wannabe he truly is. Probably wanted to show force after Macron corrected and embarrassed him during their press conference.

  18. It was so disgusting and I wanted someone sitting there to speak up and say to Trump and Vance, "Have your no sense of decency?" Zelenskyy is so much better than them.

  19. A moment that will live in infamy.

  20. The American people have remained the same. The only change is Trump. Somebody has to bell the cat.

  21. You know I rarely make political comments, but Lord have mercy (and I'm saying that seriously!), I don't know when I've felt as ashamed of or embarrassed by the US government! I could hardly bear to watch it.

  22. DT's actions were disgusting.
    I read DT found VP was not going to agree to end the war and have European troops on the borders to keep the peace. DT decided to blow-up the meeting with VZ.
    NATO and EU are 100% behind VZ which is only right. We can only hope that this will pressure DT to come to his senses. With the exception of DT vapid supporters, many Americans support VZ. VZ is an admirable leader which is far greater than we can say for others.

    1. "DT to come to his senses" ?? He has none.

  23. an admirer of Leigh Bowery! Only 33 years old when he died of Aids related bullshit. Another genius taken by the dreaded virus "sent by god to punish the gays" ...If god was a real guy he certainly could do a smack down virus for evil idiots in power...That is where the trouble lies. LIES being the operative.

  24. I am beyond appalled at everything going on in the US right now and terribly frightened. I have trouble juggling events so I'm amazed that you could manage to do both!

  25. I watched a couple of clips at you tube about the meeting and I am so ashamed of what is happening there. I also heard they told Zelensky to leave and not come back until he could be properly grateful (aka, thankyou-thankyou-thankyou) and that he left without signing the minerals agreement which pleased me so much! How do those idiots not realise how much they are hated right now?
    I like the Star Trek wallpaper, but don't think I could do an entire wall, maybe cover a couple of books with it.

  26. I'm glad you had Two Uplifting things to attend and enjoy before receiving the embarrassing and shameful news about that Oval Office Ambush. I don't know what we're becoming in America, except a Pariah and definitely on the wrong side of history. It must be quite awkward to be an American abroad these days and explain that not all Americans are in Agreement with this fuckery and humiliating shitshow of a Regime that has decided to be Predatory over being Principled.
